It will now attempt to wait until there are no other active transactions before starting, to avoid deadlocks. A timeout for this process is specified - generally 60 seconds - so that callers can give up or retry if something is holding a transaction open for too long. Right now we will give up in all places except for bootstrap creation, where it will keep retrying until successful.
This involved adding a feature to the test suite in include the option of using a repository located on disk rather than in memory. Also moved the bootstrap compression/extraction working directories to temporary folders.
- Adds support for minting accounts as well as trade bot states
- Includes automatic import of both types on node startup, and automatic export on node shutdown
- Retains legacy trade bot states in a separate "TradeBotStatesArchive.json" file, whilst keeping the current active ones in "TradeBotStates.json". This prevents states being re-imported after they have been removed, but still keeps a copy of the data in case a key is ever needed.
- Uses indentation in the JSON files for easier readability.
The "Names" table (the latest state of each name) drifts out of sync with the name-related transaction history on a subset of nodes for some unknown and seemingly difficult to find reason.
Treat the "Names" table as a cache that can be rebuilt at any time. It now works like this:
- On node startup, rebuild the entire Names table by replaying the transaction history of all registered names. Includes registrations, updates, buys and sells.
- Add a "pre-process" stage to block/transaction processing. If the block contains a name related transaction, rebuild the Names cache for any names referenced by these transactions before validating anything.
The existing "integrity check" has been modified to just check basic attributes based on the latest transaction for a name. It will log if there are any inconsistencies found, but won't correct anything. This adds confidence that the rebuild has worked correctly.
There are also multiple unit tests to ensure that the rebuilds are coping with various different scenarios.
- Use the "{\"age\":30}" data to make the tests more similar to some real world data.
- Added tests to ensure that registering and orphaning works as expected.
Whilst not ideal, this is necessary to prevent the chain from getting stuck on future blocks due to duplicate name registrations. See for full details on this problem - this is simply a "catch-all" implementation of that class in order to futureproof this fix.
There is still a database inconsistency to be solved, as some nodes are failing to add a registered name to their Names table the first time around, but this will take some time. Once fixed, this commit could potentially be reverted.
Also added unit tests for both scenarios (same and different creator).
TLDR: this allows all past and future invalid blocks caused by NAME_ALREADY_REGISTERED (by the same creator) to now be valid.
This ensures that nodes are storing unreadable files, outside of the context of Qortal. For public data, the decryption keys themselves are on-chain, included in the "secret" field of arbitrary transactions. When we introduce the concept of private data, we can simply exclude the secret key from the transaction so that only the owner can decrypt it.
When encrypting the file, I have added the 16 byte initialization vector as a prefix to the cyphertext, and it is then automatically extracted back out when decrypting. This gives us the option to encrypt more than one file with the same key, if we ever need it. Right now, we are using a unique key per file, so it's not actually needed, but it's good to have support.
Adds "name", "method", "secret", and "compression" properties. These are the foundations needed in order to handle updates, encryption, and name registration. Compression has been added so that we have the option of switching to different algorithms whilst maintaining support for existing transactions.
This introduces the hash58 property, which stores the base58 hash of the file passed in at initialization. It leaves digest() and digest58() for when we need to compute a new hash from the file itself.
- Adds support for files up 500MiB per transaction (at 2MiB chunk sizes). Previously, the max data size was 4000 bytes.
- Adds a nonce, giving us the option to remove the transaction fees altogether on the data chain.
These features become enabled in version 5 of arbitrary transactions.
A couple of classes were using the bitcoinj alternative, which is twice as slow. This mostly affected the API on port 12392, as byte arrays were automatically encoded as base58 strings via the Base58TypeAdapter / JAXB package-info.
These are simpler than the level 1+2 tests; they only test that the rewards are correct for each level post-shareBinFix. I don't think we need multiple instances of the pre-shareBinFix or block orphaning tests. There are a few subtle differences between each test, such as the online status of Bob, in order the make the tests slightly more comprehensive.
1. Assign 3 minters (one founder, one level 1, one level 2)
2. Mint a block after the shareBinFix, ensuring that level 1 and 2 are being rewarded evenly from the same share bin.
3. Orphan the block and ensure the rewards are reversed.
4. Orphan two more blocks, each time checking that the balances are being reduced in accordance with the pre-shareBinFix mapping.