279 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
b061f188f9 Update Bitcoinv1 DeployAT test app 2020-09-16 11:11:18 +01:00
af7d7d0966 Unified Bitcoin/Litecoin test apps 2020-09-16 10:57:45 +01:00
2ffd0770c6 Initial Litecoin support
Added altcoinj library as Maven dependency.

Added new Litecoin subclass of Bitcoiny,
with mainnet and testnet ElectrumX server lists.

Added litecoinNet settings variable and getter.

Added LitecoinTests.
Most tests work but testFindHtclSecret()
needs a redeemed HTLC on chain (not yet done).

Added litecoinNet to some test settings files
in resources.

Added Litecoin BuildHTLC, Refund test apps.

Added SendLTC app as Electrum-LTC seems a bit flaky?

So far managed to build HTLC P2SH, fund it and then
refund it!


As Bitcoin and Litecoin are both subclasses of Bitcoiny,
could unify some test apps with added Bitcoin/Litecoin
switch as first arg?
2020-09-15 17:53:54 +01:00
e3abeafc6b Refactoring to allow many foreign blockchains and multiple ACCTs
Bitcoin/Litecoin common aspects extracted in a "Bitcoiny" common class.

Bitcoin (was BTC) extends Bitcoiny
Litecoin (future code) will also extend Bitcoiny

ElectrumX is now a BitcoinyBlockchainProvider
to allow easier future replacement and also tidier integration.

BTCP2SH is now BitcoinyHTLC as they are generic hash time-locked contracts,
probably Bitcoin/Litecoin agnostic.

BTCACCT is now BitcoinACCTv1, allowing for v2+ and also LitecoinACCTv1, etc.

BitcoinTransaction is now BitcoinyTransaction
as they are pretty much the same in Litecoin.

BitcoinException is now a more generic ForeignBlockchainException.


Bitcoiny subclasses instantiate a new BitcoinyBlockchainProvider
when creating their singleton instance. They pass relevant network
details to the BBP, like server lists, genesis block hash, etc.

Bitcoiny.WalletAwareUTXOProvider now only has the one key search mode
that is equivalent to the old REQUEST_MORE_IF_ANY_SPENT.

Tests tidied up.


Still to do:

Modifying TradeBot to handle multiple types of ACCTs,
like BitcoinACCTv2, LitecoinACCTv1...

Modifying API to support multiple types of ACCTs.

Actually add Litecoin support.

Build new ACCT without needing P2SH-B if possible.
2020-09-15 14:56:43 +01:00
79641efa87 Tighten up trade-bot, ElectrumX
Added separate method to determine status of P2SH transactions,

Added code to trade-bot to increase robustness. Lots more
changes including unified state change/logging, checking
for existing MESSAGEs, etc.

Added missing websocket methods to silence log noise.

Trade-bot now called per block during synchronization,
instead of per batch, to pick up edge cases where some
potential trade-bot transitions were missed, resulting
in failed trades.

Corresponding changes in Controller, such as notifying
event bus of new block in same thread (thus blocking)
instead of using executor.

Added slightly more robust common block determination
to Synchronizer.

Refactored code in BTC class to use new BitcoinException
rather than simply returning null, with added sub-classes
allowing differentiation between network issues or fund

Changed BTC.buildSpend to try harder to find UXTOs to
address false "insufficient funds" issues.

Repository change to add index on MessageTransactions
for quicker look-up of trade-related messages.

Reduced reliance on bitcoinj library in BTCP2SH.

Reworked ElectrumX to better detect errors rather than
continuously try more servers to no avail.
Also added genesis block check in case of servers on
different Bitcoin networks.
Now tries to extract upstream bitcoind error codes
and pass those up to caller via exceptions.
Updated list of testnet servers.

MemoryPoW now detects thread interrupt and exits fast.

Moved some non-generic transaction-related repository
methods to their own subclass. For example:
moved TransactionRepository.getMessagesByRecipient
to MessageRepository.getMessagesByParticipants

Updated and added more tests.
2020-09-10 12:03:37 +01:00
1ca5b864a9 Repository optimizations!
Added Qortal-side HSQLDB PreparedStatement cache, hashed
by SQL query string, to reduce re-preparing statements.
(HSQLDB actually does the work in avoiding re-preparing
by comparing its own query-to-statement cache map, but we
need to keep an 'open' statement on our side for this to

Support added for batched INSERT/UPDATE SQL statements to
update many rows in one call.

