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synced 2025-03-14 11:32:32 +00:00
Initial work on online-accounts-v3 network messages to drastically reduce network load.
Lots of TODOs to action.
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,9 +67,14 @@ public class OnlineAccountsManager extends Thread {
Deque<List<OnlineAccountData>> latestBlocksOnlineAccounts = new ArrayDeque<>(MAX_BLOCKS_CACHED_ONLINE_ACCOUNTS);
public OnlineAccountsManager() {
// TODO: make private, add these tasks to scheduled executor:
// send our online accounts every 10s
// expireOnlineAccounts every ONLINE_ACCOUNTS_CHECK_INTERVAL
// broadcastOnlineAccountsQuery every ONLINE_ACCOUNTS_BROADCAST_INTERVAL
// processOnlineAccountsImportQueue every 100ms?
// TODO: convert to SingletonContainer a-la Network
public static synchronized OnlineAccountsManager getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new OnlineAccountsManager();
@ -78,6 +83,7 @@ public class OnlineAccountsManager extends Thread {
return instance;
// TODO: see constructor for more info
public void run() {
// Start separate thread to prepare our online accounts
@ -113,6 +119,7 @@ public class OnlineAccountsManager extends Thread {
public void shutdown() {
isStopping = true;
// TODO: convert interrrupt to executor.shutdownNow();
@ -151,11 +158,14 @@ public class OnlineAccountsManager extends Thread {
// Utilities
// TODO: split this into validateAccount() and addAccount()
private void verifyAndAddAccount(Repository repository, OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData) throws DataException {
final Long now = NTP.getTime();
if (now == null)
// TODO: don't create otherAccount, instead:
// byte[] rewardSharePublicKey = onlineAccountData.getPublicKey();
PublicKeyAccount otherAccount = new PublicKeyAccount(repository, onlineAccountData.getPublicKey());
// Check timestamp is 'recent' here
@ -166,12 +176,14 @@ public class OnlineAccountsManager extends Thread {
// Verify
byte[] data = Longs.toByteArray(onlineAccountData.getTimestamp());
// TODO: use Crypto.verify() static method directly
if (!otherAccount.verify(onlineAccountData.getSignature(), data)) {
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Rejecting invalid online account %s", otherAccount.getAddress()));
// Qortal: check online account is actually reward-share
// TODO: use "rewardSharePublicKey" from above TODO
RewardShareData rewardShareData = repository.getAccountRepository().getRewardShare(onlineAccountData.getPublicKey());
if (rewardShareData == null) {
// Reward-share doesn't even exist - probably not a good sign
@ -186,6 +198,7 @@ public class OnlineAccountsManager extends Thread {
// TODO: change this.onlineAccounts to a ConcurrentMap? Keyed by timestamp?
synchronized (this.onlineAccounts) {
OnlineAccountData existingAccountData = this.onlineAccounts.stream().filter(account -> Arrays.equals(account.getPublicKey(), onlineAccountData.getPublicKey())).findFirst().orElse(null);
@ -193,17 +206,21 @@ public class OnlineAccountsManager extends Thread {
if (existingAccountData.getTimestamp() < onlineAccountData.getTimestamp()) {
// TODO: change otherAccount.getAddress() to rewardSharePublicKey in Base58?
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Updated online account %s with timestamp %d (was %d)", otherAccount.getAddress(), onlineAccountData.getTimestamp(), existingAccountData.getTimestamp()));
} else {
// TODO: change otherAccount.getAddress() to rewardSharePublicKey in Base58?
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Not updating existing online account %s", otherAccount.getAddress()));
} else {
// TODO: change otherAccount.getAddress() to rewardSharePublicKey in Base58?
LOGGER.trace(() -> String.format("Added online account %s with timestamp %d", otherAccount.getAddress(), onlineAccountData.getTimestamp()));
// TODO: if we actually added a new account, then we need to rebuild our hashes-by-timestamp-then-byte for rewardSharePublicKey's leading byte also
@ -220,6 +237,7 @@ public class OnlineAccountsManager extends Thread {
final long onlineAccountsTimestamp = toOnlineAccountTimestamp(now);
byte[] timestampBytes = Longs.toByteArray(onlineAccountsTimestamp);
// TODO: use new addAccount() method
synchronized (this.onlineAccounts) {
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
package org.qortal.network.message;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
import com.google.common.primitives.Longs;
import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
* For requesting online accounts info from remote peer, given our list of online accounts.
