Fixed no names, and fake names getting displayed on MinterBoard, fixed image display in Admin Room, and fixed QuickMythril 'poll hijack' issue. Minor code cleanup. v0.66beta.
2024-12-30 21:39:18 -08:00 |
Version 0.65beta includes detailed poll results table for every minter card, extensive code cleanup on JS files, and removal of the ability for already-existing-minters to publish a minter card.
2024-12-28 22:49:18 -08:00 |
Fixed issue causing publishes to fail, and added announcement to home page.
2024-12-28 10:03:27 -08:00 |
Massive performance improvments my more accurately leveraging async, and searchSimple. Resolved issue of cards on AdminBoard not displaying properly. version 0.63beta.
2024-12-27 23:04:16 -08:00 |
Moved repo to new location to prevent file issues, fixed a few loading issues. Seems QDN is causing issues when people are not able to obtain the newest version of the published data.
2024-12-27 11:49:07 -08:00 |
This version includes many changes and performance improvements. Further performance improvements will be coming soon. This change includes a cache for the published data on the forum. Messages of up to 2000 in number, will be stored locally in browser storage, that way if the message has already been loaded by that computer, it will not have to pull the data again from QDN. It will be stored in encrypted format for the Admin room. This same caching will be applied to the Minter and Admin boards in the future. Also, reply issues that were present before should be resolved, all replies, regardless of when they were published, will now show their previews in the message pane as they are supposed to. Previously if a reply was on another page, it would not load this preview. The encrypted portions of the app now include a method of caching the admin public keys, for faster publishing. The Minter and Admin boards have a new comment loading display when the comments button is clicked to let users know that data is being loaded, on top of the existing comment count. Other new features and additional performance improvements are in planning. Also, the issue preventing comments from those that had not already loaded the forum, in the Admin Board, has been resolved as well.
2024-12-26 20:06:51 -08:00 |
Massive changes, all bugs have been fixed, Admin Board now allows 'topic mode' and 'name mode' to allow cards to be published with both. Admin Room in the forum now works with encrypted attachments and images, along with image preview and download button. One small issue remains with download button on image pop-up modal. But that will be fixed in patch release.
2024-12-24 00:27:17 -08:00 |
bump version to 0.56b and added announcements on home page.
2024-12-20 22:13:42 -08:00 |
MASSIVE re-factor on both the forum AND Admin Board... MANY changes made, too many to list. Multiple bugfixes, completely modified code structure, etc. Details will be added at a later date. Until then, see code. ;)
2024-12-19 21:28:36 -08:00 |
bump to 0.5.4beta
2024-12-18 19:40:13 -08:00 |
Final bugfixes for Admin Card publishing and visual improvements.
2024-12-18 19:11:39 -08:00 |
bump to 0.52b
2024-12-18 17:39:12 -08:00 |
Fixed a bug where cards were not displaying on Admin Board due to comments not being filtered out on overall minter name list (duplicate checking)
2024-12-18 09:25:09 -08:00 |
BIG update including Admin Board and many additional changes. Version 0.5beta. Too many changes to list.
2024-12-17 22:24:40 -08:00 |
bump version to 0.41beta
2024-12-16 19:56:18 -08:00 |
bump version 0.4b
2024-12-14 20:07:59 -08:00 |
bump version to 0.32beta
2024-12-13 12:45:05 -08:00 |
visual improvements in many areas, and unification of links on home page.
2024-12-13 12:10:27 -08:00 |
bump version 0.31beta
2024-12-12 21:50:09 -08:00 |
bump to v0.3beta
2024-12-12 17:31:14 -08:00 |
massive modifications to both MinterBoard and forum. There are still many changes to come, but these needed to be pushed to resolve important bugs on MinterBoard for testing
2024-12-12 17:23:34 -08:00 |
increased font sizes and fixed comments not displaying correctly
2024-12-11 18:57:50 -08:00 |
updated version
2024-12-11 17:47:03 -08:00 |
created Q-Mintership-Alpha repository
2024-12-11 14:40:32 -08:00 |