Several specific repository calls, e.g. modifyMintedBlockCount
or modifyAssetBalance, now have batch versions that allow
many rows to be updated in one call.

In Block, when distributing block rewards, although we still
build a map of balance changes to apply after all calculations,
this map is now handed off wholesale to the repository to
apply in one (or two) queries, instead of a repository call
per account. The balanceChanges map is now keyed by account
address, as opposed to actual Account.

Also in Block, we try to cache the fetched online reward-shares
(typically in Block.isValid et al) to avoid re-fetching them
later when calculating block rewards.

In addition, actually fetching online reward-shares is no longer
done index-by-index, but the whole array of indexes is passed
wholesale to the repository which then returns the corresponding
reward-shares as a list.

In Block.increaseAccountLevels, blocks minted counts are also
updated in one single repository call, rather than one
repository call per account.

When distributing Block rewards to legacy QORA holders,
all necessary info is fetched from the repository in one hit
instead of two-phases of: 1. fetching eligible QORA holders,
and 2. fetching extra data for that QORA holder as needed.

In addition, updated QORT_FROM_QORA asset balances are done
via one batch repository call, rather than per update.
2020-08-26 17:16:45 +01:00
96eb60dca3 More HSQLDB tests to cover fixes for various HSQLDB issues, especially when using custom HSQLDB build 2020-08-25 17:02:14 +01:00
31bf388cab BlockMinter (now under org.qortal.controller package) doesn't need full previous block, only previous block data 2020-08-24 14:04:11 +01:00
9393689037 Send BTCACCT refunds to first unused received address instead of address derived from tradePrivateKey.
Added BTC.getUnusedReceiveAddress() to support above.
2020-08-21 17:35:33 +01:00
b8ac128d5c Improve comparing chains where some blocks signed with cancelled reward-share
Symptoms include this in logs:

Unexpected zero effective minter level for reward-share %s - using 1 instead!

This occurs when Synchronizer compares two sub-chains from a common block,
and one of the blocks is signed by a reward-share key that has
subsequently been cancelled.

Although this is catered for, excessive log-spam is emited.

So in addition to demoting the log level from WARN to DEBUG,
more code has been added to try harder to find the actual data needed,
thus preventing the logging in the first place.

New repository transaction search method added to support above,
along with corresponding tests.
2020-08-21 12:27:06 +01:00
b9d819220d Bumped HSQLDB to v2.5.1 and AT/cross-chain SQL speed-ups! 2020-08-15 11:12:10 +01:00
0b5e5832c4 Added another repository deadlock test while investigating a deadlock case 2020-08-14 09:57:08 +01:00
f8725d6313 Modify ApplyUpdate to pass JVM options to Windows launcher EXE
ApplyUpdate is the 2nd-stage of the auto-update system, called
after core has downloaded the update.

As old versions of the Windows launcher EXE selects a 'client'
JVM mode, heap memory could be limited to only 256MB.

Until users upgrade via Windows installer, which replaces the EXE
with 'server' JVM mode baked-in, then a work-around is to
pass -XX:MaxRAMFraction=4 to the new JVM in order to emulate
heap size in 'server' JVM mode.
2020-08-13 14:08:47 +01:00
f61e320230 Fix API call GET /crosschain/trades (get completed trades) due to poorly performing SQL query.
Added "minimumTimestamp" param to same API call to allow fetching results for scenarios like:
* completed trades since midnight
* completed trades within last 24 hours

Added corresponding tests for above API call, including checking call response times.
2020-08-13 11:56:08 +01:00
d4ac87f91d Update to more efficient CIYAM AT v1.3.7 2020-08-12 14:17:09 +01:00
23a524b464 BTC-ACCT: change AT so 'cancel' MESSAGE needs to come from AT creator's address (not trade address) so fee can be used instead of PoW for faster cancels 2020-08-06 08:23:49 +01:00
615381ca5a Fix BTC spend txn building to be less aggressive about caching/checking spent keys 2020-08-05 10:03:08 +01:00
cd07240ce7 Add BTC.getWalletBalance(xprv) and add API call to access that.
Also improved BTC.WalletAwareUTXOProvider to derive more keys itself
instead of throwing and relying on caller to do the work.
Added benefit of cleaning up caller code and being more efficient.
Needed because not all receiving/change addresses were being picked up.
2020-08-04 16:37:44 +01:00
e9c85c946e WIP: trade-bot: two more unit tests to cover some edge cases 2020-08-03 10:49:47 +01:00
876bfb525b WIP: trade-bot: more receive address support, some terminology clarification
Bitcoin receive address no longer stored in AT but dealt with by trade-bot.
This allows 'Bob' to have his BTC sent anywhere he likes when redeeming P2SH-A
thus saving a step, typically incurred by UI. DB shape change due to this.

