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synced 2025-03-14 11:32:32 +00:00
Rework block rewards to be faster and only reward *online* founders.
Now we sum generic block reward + transaction fees before performing distribution only once. Added Map to collate account-balance changes during block reward distribution so the final changes can be applied in one batch, reducing DB load. Some other optimizations like a faster ExpandedAccount.getShareBin(). Passes test EXCEPT RewardTests.testLegacyQoraReward(), pending decision on how to reallocate 'unspent' block reward.
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import org.qortal.account.PublicKeyAccount;
import org.qortal.asset.Asset;
import org.qortal.at.AT;
import org.qortal.block.BlockChain.BlockTimingByHeight;
import org.qortal.block.BlockChain.ShareByLevel;
import org.qortal.block.BlockChain.AccountLevelShareBin;
import org.qortal.controller.Controller;
import org.qortal.crypto.Crypto;
import org.qortal.data.account.AccountBalanceData;
@ -126,8 +126,13 @@ public class Block {
/** Locally-generated AT fees */
protected long ourAtFees; // Generated locally
private interface BlockRewardDistributor {
long distribute(long amount, Map<Account, Long> balanceChanges) throws DataException;
/** Lazy-instantiated expanded info on block's online accounts. */
static class ExpandedAccount {
private static class ExpandedAccount {
private final RewardShareData rewardShareData;
private final int sharePercent;
private final boolean isRecipientAlsoMinter;
@ -166,28 +171,29 @@ public class Block {
* This is a method, not a final variable, because account's level can change between construction and call,
* e.g. during Block.process() where account levels are bumped right before Block.distributeBlockReward().
* @return share "bin" (index into BlockShareByLevel blockchain config, so 0+), or -1 if no bin found
* @return account-level share "bin" from blockchain config, or null if founder / none found
int getShareBin() {
public AccountLevelShareBin getShareBin() {
if (this.isMinterFounder)
return -1;
return null;
final List<ShareByLevel> sharesByLevel = BlockChain.getInstance().getBlockSharesByLevel();
final int accountLevel = this.mintingAccountData.getLevel();
if (accountLevel <= 0)
return null;
for (int s = 0; s < sharesByLevel.size(); ++s)
if (sharesByLevel.get(s).levels.contains(accountLevel))
return s;
final AccountLevelShareBin[] shareBinsByLevel = BlockChain.getInstance().getShareBinsByAccountLevel();
if (accountLevel > shareBinsByLevel.length)
return null;
return -1;
return shareBinsByLevel[accountLevel];
void distribute(long accountAmount) throws DataException {
public long distribute(long accountAmount, Map<Account, Long> balanceChanges) {
if (this.isRecipientAlsoMinter) {
// minter & recipient the same - simpler case
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Minter/recipient account %s share: %s", this.mintingAccount.getAddress(), Amounts.prettyAmount(accountAmount)));
if (accountAmount != 0)
this.mintingAccount.modifyAssetBalance(Asset.QORT, accountAmount);
balanceChanges.merge(this.mintingAccount, accountAmount, Long::sum);
} else {
// minter & recipient different - extra work needed
long recipientAmount = (accountAmount * this.sharePercent) / 100L / 100L; // because scaled by 2dp and 'percent' means "per 100"
@ -195,12 +201,15 @@ public class Block {
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Minter account %s share: %s", this.mintingAccount.getAddress(), Amounts.prettyAmount(minterAmount)));
if (minterAmount != 0)
this.mintingAccount.modifyAssetBalance(Asset.QORT, minterAmount);
balanceChanges.merge(this.mintingAccount, minterAmount, Long::sum);
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Recipient account %s share: %s", this.recipientAccount.getAddress(), Amounts.prettyAmount(recipientAmount)));
if (recipientAmount != 0)
this.recipientAccount.modifyAssetBalance(Asset.QORT, recipientAmount);
balanceChanges.merge(this.recipientAccount, recipientAmount, Long::sum);
// We always distribute all of the amount
return accountAmount;
/** Always use getExpandedAccounts() to access this, as it's lazy-instantiated. */
@ -1229,11 +1238,8 @@ public class Block {
// Increase account levels
// Block rewards go before transactions processed
// Distribute block rewards, including transaction fees, before transactions processed
// Give transaction fees to minter/reward-share account(s)
// We're about to (test-)process a batch of transactions,
@ -1307,10 +1313,13 @@ public class Block {
protected void processBlockRewards() throws DataException {
// General block reward
long reward = BlockChain.getInstance().getRewardAtHeight(this.blockData.getHeight());
// Add transaction fees
reward += this.blockData.getTotalFees();
// No reward for our height?
