mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 11:32:32 +00:00
WIP: cross-chain trading AT passes AtTests now
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.ToIntFunction;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.ws.rs.DELETE;
@ -392,9 +394,9 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
summary = "Returns Bitcoin P2SH address based on trade info",
summary = "Returns Bitcoin P2SH-A address based on trade info",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
@ -411,7 +413,35 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
public String deriveP2sh(CrossChainBitcoinTemplateRequest templateRequest) {
public String deriveP2shA(CrossChainBitcoinTemplateRequest templateRequest) {
return deriveP2sh(templateRequest, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.lockTimeA, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretA);
summary = "Returns Bitcoin P2SH-B address based on trade info",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
schema = @Schema(
implementation = CrossChainBitcoinTemplateRequest.class
responses = {
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
public String deriveP2shB(CrossChainBitcoinTemplateRequest templateRequest) {
return deriveP2sh(templateRequest, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.lockTimeB, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretB);
private String deriveP2sh(CrossChainBitcoinTemplateRequest templateRequest, ToIntFunction<CrossChainTradeData> lockTimeFn, Function<CrossChainTradeData, byte[]> hashOfSecretFn) {
BTC btc = BTC.getInstance();
NetworkParameters params = btc.getNetworkParameters();
@ -432,7 +462,7 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
if (crossChainTradeData.mode == Mode.OFFER)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA);
byte[] redeemScriptBytes = BTCP2SH.buildScript(templateRequest.refundPublicKeyHash, crossChainTradeData.lockTime, templateRequest.redeemPublicKeyHash, crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretB);
byte[] redeemScriptBytes = BTCP2SH.buildScript(templateRequest.refundPublicKeyHash, lockTimeFn.applyAsInt(crossChainTradeData), templateRequest.redeemPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretFn.apply(crossChainTradeData));
byte[] redeemScriptHash = Crypto.hash160(redeemScriptBytes);
Address p2shAddress = LegacyAddress.fromScriptHash(params, redeemScriptHash);
@ -443,9 +473,9 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
summary = "Checks Bitcoin P2SH address based on trade info",
summary = "Checks Bitcoin P2SH-A address based on trade info",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
@ -462,7 +492,35 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
public CrossChainBitcoinP2SHStatus checkP2sh(CrossChainBitcoinTemplateRequest templateRequest) {
public CrossChainBitcoinP2SHStatus checkP2shA(CrossChainBitcoinTemplateRequest templateRequest) {
return checkP2sh(templateRequest, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.lockTimeA, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretA);
summary = "Checks Bitcoin P2SH-B address based on trade info",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
schema = @Schema(
implementation = CrossChainBitcoinTemplateRequest.class
responses = {
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, schema = @Schema(implementation = CrossChainBitcoinP2SHStatus.class))
public CrossChainBitcoinP2SHStatus checkP2shB(CrossChainBitcoinTemplateRequest templateRequest) {
return checkP2sh(templateRequest, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.lockTimeB, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretB);
private CrossChainBitcoinP2SHStatus checkP2sh(CrossChainBitcoinTemplateRequest templateRequest, ToIntFunction<CrossChainTradeData> lockTimeFn, Function<CrossChainTradeData, byte[]> hashOfSecretFn) {
BTC btc = BTC.getInstance();
NetworkParameters params = btc.getNetworkParameters();
@ -483,7 +541,10 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
if (crossChainTradeData.mode == Mode.OFFER)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA);
byte[] redeemScriptBytes = BTCP2SH.buildScript(templateRequest.refundPublicKeyHash, crossChainTradeData.lockTime, templateRequest.redeemPublicKeyHash, crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretB);
