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synced 2025-03-18 21:24:58 +00:00
Added unit test to test level 1 and 2 rewards.
1. Assign 3 minters (one founder, one level 1, one level 2) 2. Mint a block after the shareBinFix, ensuring that level 1 and 2 are being rewarded evenly from the same share bin. 3. Orphan the block and ensure the rewards are reversed. 4. Orphan two more blocks, each time checking that the balances are being reduced in accordance with the pre-shareBinFix mapping.
This commit is contained in:
@ -336,4 +336,131 @@ public class RewardTests extends Common {
/** Test rewards for level 1 and 2 accounts both pre and post the shareBinFix, including orphaning back through the feature trigger block */
public void testLevel1And2Rewards() throws DataException {
try (final Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getRepository()) {
List<PrivateKeyAccount> mintingAndOnlineAccounts = new ArrayList<>();
// Alice self share online
PrivateKeyAccount aliceSelfShare = Common.getTestAccount(repository, "alice-reward-share");
// Bob self-share NOT online
// Chloe self share online
byte[] chloeRewardSharePrivateKey = AccountUtils.rewardShare(repository, "chloe", "chloe", 0);
PrivateKeyAccount chloeRewardShareAccount = new PrivateKeyAccount(repository, chloeRewardSharePrivateKey);
// Dilbert self share online
byte[] dilbertRewardSharePrivateKey = AccountUtils.rewardShare(repository, "dilbert", "dilbert", 0);
PrivateKeyAccount dilbertRewardShareAccount = new PrivateKeyAccount(repository, dilbertRewardSharePrivateKey);
// Mint a couple of blocks so that we are able to orphan them later
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
BlockMinter.mintTestingBlock(repository, mintingAndOnlineAccounts.toArray(new PrivateKeyAccount[0]));
// Ensure that the levels are as we expect
assertEquals(1, (int) Common.getTestAccount(repository, "alice").getLevel());
assertEquals(1, (int) Common.getTestAccount(repository, "bob").getLevel());
assertEquals(1, (int) Common.getTestAccount(repository, "chloe").getLevel());
assertEquals(2, (int) Common.getTestAccount(repository, "dilbert").getLevel());
// Ensure that only Alice is a founder
assertEquals(1, getFlags(repository, "alice"));
assertEquals(0, getFlags(repository, "bob"));
assertEquals(0, getFlags(repository, "chloe"));
assertEquals(0, getFlags(repository, "dilbert"));
// Now that everyone is at level 1, we can capture initial balances
Map<String, Map<Long, Long>> initialBalances = AccountUtils.getBalances(repository, Asset.QORT, Asset.LEGACY_QORA, Asset.QORT_FROM_QORA);
final long aliceInitialBalance = initialBalances.get("alice").get(Asset.QORT);
final long bobInitialBalance = initialBalances.get("bob").get(Asset.QORT);
final long chloeInitialBalance = initialBalances.get("chloe").get(Asset.QORT);
final long dilbertInitialBalance = initialBalances.get("dilbert").get(Asset.QORT);
// Mint a block
final long blockReward = BlockUtils.getNextBlockReward(repository);
BlockMinter.mintTestingBlock(repository, mintingAndOnlineAccounts.toArray(new PrivateKeyAccount[0]));
// Ensure we are at the correct height and block reward value
assertEquals(6, (int) repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock().getHeight());
assertEquals(10000000000L, blockReward);
* Alice, Chloe, and Dilbert are 'online'. Bob is offline.
* Chloe is level 1, Dilbert is level 2.
* One founder online (Alice, who is also level 1).
* No legacy QORA holders.