if (reward == 0)
// Nothing to reward?
if (reward <= 0)
@ -1389,16 +1398,6 @@ public class Block {
protected void rewardTransactionFees() throws DataException {
long blockFees = this.blockData.getTotalFees();
// No transaction fees?
if (blockFees <= 0)
protected void processAtFeesAndStates() throws DataException {
ATRepository atRepository = this.repository.getATRepository();
@ -1463,10 +1462,7 @@ public class Block {
// Invalidate expandedAccounts as they may have changed due to orphaning TRANSFER_PRIVS transactions, etc.
this.cachedExpandedAccounts = null;
// Deduct any transaction fees from minter/reward-share account(s)
// Block rewards removed after transactions undone
// Block rewards, including transaction fees, removed after transactions undone
// Decrease account levels
@ -1541,25 +1537,18 @@ public class Block {
protected void orphanBlockRewards() throws DataException {
// General block reward
long reward = BlockChain.getInstance().getRewardAtHeight(this.blockData.getHeight());
// Add transaction fees
reward += this.blockData.getTotalFees();
// No reward for our height?
if (reward == 0)
// Nothing to reward?
if (reward <= 0)
distributeBlockReward(- reward);
protected void deductTransactionFees() throws DataException {
long blockFees = this.blockData.getTotalFees();
// No transaction fees?
if (blockFees <= 0)
distributeBlockReward(- blockFees);
protected void orphanAtFeesAndStates() throws DataException {
ATRepository atRepository = this.repository.getATRepository();
for (ATStateData atStateData : this.getATStates()) {
@ -1615,62 +1604,163 @@ public class Block {
protected void distributeBlockReward(long totalAmount) throws DataException {
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Distributing: %s", Amounts.prettyAmount(totalAmount)));
private static class BlockRewardCandidate {
public final String description;
public long share;
public final BlockRewardDistributor distributionMethod;
// Distribute according to account level
long sharedByLevelAmount = distributeBlockRewardByLevel(totalAmount);
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Shared %s of %s based on account levels", Amounts.prettyAmount(sharedByLevelAmount), Amounts.prettyAmount(totalAmount)));
public BlockRewardCandidate(String description, long share, BlockRewardDistributor distributionMethod) {
this.description = description;
this.share = share;
this.distributionMethod = distributionMethod;
// Distribute amongst legacy QORA holders
long sharedByQoraHoldersAmount = distributeBlockRewardToQoraHolders(totalAmount);
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Shared %s of %s to legacy QORA holders", Amounts.prettyAmount(sharedByQoraHoldersAmount), Amounts.prettyAmount(totalAmount)));
// Spread remainder across founder accounts
long foundersAmount = totalAmount - sharedByLevelAmount - sharedByQoraHoldersAmount;
public long distribute(long distibutionAmount, Map<Account, Long> balanceChanges) throws DataException {
return this.distributionMethod.distribute(distibutionAmount, balanceChanges);
private long distributeBlockRewardByLevel(long totalAmount) throws DataException {
List<ExpandedAccount> expandedAccounts = this.getExpandedAccounts();
List<ShareByLevel> sharesByLevel = BlockChain.getInstance().getBlockSharesByLevel();
protected void distributeBlockReward(final long totalAmount) throws DataException {
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Distributing: %s", Amounts.prettyAmount(totalAmount)));
// Distribute amount across bins
long sharedAmount = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < sharesByLevel.size(); ++s) {
final int binIndex = s;
// All online accounts
final List<ExpandedAccount> expandedAccounts = this.getExpandedAccounts();
long binAmount = Amounts.roundDownScaledMultiply(totalAmount, sharesByLevel.get(binIndex).share);
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Bin %d share of %s: %s", binIndex, Amounts.prettyAmount(totalAmount), Amounts.prettyAmount(binAmount)));
// How to distribute reward among groups, with ratio, IN ORDER
List<BlockRewardCandidate> rewardCandidates = new ArrayList<>();
// Spread across all accounts in bin. getShareBin() returns -1 for minter accounts that are also founders, so they are effectively filtered out.
