Modified default to 'Published Within Last 45 Days', and changed wording on selector as such.
2025-02-22 14:36:57 -08:00 |
Forgot to publish this update to git
2025-02-03 09:34:23 -08:00 |
Version 1.05b - see release notes published on Q-Mintership forum in General room for details. Many fixes and new features added.
2025-01-29 19:12:30 -08:00 |
Massive refactoring to search/display code on multiple boards, and many other features. More changes coming soon.
2025-01-27 21:03:13 -08:00 |
Resolved multiple publish issues on ARA Board, not allowing duplicate names to be published, and only allowing original publisher to update a published card. Resolved promotion cards being displayed as such regardless. Removed 'alert' for successful comment publish, etc.
2025-01-22 15:40:19 -08:00 |
added missing files for ARA Board and front page images.
2025-01-22 09:15:08 -08:00 |