int lockTime = lockTimeFn.applyAsInt(crossChainTradeData);
byte[] hashOfSecret = hashOfSecretFn.apply(crossChainTradeData);
byte[] redeemScriptBytes = BTCP2SH.buildScript(templateRequest.refundPublicKeyHash, lockTime, templateRequest.redeemPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecret);
byte[] redeemScriptHash = Crypto.hash160(redeemScriptBytes);
Address p2shAddress = LegacyAddress.fromScriptHash(params, redeemScriptHash);
@ -508,7 +569,7 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
if (p2shBalance >= crossChainTradeData.expectedBitcoin && !fundingOutputs.isEmpty()) {
p2shStatus.canRedeem = now >= medianBlockTime * 1000L;
p2shStatus.canRefund = now >= crossChainTradeData.lockTime * 1000L;
p2shStatus.canRefund = now >= lockTime * 1000L;
if (now >= medianBlockTime * 1000L) {
@ -524,9 +585,9 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
summary = "Returns serialized Bitcoin transaction attempting refund from P2SH address",
summary = "Returns serialized Bitcoin transaction attempting refund from P2SH-A address",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
@ -544,7 +605,36 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
public String refundP2sh(CrossChainBitcoinRefundRequest refundRequest) {
public String refundP2shA(CrossChainBitcoinRefundRequest refundRequest) {
return refundP2sh(refundRequest, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.lockTimeA, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretA);
summary = "Returns serialized Bitcoin transaction attempting refund from P2SH-B address",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
schema = @Schema(
implementation = CrossChainBitcoinRefundRequest.class
responses = {
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
public String refundP2shB(CrossChainBitcoinRefundRequest refundRequest) {
return refundP2sh(refundRequest, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.lockTimeB, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretB);
private String refundP2sh(CrossChainBitcoinRefundRequest refundRequest, ToIntFunction<CrossChainTradeData> lockTimeFn, Function<CrossChainTradeData, byte[]> hashOfSecretFn) {
BTC btc = BTC.getInstance();
NetworkParameters params = btc.getNetworkParameters();
@ -580,7 +670,10 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
if (crossChainTradeData.mode == Mode.OFFER)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA);
byte[] redeemScriptBytes = BTCP2SH.buildScript(refundKey.getPubKeyHash(), crossChainTradeData.lockTime, refundRequest.redeemPublicKeyHash, crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretB);
int lockTime = lockTimeFn.applyAsInt(crossChainTradeData);
byte[] hashOfSecret = hashOfSecretFn.apply(crossChainTradeData);
byte[] redeemScriptBytes = BTCP2SH.buildScript(refundKey.getPubKeyHash(), lockTime, refundRequest.redeemPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecret);
byte[] redeemScriptHash = Crypto.hash160(redeemScriptBytes);
Address p2shAddress = LegacyAddress.fromScriptHash(params, redeemScriptHash);
@ -597,7 +690,7 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
if (fundingOutputs.isEmpty())
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_ADDRESS);
boolean canRefund = now >= crossChainTradeData.lockTime * 1000L;
boolean canRefund = now >= lockTime * 1000L;
if (!canRefund)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.BTC_TOO_SOON);
@ -606,7 +699,7 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
Coin refundAmount = Coin.valueOf(p2shBalance - refundRequest.bitcoinMinerFee.unscaledValue().longValue());
org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction refundTransaction = BTCP2SH.buildRefundTransaction(refundAmount, refundKey, fundingOutputs, redeemScriptBytes, crossChainTradeData.lockTime);
org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction refundTransaction = BTCP2SH.buildRefundTransaction(refundAmount, refundKey, fundingOutputs, redeemScriptBytes, lockTime);
boolean wasBroadcast = BTC.getInstance().broadcastTransaction(refundTransaction);
if (!wasBroadcast)
@ -619,9 +712,9 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
summary = "Returns serialized Bitcoin transaction attempting redeem from P2SH address",
summary = "Returns serialized Bitcoin transaction attempting redeem from P2SH-A address",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