List<ExpandedAccount> binnedAccounts = expandedAccounts.stream().filter(accountInfo -> accountInfo.getShareBin() == binIndex).collect(Collectors.toList());
// Determine reward candidates based on account level
List<AccountLevelShareBin> accountLevelShareBins = BlockChain.getInstance().getAccountLevelShareBins();
for (int binIndex = 0; binIndex < accountLevelShareBins.size(); ++binIndex) {
// Find all accounts in share bin. getShareBin() returns null for minter accounts that are also founders, so they are effectively filtered out.
AccountLevelShareBin accountLevelShareBin = accountLevelShareBins.get(binIndex);
// Object reference compare is OK as all references are read-only from blockchain config.
List<ExpandedAccount> binnedAccounts = expandedAccounts.stream().filter(accountInfo -> accountInfo.getShareBin() == accountLevelShareBin).collect(Collectors.toList());
// No online accounts in this bin? Skip to next one
if (binnedAccounts.isEmpty())
long perAccountAmount = binAmount / binnedAccounts.size();
String description = String.format("Bin %d", binIndex);
BlockRewardDistributor accountLevelBinDistributor = (distributionAmount, balanceChanges) -> distributeBlockRewardShare(distributionAmount, binnedAccounts, balanceChanges);
for (int a = 0; a < binnedAccounts.size(); ++a) {
ExpandedAccount expandedAccount = binnedAccounts.get(a);
sharedAmount += perAccountAmount;
BlockRewardCandidate rewardCandidate = new BlockRewardCandidate(description, accountLevelShareBins.get(binIndex).share, accountLevelBinDistributor);
// Determine reward candidates based on legacy QORA held
// Fetch list of legacy QORA holders who haven't reached their cap of QORT reward.
final boolean isProcessingNotOrphaning = totalAmount >= 0;
List<AccountBalanceData> qoraHolders = this.repository.getAccountRepository().getEligibleLegacyQoraHolders(isProcessingNotOrphaning ? null : this.blockData.getHeight());
// Any eligible legacy QORA holders?
if (!qoraHolders.isEmpty()) {
// Yes: add to reward candidates list
BlockRewardDistributor legacyQoraHoldersDistributor = (distributionAmount, balanceChanges) -> distributeBlockRewardToQoraHolders(distributionAmount, qoraHolders, balanceChanges, this);
BlockRewardCandidate rewardCandidate = new BlockRewardCandidate("Legacy QORA holders", BlockChain.getInstance().getQoraHoldersShare(), legacyQoraHoldersDistributor);
// Determine whether we reward founders
final List<ExpandedAccount> onlineFounderAccounts = expandedAccounts.stream().filter(expandedAccount -> expandedAccount.isMinterFounder).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (!onlineFounderAccounts.isEmpty()) {
// Yes: add to reward candidates list
BlockRewardDistributor founderDistributor = (distributionAmount, balanceChanges) -> distributeBlockRewardShare(distributionAmount, onlineFounderAccounts, balanceChanges);
BlockRewardCandidate rewardCandidate = new BlockRewardCandidate("Founders", BlockChain.getInstance().getFoundersShare(), founderDistributor);
// Recalculate distribution ratios based on candidates
long totalShared = 0;
for (BlockRewardCandidate rewardCandidate : rewardCandidates)
totalShared += rewardCandidate.share;
// No eligible candidates?
// Example scenario: the only online accounts are legacy QORA holders and they've already reached their max capped QORT-from-QORA.
if (totalShared == 0)
// Re-scale individual reward candidate's share as if total shared was 100%
for (BlockRewardCandidate rewardCandidate : rewardCandidates)
rewardCandidate.share = Amounts.scaledDivide(rewardCandidate.share, totalShared);
// Now distribute to candidates
// Collate all balance changes and then apply in one final step
Map<Account, Long> balanceChanges = new HashMap<>();
long remainingAmount = totalAmount;
for (int r = 0; r < rewardCandidates.size(); ++r) {
BlockRewardCandidate rewardCandidate = rewardCandidates.get(r);
long distributionAmount;
if (r < rewardCandidates.size() - 1)
// Distribute according to sharePercent
distributionAmount = Amounts.roundDownScaledMultiply(totalAmount, rewardCandidate.share);
* Last reward candidate gets full remaining amount. Typically this will be online founders.