Similarly, AT code has been updated to expect a Qortal receiving address when
Alice sends MESSAGE to redeem AT.

This means both trade-bot entries (Alice/Bob) can be safely wiped once trade completes.

Some terms were confusing like "trade recipient" which actually referred to
Alice and so have been unified as "trade partner" as to not be confused with
(say) "recipient address"

The MESSAGEs sent from Alice to Bob, from Bob to AT and from Alice to AT have been
given more useful names: 'offer', 'trade' and 'redeem'. There is also a cancel
MESSAGE sent from Bob to AT to cancel AT before trading occurs.

Some API calls have been renamed in light of above.

AT's 'mode' has been expanded from simply OFFER/TRADE to:

2020-08-03 09:36:46 +01:00
098e2623d6 WIP: cross-chain AT now stores bitcoin receiving PKH 2020-07-28 17:21:54 +01:00
21d7a4eed1 Improved AT PUT_TX_AFTER_TIMESTAMP_INTO_A function
Previous version fetched all the blocks from previous 'timestamp'
to current height, checking each transaction. (very slow)

New implementation leverages repository to do the heavy lifting.

Could potentially benefit from some DB indexes in the future?

Added unit test to cover.
2020-07-23 08:43:27 +01:00
579645d6b7 WIP: trade-bot now does complete end-to-end trade (more work needed)
bitcoinj now uses ElectrumX as an UTXO provider in order to keep track
of coins in BIP32 deterministic wallet.

Trade responder (Alice) needs to pass a BIP32 extended private key to API
so trade-bot can create unattended spends.

Both Alice and Bob can find their final funds in accounts using the
ephemeral 'tradePrivateKey' from trade-bot state data.

Most cross-chain API calls are now only allowed from localhost.

Most Bitcoin fees pegged at 0.00001000 BTC.

More work needed to handle refunds in case of trade failures.
(See XXX comment tags in TradeBot.java)
2020-07-17 08:39:45 +01:00
f179139967 WIP: trade-bot: Alice P2SH_a progress
Qortal AT now includes suggested tradeTimeout again as a constant so trade partner/recipient can use that to calculate a suitable lockTimeA. CODE_HASH changed!

Renamed some secret_hash to hash_of_secret.

Changed TradeBotStates.trade_state back to TINYINT and adjusted values in TradeBotData.State enum to suit.
Added lockTimeA to TradeBotData & repository.

Added JAXB-only extra representations of Bitcoin PKHs as addresses.

Fixed incorrect expected length in BTCACCT.extractOfferMessageData().

CrossChainTradeData.refundTimeout now only present in TRADE mode.

Added BTC.pkhToAddress().

Added initial TradeBot.handleAliceWaitingForP2shA().

Enforce only one TradeBot thread running using 'activeFlag' atomic boolean.

Replace incorrect SHA256 with HASH160 for hashOfSecretA in TradeBot.startResponse().
2020-07-17 08:39:45 +01:00
c3eb385066 WIP: cross-chain trading with new lockTimes, requires AT v1.3.5 2020-07-17 08:39:45 +01:00
886c9156a5 WIP: cross-chain trading AT passes AtTests now 2020-07-17 08:39:45 +01:00
23062c59cd WIP: trade-bot, particularly the new two-P2SH Qortal AT code 2020-07-17 08:39:45 +01:00
da254058c5 WIP: split P2SH from BTCACCT, add more fields to TradeBotData, remove initial QORT payout 2020-07-17 08:39:45 +01:00
593b61ea4b Reduce bitcoinj exposure to classes outside of org.qortal.crosschain package.
BTC.getBalance() now returns Long instead of Coin.