@ -639,7 +732,36 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
public String redeemP2sh(CrossChainBitcoinRedeemRequest redeemRequest) {
public String redeemP2shA(CrossChainBitcoinRedeemRequest redeemRequest) {
return redeemP2sh(redeemRequest, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.lockTimeA, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretA);
summary = "Returns serialized Bitcoin transaction attempting redeem from P2SH-B address",
requestBody = @RequestBody(
required = true,
content = @Content(
mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
schema = @Schema(
implementation = CrossChainBitcoinRedeemRequest.class
responses = {
content = @Content(mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
public String redeemP2shB(CrossChainBitcoinRedeemRequest redeemRequest) {
return redeemP2sh(redeemRequest, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.lockTimeB, (crossChainTradeData) -> crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretB);
private String redeemP2sh(CrossChainBitcoinRedeemRequest redeemRequest, ToIntFunction<CrossChainTradeData> lockTimeFn, Function<CrossChainTradeData, byte[]> hashOfSecretFn) {
BTC btc = BTC.getInstance();
NetworkParameters params = btc.getNetworkParameters();
@ -678,7 +800,10 @@ public class CrossChainResource {
if (crossChainTradeData.mode == Mode.OFFER)
throw ApiExceptionFactory.INSTANCE.createException(request, ApiError.INVALID_CRITERIA);
byte[] redeemScriptBytes = BTCP2SH.buildScript(redeemRequest.refundPublicKeyHash, crossChainTradeData.lockTime, redeemKey.getPubKeyHash(), crossChainTradeData.hashOfSecretB);
int lockTime = lockTimeFn.applyAsInt(crossChainTradeData);
byte[] hashOfSecret = hashOfSecretFn.apply(crossChainTradeData);
byte[] redeemScriptBytes = BTCP2SH.buildScript(redeemRequest.refundPublicKeyHash, lockTime, redeemKey.getPubKeyHash(), hashOfSecret);
byte[] redeemScriptHash = Crypto.hash160(redeemScriptBytes);
Address p2shAddress = LegacyAddress.fromScriptHash(params, redeemScriptHash);
@ -299,15 +299,12 @@ public class QortalATAPI extends API {
byte[] messageData = this.getMessageFromTransaction(transactionData);
// Check data length is appropriate, i.e. not larger than B
if (messageData.length > 4 * 8)
// Pad messageData to fit B
byte[] paddedMessageData = Bytes.ensureCapacity(messageData, 4 * 8, 0);
if (messageData.length < 4 * 8)
messageData = Bytes.ensureCapacity(messageData, 4 * 8, 0);
// Endian must be correct here so that (for example) a SHA256 message can be compared to one generated locally
this.setB(state, paddedMessageData);
this.setB(state, messageData);
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import org.qortal.transaction.MessageTransaction;
import org.qortal.transaction.Transaction.ValidationResult;
import org.qortal.transform.TransformationException;
import org.qortal.transform.transaction.DeployAtTransactionTransformer;
import org.qortal.utils.Base58;
import org.qortal.utils.NTP;
public class TradeBot {
@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ public class TradeBot {
// P2SH_a to be funded
byte[] redeemScriptBytes = BTCP2SH.buildScript(tradeForeignPublicKeyHash, crossChainTradeData.lockTime, crossChainTradeData.creatorBitcoinPKH, secretHash);
byte[] redeemScriptBytes = BTCP2SH.buildScript(tradeForeignPublicKeyHash, crossChainTradeData.lockTimeA, crossChainTradeData.creatorBitcoinPKH, secretHash);
byte[] redeemScriptHash = Crypto.hash160(redeemScriptBytes);
Address p2shAddress = LegacyAddress.fromScriptHash(params, redeemScriptHash);
@ -189,7 +188,7 @@ public class TradeBot {
long tradeStartTimestamp = atData.getCreation();
long atCreationTimestamp = atData.getCreation();
String address = Crypto.toAddress(tradeBotData.getTradeNativePublicKey());
List<MessageTransactionData> messageTransactionsData = repository.getTransactionRepository().getMessagesByRecipient(address, null, null, null);
@ -223,10 +222,10 @@ public class TradeBot {
byte[] aliceForeignPublicKeyHash = new byte[20];
System.arraycopy(messageData, 20, aliceForeignPublicKeyHash, 0, 20);
// Determine P2SH address and confirm funded
// First P2SH refund timeout is last in chain, so add all of tradeTimeout
int lockTime = (int) (tradeStartTimestamp / 1000L + tradeBotData.getTradeTimeout() * 60);