* The only time the amount would differ from above sharePercent calculation is
* if the *previous* rewardCandidate was "legacy QORA holders" and not all of their
* allotment was distributed.
distributionAmount = remainingAmount;
// Distribute to these reward candidate accounts, reducing remainingAmount by how much was actually distributed
long sharedAmount = rewardCandidate.distribute(distributionAmount, balanceChanges);
remainingAmount -= sharedAmount;
final long remainingAmountForLogging = remainingAmount;
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("%s share: %s. Actually shared: %s. Remaining: %s",
// Apply balance changes
for (Map.Entry<Account, Long> balanceChange : balanceChanges.entrySet())
balanceChange.getKey().modifyAssetBalance(Asset.QORT, balanceChange.getValue());
private static long distributeBlockRewardShare(long distributionAmount, List<ExpandedAccount> accounts, Map<Account, Long> balanceChanges) {
// Collate all expanded accounts by minting account
Map<String, List<ExpandedAccount>> accountsByMinter = new HashMap<>();
for (ExpandedAccount expandedAccount : accounts)
accountsByMinter.compute(expandedAccount.mintingAccount.getAddress(), (minterAddress, otherAccounts) -> {
if (otherAccounts == null) {
return new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(expandedAccount));
} else {
return otherAccounts;
// Divide distribution amount by number of *minting* accounts
long perMintingAccountAmount = distributionAmount / accountsByMinter.keySet().size();
// Distribute, reducing totalAmount by how much was actually distributed
long sharedAmount = 0;
for (List<ExpandedAccount> recipientAccounts : accountsByMinter.values()) {
long perRecipientAccountAmount = perMintingAccountAmount / recipientAccounts.size();
for (ExpandedAccount expandedAccount : recipientAccounts)
sharedAmount += expandedAccount.distribute(perRecipientAccountAmount, balanceChanges);
return sharedAmount;
private long distributeBlockRewardToQoraHolders(long totalAmount) throws DataException {
long qoraHoldersAmount = Amounts.roundDownScaledMultiply(totalAmount, BlockChain.getInstance().getQoraHoldersShare());
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Legacy QORA holders share of %s: %s", Amounts.prettyAmount(totalAmount), Amounts.prettyAmount(qoraHoldersAmount)));
final boolean isProcessingNotOrphaning = totalAmount >= 0;
private static long distributeBlockRewardToQoraHolders(long qoraHoldersAmount, List<AccountBalanceData> qoraHolders, Map<Account, Long> balanceChanges, Block block) throws DataException {
final boolean isProcessingNotOrphaning = qoraHoldersAmount >= 0;
long qoraPerQortReward = BlockChain.getInstance().getQoraPerQortReward();
BigInteger qoraPerQortRewardBI = BigInteger.valueOf(qoraPerQortReward);
List<AccountBalanceData> qoraHolders = this.repository.getAccountRepository().getEligibleLegacyQoraHolders(isProcessingNotOrphaning ? null : this.blockData.getHeight());
long totalQoraHeld = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < qoraHolders.size(); ++i)
totalQoraHeld += qoraHolders.get(i).getBalance();
@ -1694,15 +1784,15 @@ public class Block {
// long holderReward = (qoraHoldersAmount * qoraHolder.getBalance()) / totalQoraHeld;
long holderReward = qoraHoldersAmountBI.multiply(qoraHolderBalanceBI).divide(totalQoraHeldBI).longValue();
long finalHolderReward = holderReward;
final long holderRewardForLogging = holderReward;
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("QORA holder %s has %s / %s QORA so share: %s",
qoraHolder.getAddress(), Amounts.prettyAmount(qoraHolder.getBalance()), finalTotalQoraHeld, Amounts.prettyAmount(finalHolderReward)));
qoraHolder.getAddress(), Amounts.prettyAmount(qoraHolder.getBalance()), finalTotalQoraHeld, Amounts.prettyAmount(holderRewardForLogging)));
// Too small to register this time?
