testing-20241230 #1

Ghost wants to merge 4 commits from (deleted):testing-20241230 into main
First-time contributor

This adds filtering to remove cards from existing minters, cards from names with no owner, and cards from names who don't match the poll owner. These changes are available for testing on QDN at qortal://app/QM-Mintership

This adds filtering to remove cards from existing minters, cards from names with no owner, and cards from names who don't match the poll owner. These changes are available for testing on QDN at `qortal://app/QM-Mintership`
Ghost added 4 commits 2024-12-30 07:59:54 +00:00
Ghost closed this pull request 2025-01-01 06:24:29 +00:00

MinterBoard already doesn't display cards from existing minters... Also, the names are already verified prior to display... The poll owner check is done...

oh, wait, you closed this PR... my bad. xD

MinterBoard already doesn't display cards from existing minters... Also, the names are already verified prior to display... The poll owner check is done... oh, wait, you closed this PR... my bad. xD
First-time contributor

yeah this was before you made the commit Fixed no names, and fake names getting displayed on MinterBoard, fixed image display in Admin Room, and fixed QuickMythril 'poll hijack' issue. Minor code cleanup. v0.66beta. so it wasn't needed anymore then and i closed it.

yeah this was before you made the commit `Fixed no names, and fake names getting displayed on MinterBoard, fixed image display in Admin Room, and fixed QuickMythril 'poll hijack' issue. Minor code cleanup. v0.66beta.` so it wasn't needed anymore then and i closed it.

Pull request closed

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Reference: crowetic/Q-Mintership-Alpha#1
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