* Chloe and Dilbert should receive equal shares of the 5% block reward for Level 1 and 2
// We are after the shareBinFix feature trigger, so we expect level 1 and 2 to share the same reward (5%)
final int level1And2SharePercent = 5_00; // 5%
final long level1And2ShareAmount = (blockReward * level1And2SharePercent) / 100L / 100L;
final long expectedReward = level1And2ShareAmount / 2; // The reward is split between Chloe and Dilbert
final long expectedFounderReward = blockReward - level1And2ShareAmount; // Alice should receive the remainder
// Validate the balances to ensure that the correct post-shareBinFix distribution is being applied
assertEquals(500000000, level1And2ShareAmount);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "alice", Asset.QORT, aliceInitialBalance+expectedFounderReward);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "bob", Asset.QORT, bobInitialBalance); // Bob not online so his balance remains the same
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "chloe", Asset.QORT, chloeInitialBalance+expectedReward);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "dilbert", Asset.QORT, dilbertInitialBalance+expectedReward);
// Now orphan the latest block. This brings us to the threshold of the shareBinFix feature trigger.
BlockUtils.orphanBlocks(repository, 1);
assertEquals(5, (int) repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock().getHeight());
// Ensure the latest post-fix block rewards have been subtracted and they have returned to their initial values
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "alice", Asset.QORT, aliceInitialBalance);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "bob", Asset.QORT, bobInitialBalance); // Bob not online so his balance remains the same
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "chloe", Asset.QORT, chloeInitialBalance);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "dilbert", Asset.QORT, dilbertInitialBalance);
// Orphan another block. This time, the block that was orphaned was prior to the shareBinFix feature trigger.
BlockUtils.orphanBlocks(repository, 1);
assertEquals(4, (int) repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock().getHeight());
// Prior to the fix, the levels were incorrectly grouped
// Chloe should receive 100% of the level 1 reward, and Dilbert should receive 100% of the level 2+3 reward
final int level1SharePercent = 5_00; // 5%
final int level2And3SharePercent = 10_00; // 10%
final long level1ShareAmountBeforeFix = (blockReward * level1SharePercent) / 100L / 100L;
final long level2And3ShareAmountBeforeFix = (blockReward * level2And3SharePercent) / 100L / 100L;
final long expectedFounderRewardBeforeFix = blockReward - level1ShareAmountBeforeFix - level2And3ShareAmountBeforeFix; // Alice should receive the remainder
// Validate the share amounts and balances
assertEquals(500000000, level1ShareAmountBeforeFix);
assertEquals(1000000000, level2And3ShareAmountBeforeFix);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "alice", Asset.QORT, aliceInitialBalance-expectedFounderRewardBeforeFix);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "bob", Asset.QORT, bobInitialBalance); // Bob not online so his balance remains the same
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "chloe", Asset.QORT, chloeInitialBalance-level1ShareAmountBeforeFix);
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "dilbert", Asset.QORT, dilbertInitialBalance-level2And3ShareAmountBeforeFix);
// Orphan the latest block one last time
BlockUtils.orphanBlocks(repository, 1);
assertEquals(3, (int) repository.getBlockRepository().getLastBlock().getHeight());
// Validate balances
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "alice", Asset.QORT, aliceInitialBalance-(expectedFounderRewardBeforeFix*2));
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "bob", Asset.QORT, bobInitialBalance); // Bob not online so his balance remains the same