byte[] redeemScript = BTCP2SH.buildScript(aliceForeignPublicKeyHash, lockTime, tradeBotData.getTradeForeignPublicKeyHash(), aliceSecretHash);
// Determine P2SH-A address and confirm funded
// First P2SH-A refund timeout is last in chain, so add all of tradeTimeout
int lockTimeA = BTCACCT.calcLockTimeA(atCreationTimestamp, tradeBotData.getTradeTimeout());
byte[] redeemScript = BTCP2SH.buildScript(aliceForeignPublicKeyHash, lockTimeA, tradeBotData.getTradeForeignPublicKeyHash(), aliceSecretHash);
String p2shAddress = BTC.getInstance().deriveP2shAddress(redeemScript);
Long balance = BTC.getInstance().getBalance(p2shAddress);
@ -235,13 +234,10 @@ public class TradeBot {
// Good to go - send MESSAGE to AT
byte[] aliceNativeAddress = Base58.decode(Crypto.toAddress(messageTransactionData.getCreatorPublicKey()));
String aliceNativeAddress = Crypto.toAddress(messageTransactionData.getCreatorPublicKey());
// Build outgoing message, padding each part to 32 bytes to make it easier for AT to consume
byte[] outgoingMessageData = new byte[96];
System.arraycopy(aliceNativeAddress, 0, outgoingMessageData, 0, aliceNativeAddress.length);
System.arraycopy(aliceForeignPublicKeyHash, 0, outgoingMessageData, 32, 20);
System.arraycopy(aliceSecretHash, 0, outgoingMessageData, 64, 20);
byte[] outgoingMessageData = BTCACCT.buildOfferMessage(aliceNativeAddress, aliceForeignPublicKeyHash, aliceSecretHash);
PrivateKeyAccount sender = new PrivateKeyAccount(repository, tradeBotData.getTradePrivateKey());
MessageTransaction outgoingMessageTransaction = MessageTransaction.build(repository, sender, Group.NO_GROUP, tradeBotData.getAtAddress(), outgoingMessageData, false, false);
@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ public class BTCACCT {
* @return
public static byte[] buildQortalAT(String creatorTradeAddress, byte[] bitcoinPublicKeyHash, byte[] hashOfSecretB, int tradeTimeout, long qortAmount, long bitcoinAmount) {
int refundTimeout = calcRefundTimeout(tradeTimeout);
// Labels for data segment addresses
int addrCounter = 0;
@ -207,7 +209,7 @@ public class BTCACCT {
// Refund timeout in minutes (¾ of trade-timeout)
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrRefundTimeout * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrRefundTimeout incorrect";
dataByteBuffer.putLong(tradeTimeout * 3 / 4);
// Redeem Qort amount
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrQortAmount * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrQortAmount incorrect";
@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ public class BTCACCT {
// Offset into TRADE MESSAGE data payload for extracting secret-B
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrTradeMessageSecretBOffset * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrTradeMessageSecretBOffset incorrect";
// Source location and length for hashing any passed secret
assert dataByteBuffer.position() == addrMessageDataPointer * MachineState.VALUE_SIZE : "addrMessageDataPointer incorrect";
@ -634,9 +636,10 @@ public class BTCACCT {
// Skip temporary message data
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 8 * 4);
// Potential hash of secret A
byte[] hashOfSecretA = new byte[32];
// Potential hash160 of secret A
byte[] hashOfSecretA = new byte[20];
dataByteBuffer.position(dataByteBuffer.position() + 32 - hashOfSecretA.length); // skip to 32 bytes
// Potential recipient's Bitcoin PKH
byte[] recipientBitcoinPKH = new byte[20];
@ -651,6 +654,8 @@ public class BTCACCT {
tradeData.qortalRecipient = qortalRecipient;
tradeData.hashOfSecretA = hashOfSecretA;
tradeData.recipientBitcoinPKH = recipientBitcoinPKH;
tradeData.lockTimeA = calcLockTimeA(tradeData.creationTimestamp, tradeData.tradeTimeout);
tradeData.lockTimeB = calcLockTimeB(tradeData.creationTimestamp, tradeData.tradeTimeout);
} else {
tradeData.mode = CrossChainTradeData.Mode.OFFER;
@ -658,4 +663,51 @@ public class BTCACCT {
return tradeData;
/** Returns trade-info MESSAGE payload for AT creator to send to AT. */
public static byte[] buildOfferMessage(String recipientQortalAddress, byte[] recipientBitcoinPKH, byte[] hashOfSecretA) {
byte[] data = new byte[32 + 32 + 32];
byte[] recipientQortalAddressBytes = Base58.decode(recipientQortalAddress);
System.arraycopy(recipientQortalAddressBytes, 0, data, 0, recipientQortalAddressBytes.length);
System.arraycopy(recipientBitcoinPKH, 0, data, 32, recipientBitcoinPKH.length);
