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2025-01-29 19:12:30 -08:00
MAM BOARD< / h2 >
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2025-01-04 20:28:26 -08:00
Community Forum< / h3 >
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< p class = "mbr-text mbr-fonts-style display-7" >
Learn more about the Mintership concept, and why it was needed. The days of 'sponsorship' are a thing of the past on the Qortal Network. No more will there be the ability to self-sponsor. A new era of Qortal begins! Join the conversation with the other minters and admins here!< / p >
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< h3 class = "mbr-section-title mbr-fonts-style display-2" > Become A Minter< / h3 >
< p class = "mbr-text mbr-fonts-style display-7" >
Not already minting? You've come to the right place to get started. The '< a href = "MINTERS" > MINTERS< / a > .' links will take you to the 'Minter Board'. The Minter Board is a place to publish your intent to become a minter, and get support from the existing minters and Minter Admins.< / p >
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2025-01-04 20:28:26 -08:00
< h3 class = "mbr-section-title mbr-fonts-style display-2" > Admin Board< / h3 >
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< p class = "mbr-text mbr-fonts-style display-7" >
2025-01-04 20:28:26 -08:00
Make decisions together with the other admins on the Admin Board. The admin board is a FULLY ENCRYPTED decision-making board for the Mintership Admins. This board allows publishing 'cards' just like the Minter Board, but with two types of cards. Check out the Admin Board Here!< / p >
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2024-12-17 22:24:40 -08:00
Updates and information< / h2 >
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2025-01-27 21:03:13 -08:00
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2025-02-08 12:26:52 -08:00
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2025-02-22 18:05:35 -08:00
< b class = "version" > < u > v1.06.4b< / u > < / b > - < b > various improvements< / b > - See post in the < a href = "MINTERSHIP-FORUM" > FORUM< / a > for RELEASE NOTES.
2025-01-22 15:40:19 -08:00
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