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Adding a new Commerce Provider
🔔 New providers are on hold until we have a new API for commerce 🔔
A commerce provider is a headless e-commerce platform that integrates with the Commerce Framework. Right now we have the following providers:
- Local (framework/local)
- Shopify (framework/shopify)
- Swell (framework/swell)
- BigCommerce (framework/bigcommerce)
- Vendure (framework/vendure)
- Saleor (framework/saleor)
- OrderCloud (framework/ordercloud)
- Spree (framework/spree)
- Kibo Commerce (framework/kibocommerce)
- Commerce.js (framework/commercejs)
Adding a commerce provider means adding a new folder in framework
with a folder structure like the next one:
- index.ts
- usePrice
- useSearch
- getProduct
- getAllProducts
- useWishlist
- useAddItem
- useRemoveItem
- useLogin
- useLogout
- useSignup
- useCustomer
- getCustomerId
- getCustomerWistlist
- useCart
- useAddItem
- useRemoveItem
- useUpdateItem
exports a provider object with handlers for the Commerce Hooks and api/index.ts
exports a Node.js provider for the Commerce API
Important: We use TypeScript for every provider and expect its usage for every new one.
The app imports from the provider directly instead of the core commerce folder (framework/commerce
), but all providers are interchangeable and to achieve it every provider always has to implement the core types and helpers.
The provider folder should only depend on framework/commerce
and dependencies in the main package.json
. In the future we'll move the framework
folder to a package that can be shared easily for multiple apps.
Updating the list of known providers
Open ./config.js and add the provider name to the list in PROVIDERS
Then, open /.env.template and add the provider name in the first line.
Adding the provider hooks
Using BigCommerce as an example. The first thing to do is export a CommerceProvider
component that includes a provider
object with all the handlers that can be used for hooks:
import type { ReactNode } from 'react'
import {
CommerceProvider as CoreCommerceProvider,
useCommerce as useCoreCommerce,
} from '@commerce'
import { bigcommerceProvider } from './provider'
import type { BigcommerceProvider } from './provider'
export { bigcommerceProvider }
export type { BigcommerceProvider }
export const bigcommerceConfig: CommerceConfig = {
locale: 'en-us',
cartCookie: 'bc_cartId',
export type BigcommerceConfig = Partial<CommerceConfig>
export type BigcommerceProps = {
children?: ReactNode
locale: string
} & BigcommerceConfig
export function CommerceProvider({ children, ...config }: BigcommerceProps) {
return (
config={{ ...bigcommerceConfig, ...config }}
export const useCommerce = () => useCoreCommerce<BigcommerceProvider>()
The exported types and components extend from the core ones exported by @commerce
, which refers to framework/commerce
The bigcommerceProvider
object looks like this:
import { handler as useCart } from './cart/use-cart'
import { handler as useAddItem } from './cart/use-add-item'
import { handler as useUpdateItem } from './cart/use-update-item'
import { handler as useRemoveItem } from './cart/use-remove-item'
import { handler as useWishlist } from './wishlist/use-wishlist'
import { handler as useWishlistAddItem } from './wishlist/use-add-item'
import { handler as useWishlistRemoveItem } from './wishlist/use-remove-item'
import { handler as useCustomer } from './customer/use-customer'
import { handler as useSearch } from './product/use-search'
import { handler as useLogin } from './auth/use-login'
import { handler as useLogout } from './auth/use-logout'
import { handler as useSignup } from './auth/use-signup'
import fetcher from './fetcher'
export const bigcommerceProvider = {
locale: 'en-us',
cartCookie: 'bc_cartId',
cart: { useCart, useAddItem, useUpdateItem, useRemoveItem },
wishlist: {
useAddItem: useWishlistAddItem,
useRemoveItem: useWishlistRemoveItem,
customer: { useCustomer },
products: { useSearch },
auth: { useLogin, useLogout, useSignup },
export type BigcommerceProvider = typeof bigcommerceProvider
The provider object, in this case bigcommerceProvider
, has to match the Provider
type defined in framework/commerce.
A hook handler, like useCart
, looks like this:
import { useMemo } from 'react'
import { SWRHook } from '@commerce/utils/types'
import useCart, { UseCart, FetchCartInput } from '@commerce/cart/use-cart'
import { normalizeCart } from '../lib/normalize'
import type { Cart } from '../types'
export default useCart as UseCart<typeof handler>
export const handler: SWRHook<
Cart | null,
{ isEmpty?: boolean }
> = {
fetchOptions: {
url: '/api/cart',
method: 'GET',
async fetcher({ input: { cartId }, options, fetch }) {
const data = cartId ? await fetch(options) : null
return data && normalizeCart(data)
({ useData }) =>
(input) => {
const response = useData({
swrOptions: { revalidateOnFocus: false, ...input?.swrOptions },
return useMemo(
() =>
Object.create(response, {
isEmpty: {
get() {
return (response.data?.lineItems.length ?? 0) <= 0
enumerable: true,
In the case of data fetching hooks like useCart
each handler has to implement the SWRHook
type that's defined in the core types. For mutations it's the MutationHook
, e.g for useAddItem
import { useCallback } from 'react'
import type { MutationHook } from '@commerce/utils/types'
import { CommerceError } from '@commerce/utils/errors'
import useAddItem, { UseAddItem } from '@commerce/cart/use-add-item'
import { normalizeCart } from '../lib/normalize'
import type {
} from '../types'
import useCart from './use-cart'
export default useAddItem as UseAddItem<typeof handler>
export const handler: MutationHook<Cart, {}, CartItemBody> = {
fetchOptions: {
url: '/api/cart',
method: 'POST',
async fetcher({ input: item, options, fetch }) {
if (
item.quantity &&
(!Number.isInteger(item.quantity) || item.quantity! < 1)
) {
throw new CommerceError({
message: 'The item quantity has to be a valid integer greater than 0',
const data = await fetch<BigcommerceCart, AddCartItemBody>({
body: { item },
return normalizeCart(data)
({ fetch }) =>
() => {
const { mutate } = useCart()
return useCallback(
async function addItem(input) {
const data = await fetch({ input })
await mutate(data, false)
return data
[fetch, mutate]
Showing progress and features
When creating a PR for a new provider, include this list in the PR description and mark the progress as you push so we can organize the code review. Not all points are required (but advised) so make sure to keep the list up to date.
- CommerceProvider
- Schema & TS types
- API Operations - Get all collections
- API Operations - Get all pages
- API Operations - Get all products
- API Operations - Get page
- API Operations - Get product
- API Operations - Get Shop Info (categories and vendors working —
query still a WIP PR on Reaction) - Hook - Add Item
- Hook - Remove Item
- Hook - Update Item
- Hook - Get Cart (account-tied carts working, anonymous carts working, cart reconciliation working)
- Auth (based on a WIP PR on Reaction - still need to implement refresh tokens)
- Customer information
- Product attributes - Size, Colors
- Custom checkout
- Typing (in progress)
- Tests
Adding the Node.js provider API
The commerce API is currently going through a refactor in https://github.com/vercel/commerce/pull/252 - We'll update the docs once the API is released.