System.arraycopy(hashOfSecretA, 0, data, 64, hashOfSecretA.length);
return data;
/** Returns refund MESSAGE payload for AT creator to cancel trade AT. */
public static byte[] buildRefundMessage(String creatorQortalAddress) {
byte[] data = new byte[32];
byte[] creatorQortalAddressBytes = Base58.decode(creatorQortalAddress);
System.arraycopy(creatorQortalAddressBytes, 0, data, 0, creatorQortalAddressBytes.length);
return data;
/** Returns redeem MESSAGE payload for trade partner/recipient to send to AT. */
public static byte[] buildTradeMessage(byte[] secretA, byte[] secretB) {
byte[] data = new byte[32 + 32];
System.arraycopy(secretA, 0, data, 0, secretA.length);
System.arraycopy(secretB, 0, data, 32, secretB.length);
return data;
/** Returns AT refundTimeout (minutes) based on tradeTimeout. */
public static int calcRefundTimeout(int tradeTimeout) {
return tradeTimeout * 3 / 4;
/** Returns P2SH-A lockTime (epoch seconds). */
public static int calcLockTimeA(long atCreationTimestamp, int tradeTimeout) {
return (int) (atCreationTimestamp / 1000L + tradeTimeout * 60);
/** Returns P2SH-B lockTime (epoch seconds). */
public static int calcLockTimeB(long atCreationTimestamp, int tradeTimeout) {
return (int) (atCreationTimestamp / 1000L + tradeTimeout / 2 * 60);
@ -64,8 +64,11 @@ public class CrossChainTradeData {
public Mode mode;
@Schema(description = "Suggested Bitcoin P2SH nLockTime based on trade timeout")
public Integer lockTime;
@Schema(description = "Suggested Bitcoin P2SH-A nLockTime based on trade timeout")
public Integer lockTimeA;
@Schema(description = "Suggested Bitcoin P2SH-B nLockTime based on trade timeout")
public Integer lockTimeB;
@Schema(description = "Trade partner's Bitcoin public-key-hash (PKH)")
public byte[] recipientBitcoinPKH;
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package org.qortal.test.btcacct;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
@ -10,6 +9,7 @@ import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.FormatStyle;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Base58;
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import org.junit.Test;
import org.qortal.account.Account;
import org.qortal.account.PrivateKeyAccount;
import org.qortal.asset.Asset;
import org.qortal.block.Block;
import org.qortal.crosschain.BTCACCT;
import org.qortal.crypto.Crypto;
import org.qortal.data.at.ATData;
@ -43,10 +44,12 @@ import com.google.common.primitives.Bytes;
public class AtTests extends Common {
public static final byte[] secret = "This string is exactly 32 bytes!".getBytes();
public static final byte[] bitcoinPublicKeyHash = new byte[20]; // not used in tests
public static final byte[] secretHash = Crypto.hash160(secret); // daf59884b4d1aec8c1b17102530909ee43c0151a
public static final int refundTimeout = 10; // blocks
public static final byte[] secretA = "This string is exactly 32 bytes!".getBytes();
public static final byte[] hashOfSecretA = Crypto.hash160(secretA); // daf59884b4d1aec8c1b17102530909ee43c0151a
public static final byte[] secretB = "This string is roughly 32 bytes?".getBytes();
public static final byte[] hashOfSecretB = Crypto.hash160(secretB); // 31f0dd71decf59bbc8ef0661f4030479255cfa58
public static final byte[] bitcoinPublicKeyHash = HashCode.fromString("bb00bb11bb22bb33bb44bb55bb66bb77bb88bb99").asBytes();
public static final int tradeTimeout = 12; // blocks
public static final long redeemAmount = 80_40200000L;
public static final long fundingAmount = 123_45600000L;
public static final long bitcoinAmount = 864200L;
@ -60,7 +63,7 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
public void testCompile() {
Account deployer = Common.getTestAccount(null, "chloe");
byte[] creationBytes = BTCACCT.buildQortalAT(deployer.getAddress(), bitcoinPublicKeyHash, secretHash, refundTimeout, redeemAmount, bitcoinAmount);
byte[] creationBytes = BTCACCT.buildQortalAT(deployer.getAddress(), bitcoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretB, tradeTimeout, redeemAmount, bitcoinAmount);
System.out.println("CIYAM AT creation bytes: " + HashCode.fromBytes(creationBytes).toString());
@ -145,6 +148,10 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// Test orphaning
@ -155,7 +162,59 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