if (holderReward == 0)
Account qoraHolderAccount = new Account(repository, qoraHolder.getAddress());
Account qoraHolderAccount = new Account(block.repository, qoraHolder.getAddress());
long newQortFromQoraBalance = qoraHolderAccount.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT_FROM_QORA) + holderReward;
@ -1718,16 +1808,16 @@ public class Block {
newQortFromQoraBalance -= adjustment;
// This is also the QORA holder's final QORT-from-QORA block
QortFromQoraData qortFromQoraData = new QortFromQoraData(qoraHolder.getAddress(), holderReward, this.blockData.getHeight());
QortFromQoraData qortFromQoraData = new QortFromQoraData(qoraHolder.getAddress(), holderReward, block.blockData.getHeight());
long finalAdjustedHolderReward = holderReward;
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("QORA holder %s final share %s at height %d",
qoraHolder.getAddress(), Amounts.prettyAmount(finalAdjustedHolderReward), this.blockData.getHeight()));
qoraHolder.getAddress(), Amounts.prettyAmount(finalAdjustedHolderReward), block.blockData.getHeight()));
} else {
// Orphaning
QortFromQoraData qortFromQoraData = this.repository.getAccountRepository().getQortFromQoraInfo(qoraHolder.getAddress());
QortFromQoraData qortFromQoraData = block.repository.getAccountRepository().getQortFromQoraInfo(qoraHolder.getAddress());
if (qortFromQoraData != null) {
// Final QORT-from-QORA amount from repository was stored during processing, and hence positive.
// So we use + here as qortFromQora is negative during orphaning.
@ -1737,15 +1827,15 @@ public class Block {
holderReward -= adjustment;
newQortFromQoraBalance -= adjustment;
long finalAdjustedHolderReward = holderReward;
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("QORA holder %s final share %s was at height %d",
qoraHolder.getAddress(), Amounts.prettyAmount(finalAdjustedHolderReward), this.blockData.getHeight()));
qoraHolder.getAddress(), Amounts.prettyAmount(finalAdjustedHolderReward), block.blockData.getHeight()));
qoraHolderAccount.modifyAssetBalance(Asset.QORT, holderReward);
balanceChanges.merge(qoraHolderAccount, holderReward, Long::sum);
if (newQortFromQoraBalance > 0)
qoraHolderAccount.setConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT_FROM_QORA, newQortFromQoraBalance);
@ -1759,41 +1849,6 @@ public class Block {
return sharedAmount;
private void distributeBlockRewardToFounders(long foundersAmount) throws DataException {
// Remaining reward portion is spread across all founders, online or not
List<AccountData> founderAccounts = this.repository.getAccountRepository().getFlaggedAccounts(Account.FOUNDER_FLAG);
long foundersCount = founderAccounts.size();
long perFounderAmount = foundersAmount / foundersCount;
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Sharing remaining %s to %d founder%s, %s each",
founderAccounts.size(), (founderAccounts.size() != 1 ? "s" : ""),
List<ExpandedAccount> expandedAccounts = this.getExpandedAccounts();
for (int a = 0; a < founderAccounts.size(); ++a) {
Account founderAccount = new Account(this.repository, founderAccounts.get(a).getAddress());
// If founder is minter in any online reward-shares then founder's amount is spread across these, otherwise founder gets whole amount.
List<ExpandedAccount> founderExpandedAccounts = expandedAccounts.stream().filter(
accountInfo -> accountInfo.isMinterFounder &&
if (founderExpandedAccounts.isEmpty()) {
// Simple case: no founder-as-minter reward-shares online so founder gets whole amount.
founderAccount.modifyAssetBalance(Asset.QORT, perFounderAmount);
} else {
// Distribute over reward-shares
long perFounderRewardShareAmount = perFounderAmount / founderExpandedAccounts.size();
for (int fea = 0; fea < founderExpandedAccounts.size(); ++fea)
/** Opportunity to tidy repository, etc. after block process/orphan. */
private void postBlockTidy() throws DataException {
@ -89,15 +89,17 @@ public class BlockChain {
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = org.qortal.api.AmountTypeAdapter.class)
public long reward;
List<RewardByHeight> rewardsByHeight;
private List<RewardByHeight> rewardsByHeight;
/** Share of block reward/fees by account level */
public static class ShareByLevel {
public static class AccountLevelShareBin {
public List<Integer> levels;
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = org.qortal.api.AmountTypeAdapter.class)
public long share;
List<ShareByLevel> sharesByLevel;
private List<AccountLevelShareBin> sharesByLevel;
/** Generated lookup of share-bin by account level */
private AccountLevelShareBin[] shareBinsByLevel;
/** Share of block reward/fees to legacy QORA coin holders */
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = org.qortal.api.AmountTypeAdapter.class)
@ -107,6 +109,9 @@ public class BlockChain {
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value = org.qortal.api.AmountTypeAdapter.class)
private Long qoraPerQortReward;
/** Share of block reward/fees to founders. CALCULATED */
private long foundersShare;
* Number of minted blocks required to reach next level from previous.