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "chloe", Asset.QORT, chloeInitialBalance-(level1ShareAmountBeforeFix*2));
AccountUtils.assertBalance(repository, "dilbert", Asset.QORT, dilbertInitialBalance-(level2And3ShareAmountBeforeFix*2));
private int getFlags(Repository repository, String name) throws DataException {
TestAccount testAccount = Common.getTestAccount(repository, name);
return repository.getAccountRepository().getAccount(testAccount.getAddress()).getFlags();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
"isTestChain": true,
"blockTimestampMargin": 500,
"transactionExpiryPeriod": 86400000,
"maxBlockSize": 2097152,
"maxBytesPerUnitFee": 1024,
"unitFee": "0.1",
"requireGroupForApproval": false,
"minAccountLevelToRewardShare": 5,
"maxRewardSharesPerMintingAccount": 20,
"founderEffectiveMintingLevel": 10,
"onlineAccountSignaturesMinLifetime": 3600000,
"onlineAccountSignaturesMaxLifetime": 86400000,
"rewardsByHeight": [
{ "height": 1, "reward": 100 },
{ "height": 11, "reward": 10 },
{ "height": 21, "reward": 1 }
"sharesByLevel": [
{ "levels": [ 1, 2 ], "share": 0.05 },
{ "levels": [ 3, 4 ], "share": 0.10 },
{ "levels": [ 5, 6 ], "share": 0.15 },
{ "levels": [ 7, 8 ], "share": 0.20 },
{ "levels": [ 9, 10 ], "share": 0.25 }
"qoraHoldersShare": 0.20,
"qoraPerQortReward": 250,
"blocksNeededByLevel": [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 ],
"blockTimingsByHeight": [
{ "height": 1, "target": 60000, "deviation": 30000, "power": 0.2 }
"ciyamAtSettings": {
"feePerStep": "0.0001",
"maxStepsPerRound": 500,
"stepsPerFunctionCall": 10,
"minutesPerBlock": 1
"featureTriggers": {
"messageHeight": 0,
"atHeight": 0,
"assetsTimestamp": 0,
"votingTimestamp": 0,
"arbitraryTimestamp": 0,
"powfixTimestamp": 0,
"qortalTimestamp": 0,
"newAssetPricingTimestamp": 0,
"groupApprovalTimestamp": 0,
"atFindNextTransactionFix": 0,
"newBlockSigHeight": 999999,
"shareBinFix": 6
"genesisInfo": {
"version": 4,
"timestamp": 0,
"transactions": [
{ "type": "ISSUE_ASSET", "assetName": "QORT", "description": "QORT native coin", "data": "", "quantity": 0, "isDivisible": true, "fee": 0 },
{ "type": "ISSUE_ASSET", "assetName": "Legacy-QORA", "description": "Representative legacy QORA", "quantity": 0, "isDivisible": true, "data": "{}", "isUnspendable": true },
{ "type": "ISSUE_ASSET", "assetName": "QORT-from-QORA", "description": "QORT gained from holding legacy QORA", "quantity": 0, "isDivisible": true, "data": "{}", "isUnspendable": true },
{ "type": "GENESIS", "recipient": "QgV4s3xnzLhVBEJxcYui4u4q11yhUHsd9v", "amount": "1000000000" },
{ "type": "GENESIS", "recipient": "QixPbJUwsaHsVEofJdozU9zgVqkK6aYhrK", "amount": "1000000" },
{ "type": "GENESIS", "recipient": "QaUpHNhT3Ygx6avRiKobuLdusppR5biXjL", "amount": "1000000" },
{ "type": "GENESIS", "recipient": "Qci5m9k4rcwe4ruKrZZQKka4FzUUMut3er", "amount": "1000000" },
{ "type": "ACCOUNT_FLAGS", "target": "QgV4s3xnzLhVBEJxcYui4u4q11yhUHsd9v", "andMask": -1, "orMask": 1, "xorMask": 0 },
{ "type": "REWARD_SHARE", "minterPublicKey": "2tiMr5LTpaWCgbRvkPK8TFd7k63DyHJMMFFsz9uBf1ZP", "recipient": "QgV4s3xnzLhVBEJxcYui4u4q11yhUHsd9v", "rewardSharePublicKey": "7PpfnvLSG7y4HPh8hE7KoqAjLCkv7Ui6xw4mKAkbZtox", "sharePercent": 100 },
{ "type": "ACCOUNT_LEVEL", "target": "QgV4s3xnzLhVBEJxcYui4u4q11yhUHsd9v", "level": 1 },
{ "type": "ACCOUNT_LEVEL", "target": "QixPbJUwsaHsVEofJdozU9zgVqkK6aYhrK", "level": 1 },
{ "type": "ACCOUNT_LEVEL", "target": "QaUpHNhT3Ygx6avRiKobuLdusppR5biXjL", "level": 1 },
{ "type": "ACCOUNT_LEVEL", "target": "Qci5m9k4rcwe4ruKrZZQKka4FzUUMut3er", "level": 2 }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"restrictedApi": false,
"blockchainConfig": "src/test/resources/test-chain-v2-reward-levels.json",
"wipeUnconfirmedOnStart": false,
"testNtpOffset": 0,
"minPeers": 0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user