public void testTradingInfoProcessing() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount recipient = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
long deployersInitialBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
long recipientsInitialBalance = recipient.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
DeployAtTransaction deployAtTransaction = doDeploy(repository, deployer);
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = BTCACCT.buildOfferMessage(recipient.getAddress(), bitcoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, messageData, atAddress);
Block postDeploymentBlock = BlockUtils.mintBlock(repository);
int postDeploymentBlockHeight = postDeploymentBlock.getBlockData().getHeight();
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long messageFee = messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long deployersPostDeploymentBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtFee - messageFee;
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = BTCACCT.populateTradeData(repository, atData);
// AT should be in TRADE mode
assertEquals(CrossChainTradeData.Mode.TRADE, tradeData.mode);
// Check hashOfSecretA was extracted correctly
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(hashOfSecretA, tradeData.hashOfSecretA));
// Check trade partner/recipient Qortal address was extracted correctly
assertEquals(recipient.getAddress(), tradeData.qortalRecipient);
// Check trade partner/recipient's Bitcoin PKH was extracted correctly
assertTrue(Arrays.equals(bitcoinPublicKeyHash, tradeData.recipientBitcoinPKH));
// Test orphaning
BlockUtils.orphanToBlock(repository, postDeploymentBlockHeight);
long expectedBalance = deployersPostDeploymentBalance;
long actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Deployer's post-orphan/pre-refund balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
public void testIncorrectTradeSender() throws DataException {
@ -171,11 +230,10 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
// Send recipient's address to AT BUT NOT FROM AT CREATOR
byte[] recipientAddressBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Base58.decode(recipient.getAddress()), 32, 0);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, bystander, recipientAddressBytes, atAddress);
// Send trade info to AT BUT NOT FROM AT CREATOR
byte[] messageData = BTCACCT.buildOfferMessage(recipient.getAddress(), bitcoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, bystander, messageData, atAddress);
// Initial payment should NOT happen
long expectedBalance = recipientsInitialBalance;
@ -184,6 +242,12 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
assertEquals("Recipient's post-initial-payout balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
CrossChainTradeData tradeData = BTCACCT.populateTradeData(repository, atData);
// AT should still be in OFFER mode
assertEquals(CrossChainTradeData.Mode.OFFER, tradeData.mode);
@ -201,12 +265,12 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
// Send recipient's address to AT
byte[] recipientAddressBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Base58.decode(recipient.getAddress()), 32, 0);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, recipientAddressBytes, atAddress);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = BTCACCT.buildOfferMessage(recipient.getAddress(), bitcoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, messageData, atAddress);
// Initial payment should happen 1st block after receiving recipient address
Block postDeploymentBlock = BlockUtils.mintBlock(repository);
int postDeploymentBlockHeight = postDeploymentBlock.getBlockData().getHeight();
long deployAtFee = deployAtTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long messageFee = messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
@ -216,9 +280,12 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
// Test orphaning
BlockUtils.orphanToBlock(repository, postDeploymentBlockHeight);
long expectedBalance = deployersPostDeploymentBalance;
long actualBalance = deployer.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
@ -229,7 +296,7 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
public void testCorrectSecretCorrectSender() throws DataException {
public void testCorrectSecretsCorrectSender() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount recipient = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