* <p>
@ -116,7 +121,7 @@ public class BlockChain {
* Example: if <tt>blocksNeededByLevel[3]</tt> is 200,<br>
* then level 3 accounts need to mint 200 blocks to reach level 4.
List<Integer> blocksNeededByLevel;
private List<Integer> blocksNeededByLevel;
* Cumulative number of minted blocks required to reach next level from scratch.
@ -130,7 +135,7 @@ public class BlockChain {
* <p>
* Should NOT be present in blockchain config file!
List<Integer> cumulativeBlocksByLevel;
private List<Integer> cumulativeBlocksByLevel;
/** Block times by block height */
public static class BlockTimingByHeight {
@ -139,7 +144,7 @@ public class BlockChain {
public long deviation; // ms
public double power;
List<BlockTimingByHeight> blockTimingsByHeight;
private List<BlockTimingByHeight> blockTimingsByHeight;
private int minAccountLevelToMint = 1;
private int minAccountLevelToRewardShare;
@ -316,10 +321,14 @@ public class BlockChain {
return this.rewardsByHeight;
public List<ShareByLevel> getBlockSharesByLevel() {
public List<AccountLevelShareBin> getAccountLevelShareBins() {
return this.sharesByLevel;
public AccountLevelShareBin[] getShareBinsByAccountLevel() {
return this.shareBinsByLevel;
public List<Integer> getBlocksNeededByLevel() {
return this.blocksNeededByLevel;
@ -336,6 +345,10 @@ public class BlockChain {
return this.qoraPerQortReward;
public long getFoundersShare() {
return this.foundersShare;
public int getMinAccountLevelToMint() {
return this.minAccountLevelToMint;
@ -447,6 +460,28 @@ public class BlockChain {
cumulativeBlocks += this.blocksNeededByLevel.get(level);
// Calculate founders' share
long totalShare = this.qoraHoldersShare;
// Add share percents for account-level-based rewards
for (AccountLevelShareBin accountLevelShareBin : this.sharesByLevel)
totalShare += accountLevelShareBin.share;
if (totalShare < 0 || totalShare > 1_00000000L)
Settings.throwValidationError("Total non-founder share out of bounds (0<x<1e8)");
this.foundersShare = 1_00000000L - totalShare;
// Generate lookup-array for account-level share bins
AccountLevelShareBin lastAccountLevelShareBin = this.sharesByLevel.get(this.sharesByLevel.size() - 1);
final int lastLevel = lastAccountLevelShareBin.levels.get(lastAccountLevelShareBin.levels.size() - 1);
this.shareBinsByLevel = new AccountLevelShareBin[lastLevel];
for (AccountLevelShareBin accountLevelShareBin : this.sharesByLevel)
for (int level : accountLevelShareBin.levels)
// level 1 stored at index 0, level 2 stored at index 1, etc.
// level 0 not allowed
this.shareBinsByLevel[level - 1] = accountLevelShareBin;
// Convert collections to unmodifiable form
this.rewardsByHeight = Collections.unmodifiableList(this.rewardsByHeight);
this.sharesByLevel = Collections.unmodifiableList(this.sharesByLevel);
@ -241,15 +241,15 @@ public class RewardTests extends Common {
BlockMinter.mintTestingBlock(repository, mintingAndOnlineAccounts.toArray(new PrivateKeyAccount[0]));
// 3 founders (online or not) so blockReward divided by 3
int founderCount = 3;
// 2 founders online so blockReward divided by 2
int founderCount = 2;
long perFounderReward = blockReward / founderCount;
// Alice simple self-share so her reward is perFounderReward
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "alice", Asset.QORT, perFounderReward);
// Bob not online so his reward is simply perFounderReward
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "bob", Asset.QORT, perFounderReward);
// Bob not online so his reward is zero
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "bob", Asset.QORT, 0L);
// Chloe has two reward-shares, so her reward is divided by 2
int chloeSharesCount = 2;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user