* Different format to V1 and V2:
* V1 is: number of entries, then timestamp + pubkey for each entry
* V2 is: groups of: number of entries, timestamp, then pubkey for each entry
* V3 is: groups of: timestamp, number of entries (one per leading byte), then hash(pubkeys) for each entry
public class GetOnlineAccountsV3Message extends Message {
private static final Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> EMPTY_ONLINE_ACCOUNTS = Collections.emptyMap();
private Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> hashesByTimestampThenByte;
public GetOnlineAccountsV3Message(Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> hashesByTimestampThenByte) {
// If we don't have ANY online accounts then it's an easier construction...
if (hashesByTimestampThenByte.isEmpty()) {
this.dataBytes = EMPTY_DATA_BYTES;
// We should know exactly how many bytes to allocate now
int byteSize = hashesByTimestampThenByte.size() * (Transformer.TIMESTAMP_LENGTH + Transformer.INT_LENGTH)
+ Transformer.TIMESTAMP_LENGTH /* trailing zero entry indicates end of entries */;
byteSize += hashesByTimestampThenByte.values()
.mapToInt(map -> map.size() * Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH)
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(byteSize);
// Warning: no double-checking/fetching! We must be ConcurrentMap compatible.
// So no contains() then get() or multiple get()s on the same key/map.
try {
for (var outerMapEntry : hashesByTimestampThenByte.entrySet()) {
var innerMap = outerMapEntry.getValue();
for (byte[] hashBytes : innerMap.values()) {
// end of records
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError("IOException shouldn't occur with ByteArrayOutputStream");
this.dataBytes = bytes.toByteArray();
this.checksumBytes = Message.generateChecksum(this.dataBytes);
private GetOnlineAccountsV3Message(int id, Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> hashesByTimestampThenByte) {
super(id, MessageType.GET_ONLINE_ACCOUNTS_V3);
this.hashesByTimestampThenByte = hashesByTimestampThenByte;
public Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> getHashesByTimestampThenByte() {
return this.hashesByTimestampThenByte;
public static Message fromByteBuffer(int id, ByteBuffer bytes) {
// 'empty' case
if (!bytes.hasRemaining()) {
return new GetOnlineAccountsV3Message(id, EMPTY_ONLINE_ACCOUNTS);
Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> hashesByTimestampThenByte = new HashMap<>();
while (true) {
long timestamp = bytes.getLong();
if (timestamp == 0)
// Zero timestamp indicates end of records
int hashCount = bytes.getInt();
Map<Byte, byte[]> hashesByByte = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < hashCount; ++i) {
byte[] publicKeyHash = new byte[Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH];
hashesByByte.put(publicKeyHash[0], publicKeyHash);
hashesByTimestampThenByte.put(timestamp, hashesByByte);
return new GetOnlineAccountsV3Message(id, hashesByTimestampThenByte);
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ public abstract class Message {
private static final int MAX_DATA_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10MB
protected static final byte[] EMPTY_DATA_BYTES = new byte[0];
private static final ByteBuffer EMPTY_READ_ONLY_BYTE_BUFFER = ByteBuffer.wrap(EMPTY_DATA_BYTES).asReadOnlyBuffer();
protected int id;
protected final MessageType type;
@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ public abstract class Message {
if (dataSize > 0 && dataSize + CHECKSUM_LENGTH > readOnlyBuffer.remaining())
return null;
ByteBuffer dataSlice = null;
if (dataSize > 0) {
byte[] expectedChecksum = new byte[CHECKSUM_LENGTH];
@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ public enum MessageType {
GET_ONLINE_ACCOUNTS(81, GetOnlineAccountsMessage::fromByteBuffer),
ONLINE_ACCOUNTS_V2(82, OnlineAccountsV2Message::fromByteBuffer),
GET_ONLINE_ACCOUNTS_V2(83, GetOnlineAccountsV2Message::fromByteBuffer),
// ONLINE_ACCOUNTS_V3(84, OnlineAccountsV3Message::fromByteBuffer),
GET_ONLINE_ACCOUNTS_V3(85, GetOnlineAccountsV3Message::fromByteBuffer),
ARBITRARY_DATA(90, ArbitraryDataMessage::fromByteBuffer),
GET_ARBITRARY_DATA(91, GetArbitraryDataMessage::fromByteBuffer),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
package org.qortal.test.network;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
import com.google.common.primitives.Longs;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.jsse.provider.BouncyCastleJsseProvider;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.qortal.data.network.OnlineAccountData;
import org.qortal.network.message.*;
import org.qortal.transform.Transformer;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.security.Security;
import java.util.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public class OnlineAccountsV3Tests {
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
static {
// This must go before any calls to LogManager/Logger
System.setProperty("java.util.logging.manager", "org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager");
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleProvider(), 0);
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleJsseProvider(), 1);
@Ignore("For informational use")
public void compareV2ToV3() throws MessageException {