@ -241,27 +308,32 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
// Send recipient's address to AT
byte[] recipientAddressBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Base58.decode(recipient.getAddress()), 32, 0);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, recipientAddressBytes, atAddress);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = BTCACCT.buildOfferMessage(recipient.getAddress(), bitcoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, messageData, atAddress);
// Initial payment should happen 1st block after receiving recipient address
// Give AT time to process message
// Send correct secret to AT
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, recipient, secret, atAddress);
// Send correct secrets to AT, from correct account
messageData = BTCACCT.buildTradeMessage(secretA, secretB);
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, recipient, messageData, atAddress);
// AT should send funds in the next block
ATStateData preRedeemAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
long expectedBalance = recipientsInitialBalance - messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee() + redeemAmount;
long actualBalance = recipient.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Recipent's post-redeem balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Orphan redeem
@ -279,7 +351,7 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
public void testCorrectSecretIncorrectSender() throws DataException {
public void testCorrectSecretsIncorrectSender() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount recipient = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
@ -294,34 +366,39 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
// Send recipient's address to AT
byte[] recipientAddressBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Base58.decode(recipient.getAddress()), 32, 0);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, recipientAddressBytes, atAddress);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = BTCACCT.buildOfferMessage(recipient.getAddress(), bitcoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, messageData, atAddress);
// Initial payment should happen 1st block after receiving recipient address
// Give AT time to process message
// Send correct secret to AT, but from wrong account
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, bystander, secret, atAddress);
// Send correct secrets to AT, but from wrong account
messageData = BTCACCT.buildTradeMessage(secretA, secretB);
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, bystander, messageData, atAddress);
// AT should NOT send funds in the next block
ATStateData preRedeemAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is NOT finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
long expectedBalance = recipientsInitialBalance;
long actualBalance = recipient.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Recipent's balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
checkTradeRefund(repository, deployer, deployersInitialBalance, deployAtFee);
public void testIncorrectSecretCorrectSender() throws DataException {
public void testIncorrectSecretsCorrectSender() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
PrivateKeyAccount deployer = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe");
PrivateKeyAccount recipient = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert");
@ -335,28 +412,53 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
Account at = deployAtTransaction.getATAccount();
String atAddress = at.getAddress();
// Send recipient's address to AT
byte[] recipientAddressBytes = Bytes.ensureCapacity(Base58.decode(recipient.getAddress()), 32, 0);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, recipientAddressBytes, atAddress);
// Send trade info to AT
byte[] messageData = BTCACCT.buildOfferMessage(recipient.getAddress(), bitcoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretA);
MessageTransaction messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, deployer, messageData, atAddress);
// Initial payment should happen 1st block after receiving recipient address
// Give AT time to process message
// Send correct secret to AT, but from wrong account
