Reduced AT state info from per-AT address + state hash + fees to AT count + total AT fees + hash of all AT states.
Modified Block and Controller to support above. Controller needs more work regarding CachedBlockMessages.
Note that blocks fetched from archive are in old V1 format.
Changed Triple<BlockData, List<TransactionData>, List<ATStateData>> to BlockTransformation to support both V1 and V2 forms.
Set min peer version to 3.3.203 in BlockV2Message class.
Aggregated signature should reduce block payload significantly,
as well as associated network, memory & CPU loads.
org.qortal.crypto.BouncyCastle25519 renamed to Qortal25519Extras.
Our class provides additional features such as DH-based shared secret,
aggregating public keys & signatures and sign/verify for aggregate use.
BouncyCastle's Ed25519 class copied in as BouncyCastleEd25519,
but with 'private' modifiers changed to 'protected',
to allow extension by our Qortal25519Extras class,
and to avoid lots of messy reflection-based calls.
Adding support for GET_ONLINE_ACCOUNTS_V3 to Controller, which calls OnlineAccountsManager.
With OnlineAccountsV3, instead of nodes sending their list of known online accounts (public keys),
nodes now send a summary which contains hashes of known online accounts, one per timestamp + leading-byte combo.
Thus outgoing messages are much smaller and scale better with more users.
Remote peers compare the hashes and send back lists of online accounts (for that timestamp + leading-byte combo) where hashes do not match.
Massive rewrite of OnlineAccountsManager to maintain online accounts.
Now there are three caches:
1. all online accounts, but split into sets by timestamp
2. 'hashes' of all online accounts, one hash per timestamp+leading-byte combination
Mainly for efficient use by GetOnlineAccountsV3 message constructor.
3. online accounts for the highest blocks on our chain to speed up block processing
Note that highest blocks might be way older than 'current' blocks if we're somewhat behind in syncing.
Other OnlineAccountsManager changes:
* Use scheduling executor service to manage subtasks
* Switch from 'synchronized' to 'concurrent' collections
* Generally switch from Lists to Sets - requires improved OnlineAccountData.hashCode() - further work needed
* Only send V3 messages to peers with version >= 3.2.203 (for testing)
* More info on which online accounts lists are returned depending on use-cases
To test, change your peer's version (in pom.xml?) to v3.2.203.
Reduced AT state info from per-AT address + state hash + fees to AT count + total AT fees + hash of all AT states.
Modified Block and Controller to support above. Controller needs more work regarding CachedBlockMessages.
Note that blocks fetched from archive are in old V1 format.
Changed Triple<BlockData, List<TransactionData>, List<ATStateData>> to BlockTransformation to support both V1 and V2 forms.
Set min peer version to 3.3.203 in BlockV2Message class.
This allows for compatibility with TRANSFER_PRIVS validation in commit 8950bb7, which treats any account with a non-null reference as "existing". It also avoids possible unknown side effects from trying to process and store transactions with a null reference - something that wouldn't have been possible until the validation was removed.
This should prevent the failed transactions that are encountered when issuing two or more in a short space of time. Using a feature trigger (hard fork) to release this, to avoid potential consensus confusion around the time of the update (older versions could consider the main chain invalid until updating).
As per work done by szisti in PR#45:
Extracted network 'Tasks' to their own classes.
Network.NetworkProcessor reduced to only producing Tasks.
Improved usage of SocketChannel interest-ops.
Eventually this might lead to reducing task-producing synchronization lock into more granular locks.
Work still needed to convert sending messages to a queue and to make use of OP_WRITE instead of sleeping to wait for socket buffer to empty.
Disabled PeerConnectTask producer from checking against connected peers via DNS as it's too slow.
Swapped Peer's replyQueues from SynchronizedMap(wrapped HashMap) to ConcurrentHashMap.
Other minor changes within networking.
As per work done by szisti in PR#45:
Extracted MessageException from inside Message into its own class.
Extracted MessageType from inside Message into its own class.
Converted reflection-based Message.fromByteBuffer method call to non-reflection, functional interface, method-reference.
This should have minor performance improvement but stronger method signature and type enforcement, as well as better IDE integration.
Message.fromByteBuffer method 'contract' tightened up to:
1. throw BufferUnderflowException if there are not enough bytes to deserialize message
2. throw MessageException if bytes contain invalid data
3. should not return null
Message.toData method 'contract' tightened up to:
1. return null if the message has no payload to serialize
2. throw IOException directly - no need to try-catch in each subclass
Several Message-subclass fields now marked 'final' as per IDE suggestion.
Several Message-subclass fromByteBuffer() method signatures have changed 'throws' list.
Several bytes.remaining() != some-value changed to bytes.remaining() < some-value as per new contract.
Some bytes.remaining() checks removed for fixed-length messages because we can rely on ByteBuffer throwing BufferUnderflowException.
Some bytes.remaining() checks retained for variable-length messages, or messages that read a large amount of data, to prevent wasted memory allocations.
Other minor tidying up
Lite nodes can't sync or mint blocks, and they also have a very limited ability to verify unconfirmed transactions due to a lack of contextual information (i.e. the blockchain). For now, most validation is skipped and they simply act as relays to help get transactions around the network. Full and topOnly nodes will disregard any invalid transactions upon receipt as usual, and since the lite nodes aren't signing any blocks, there is little risk to the reduced validation, other than the experience of the lite node itself. This can be tightened up considerably as the lite nodes become more powerful, but the current approach works as a PoC.
This is currently for name registration transactions only, but can be adapted (or duplicated) for other transaction types when needed.
Note: this switches from a greater-than (>) to a greater-than-or-equal (>=) timestamp comparison, as it makes more sense this way. It shouldn't affect the previous transition since there were no REGISTER_NAME transactions at that exact timestamp.
It is quite likely that existing resources with both metadata and an empty chunks array will need to be republished, because this bug may have led to incorrect file deletions.
Fix UPDATE_NAME not processing empty 'newName' transactions correctly.
Fix some emoji code-points not being processed correctly.
Updated tests.
Now included ICU4J v70.1 - WARNING: this could add around 10MB to JAR size!
Bumped homoglyph to v1.2.1.