BTC.FORMAT.format(Coin) changed to BTC.format(Coin or long).

Added BTC.deriveP2shAddress(byte[] redeemScriptBytes).
2020-07-17 08:39:45 +01:00
faa6e82bef WIP on trade-bot 2020-07-17 08:39:45 +01:00
65ccb80aa4 AT-related changes: new Qortal functions, tests, etc.

Replaced AT-1.3.4 with version including bug-fix for off-by-one
data address bounds checking.

Moved long-from-bytes method to BitTwiddling class.

Renamed some methods to make it more obvious they work with
little/big endian data.
2020-07-17 08:39:45 +01:00
faa6405d5f Reference fixes for MESSAGE transactions & tests to cover 2020-06-24 17:15:17 +01:00
448e984995 Fix some minor group-related bugs
Incorrect column names when saving a group ban.

Missing column in LeaveGroupTransactions.

More stringent validity checks in group-kick, group-ban and remove-group-admin.

Added loads more tests to cover group actions.
2020-06-24 11:24:19 +01:00
e5e60a5032 Fix badly named API calls refering to block signers as block minters!
Renamed GET /blocks/minters to /blocks/signers
Renamed GET /blocks/minter/{address} to /blocks/signer/{address}

Changed corresponding repository methods and data classes.
2020-06-16 16:58:34 +01:00
a338202ded Fix incorrect PoW buffer usage length in verify & adjust difficulties
CHAT: 8 or 14
Handshake: 8

Added test to cover verify bug
2020-06-10 10:09:06 +01:00
5ad2bc1940 Merge branch 'MESSAGE-PoW' into launch 2020-06-04 10:22:20 +01:00
d0b4a1f12f Added PoW to MESSAGE (for zero fee). DB and tx layout changes. 2020-06-04 10:20:02 +01:00
5ffddd0169 Changes to block reward distribution
Any reward leftover from ditributing to legacy QORA holders is reallocated to either:
founders if any online
account-level-based reward candidates, if no founders online

We should get pretty close to 100% block reward distribution, barring rounding artifacts.

More documentation and tests.

Removed BlockChain's founderShare as it is calculated in Block on a per-block basis instead.
2020-06-02 10:42:45 +01:00
b5512dfa91 Rework block rewards to be faster and only reward *online* founders.
Now we sum generic block reward + transaction fees before performing
distribution only once.

Added Map to collate account-balance changes during block reward
distribution so the final changes can be applied in one batch,
reducing DB load.

Some other optimizations like a faster ExpandedAccount.getShareBin().

Passes test EXCEPT RewardTests.testLegacyQoraReward(), pending decision
on how to reallocate 'unspent' block reward.
2020-06-01 16:50:28 +01:00
2493d5f7a8 Fix wrong test blockchain config being used for legacy qora holder testing 2020-06-01 16:44:56 +01:00
bef1828404 Add support for multiple P2SH funding transactions rather than requiring only one 2020-05-29 19:10:20 +01:00
cdf0795881 Add extra test case to MemoryPoW 2020-05-28 14:15:42 +01:00
31e85226f4 WASM version of MemoryPoW! 2020-05-28 14:09:53 +01:00
6eea7c2aa1 Disallow registering/updating to a name that looks like an address 2020-05-27 10:56:03 +01:00
9aabf93523 Merge branch 'PUBLICIZE-txn' into launch 2020-05-27 10:46:27 +01:00
274002c473 Fix BTC.getMedianBlockTime() and update tests 2020-05-27 09:29:11 +01:00
3d4fc38fcb Replaced bitcoinj networking with ElectrumX.
No more bitcoinj peer-group stalls, or slow startups,
or downloading tons of block headers, or checkpoint files.

Now we use ElectrumX protocol to query info from random servers.

BTC.hash160 callers now use Crypto.hash160 instead.
Added BitTwiddling.fromLEBytes() returns int.

Unit tests seem OK, but needs complete testnet ACCT walkthrough.
2020-05-26 17:47:37 +01:00
d50f16b8a9 PUBLICIZE transaction for on-chain record of public key 2020-05-25 15:20:21 +01:00
7102f4a727 Fix for incorrect amounts reported by API 2020-05-19 15:20:20 +01:00
032c5d0d07 Add missing fee check to TRANSFER_PRIVS 2020-05-19 08:25:53 +01:00