byte[] wrongSecret = Crypto.digest(secret);
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, recipient, wrongSecret, atAddress);
// Send incorrect secrets to AT, from correct account
byte[] wrongSecret = new byte[32];
Random random = new Random();
messageData = BTCACCT.buildTradeMessage(wrongSecret, secretB);
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, recipient, messageData, atAddress);
// AT should NOT send funds in the next block
ATStateData preRedeemAtStateData = repository.getATRepository().getLatestATState(atAddress);
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is NOT finished
ATData atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
long expectedBalance = recipientsInitialBalance - messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee();
long actualBalance = recipient.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Recipent's balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
// Send incorrect secrets to AT, from correct account
messageData = BTCACCT.buildTradeMessage(secretA, wrongSecret);
messageTransaction = sendMessage(repository, recipient, messageData, atAddress);
// AT should NOT send funds in the next block
describeAt(repository, atAddress);
// Check AT is NOT finished
atData = repository.getATRepository().fromATAddress(atAddress);
expectedBalance = recipientsInitialBalance - messageTransaction.getTransactionData().getFee() * 2;
actualBalance = recipient.getConfirmedBalance(Asset.QORT);
assertEquals("Recipent's balance incorrect", expectedBalance, actualBalance);
checkTradeRefund(repository, deployer, deployersInitialBalance, deployAtFee);
@ -396,7 +498,7 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
private DeployAtTransaction doDeploy(Repository repository, PrivateKeyAccount deployer) throws DataException {
byte[] creationBytes = BTCACCT.buildQortalAT(deployer.getAddress(), bitcoinPublicKeyHash, secretHash, refundTimeout, redeemAmount, bitcoinAmount);
byte[] creationBytes = BTCACCT.buildQortalAT(deployer.getAddress(), bitcoinPublicKeyHash, hashOfSecretB, tradeTimeout, redeemAmount, bitcoinAmount);
long txTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
byte[] lastReference = deployer.getLastReference();
@ -455,6 +557,7 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
private void checkTradeRefund(Repository repository, Account deployer, long deployersInitialBalance, long deployAtFee) throws DataException {
long deployersPostDeploymentBalance = deployersInitialBalance - fundingAmount - deployAtFee;
int refundTimeout = BTCACCT.calcRefundTimeout(tradeTimeout);
// AT should automatically refund deployer after 'refundTimeout' blocks
for (int blockCount = 0; blockCount <= refundTimeout; ++blockCount)
@ -481,15 +584,17 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
+ "\tcreator: %s,\n"
+ "\tcreation timestamp: %s,\n"
+ "\tcurrent balance: %s QORT,\n"
+ "\tis finished: %b,\n"
+ "\tHASH160 of secret-B: %s,\n"
+ "\tredeem payout: %s QORT,\n"
+ "\texpected bitcoin: %s BTC,\n"
+ "\ttrade timeout: %d minutes (from trade start),\n"
+ "\ttrade timeout: %d minutes (from AT creation),\n"
+ "\tcurrent block height: %d,\n",
HashCode.fromBytes(tradeData.hashOfSecretB).toString().substring(0, 40),
@ -503,13 +608,15 @@ public class AtTests extends Common {
} else {
// Trade
System.out.println(String.format("\tstatus: 'trade mode',\n"
+ "\ttrade timeout: block %d,\n"
+ "\trefund height: block %d,\n"
+ "\tHASH160 of secret-A: %s,\n"
+ "\tBitcoin P2SH nLockTime: %d (%s),\n"
+ "\tBitcoin P2SH-A nLockTime: %d (%s),\n"
+ "\tBitcoin P2SH-B nLockTime: %d (%s),\n"
+ "\ttrade recipient: %s",
HashCode.fromBytes(tradeData.hashOfSecretA).toString().substring(0, 40),
tradeData.lockTime, epochMilliFormatter.apply(tradeData.lockTime * 1000L),
tradeData.lockTimeA, epochMilliFormatter.apply(tradeData.lockTimeA * 1000L),
tradeData.lockTimeB, epochMilliFormatter.apply(tradeData.lockTimeB * 1000L),
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public class BtcTests extends Common {
List<byte[]> rawTransactions = BTC.getInstance().getAddressTransactions(p2shAddress);
byte[] expectedSecret = AtTests.secret;
byte[] expectedSecret = "This string is exactly 32 bytes!".getBytes();
byte[] secret = BTCP2SH.findP2shSecret(p2shAddress, rawTransactions);
Reference in New Issue
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