List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts = generateOnlineAccounts(false);
// How many of each timestamp and leading byte (of public key)
Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> hashesByTimestampThenByte = convertToHashMaps(onlineAccounts);
byte[] v3DataBytes = new GetOnlineAccountsV3Message(hashesByTimestampThenByte).toBytes();
int v3ByteSize = v3DataBytes.length;
byte[] v2DataBytes = new GetOnlineAccountsV2Message(onlineAccounts).toBytes();
int v2ByteSize = v2DataBytes.length;
int numTimestamps = hashesByTimestampThenByte.size();
System.out.printf("For %d accounts split across %d timestamp%s: V2 size %d vs V3 size %d%n",
numTimestamps != 1 ? "s" : "",
for (var outerMapEntry : hashesByTimestampThenByte.entrySet()) {
long timestamp = outerMapEntry.getKey();
var innerMap = outerMapEntry.getValue();
System.out.printf("For timestamp %d: %d / 256 slots used.%n",
private Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> convertToHashMaps(List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts) {
// How many of each timestamp and leading byte (of public key)
Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> hashesByTimestampThenByte = new HashMap<>();
for (OnlineAccountData onlineAccountData : onlineAccounts) {
Long timestamp = onlineAccountData.getTimestamp();
Byte leadingByte = onlineAccountData.getPublicKey()[0];
.computeIfAbsent(timestamp, k -> new HashMap<>())
.compute(leadingByte, (k, v) -> xorByteArrayInPlace(v, onlineAccountData.getPublicKey()));
return hashesByTimestampThenByte;
// TODO: This needs to be moved - probably to be OnlineAccountsManager
private static byte[] xorByteArrayInPlace(byte[] inplaceArray, byte[] otherArray) {
if (inplaceArray == null)
return Arrays.copyOf(otherArray, otherArray.length);
// Start from index 1 to enforce static leading byte
for (int i = 1; i < otherArray.length; i++)
inplaceArray[i] ^= otherArray[otherArray.length - i - 1];
return inplaceArray;
public void testOnGetOnlineAccountsV3() {
List<OnlineAccountData> ourOnlineAccounts = generateOnlineAccounts(false);
List<OnlineAccountData> peersOnlineAccounts = generateOnlineAccounts(false);
Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> ourConvertedHashes = convertToHashMaps(ourOnlineAccounts);
Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> peersConvertedHashes = convertToHashMaps(peersOnlineAccounts);
List<String> mockReply = new ArrayList<>();
// Warning: no double-checking/fetching - we must be ConcurrentMap compatible!
// So no contains()-then-get() or multiple get()s on the same key/map.
for (var ourOuterMapEntry : ourConvertedHashes.entrySet()) {
Long timestamp = ourOuterMapEntry.getKey();
var ourInnerMap = ourOuterMapEntry.getValue();
var peersInnerMap = peersConvertedHashes.get(timestamp);
if (peersInnerMap == null) {
// Peer doesn't have this timestamp, so if it's valid (i.e. not too old) then we'd have to send all of ours
for (Byte leadingByte : ourInnerMap.keySet())
mockReply.add(timestamp + ":" + leadingByte);
} else {
// We have entries for this timestamp so compare against peer's entries
for (var ourInnerMapEntry : ourInnerMap.entrySet()) {
Byte leadingByte = ourInnerMapEntry.getKey();
byte[] peersHash = peersInnerMap.get(leadingByte);
if (!Arrays.equals(ourInnerMapEntry.getValue(), peersHash)) {
// We don't match peer, or peer doesn't have - send all online accounts for this timestamp and leading byte
mockReply.add(timestamp + ":" + leadingByte);
int numOurTimestamps = ourConvertedHashes.size();
System.out.printf("We have %d accounts split across %d timestamp%s%n",
numOurTimestamps != 1 ? "s" : ""
int numPeerTimestamps = peersConvertedHashes.size();
System.out.printf("Peer sent %d accounts split across %d timestamp%s%n",
numPeerTimestamps != 1 ? "s" : ""
System.out.printf("We need to send: %d%n%s%n", mockReply.size(), String.join(", ", mockReply));
public void testSerialization() throws MessageException {
List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccountsOut = generateOnlineAccounts(true);
Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> hashesByTimestampThenByteOut = convertToHashMaps(onlineAccountsOut);
public void testEmptySerialization() throws MessageException {
Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> hashesByTimestampThenByteOut = Collections.emptyMap();
hashesByTimestampThenByteOut = new HashMap<>();
private void validateSerialization(Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> hashesByTimestampThenByteOut) throws MessageException {
Message messageOut = new GetOnlineAccountsV3Message(hashesByTimestampThenByteOut);
byte[] messageBytes = messageOut.toBytes();
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(messageBytes).asReadOnlyBuffer();
GetOnlineAccountsV3Message messageIn = (GetOnlineAccountsV3Message) Message.fromByteBuffer(byteBuffer);
Map<Long, Map<Byte, byte[]>> hashesByTimestampThenByteIn = messageIn.getHashesByTimestampThenByte();
Set<Long> timestampsIn = hashesByTimestampThenByteIn.keySet();
Set<Long> timestampsOut = hashesByTimestampThenByteOut.keySet();
assertEquals("timestamp count mismatch", timestampsOut.size(), timestampsIn.size());
assertTrue("timestamps mismatch", timestampsIn.containsAll(timestampsOut));
for (Long timestamp : timestampsIn) {
Map<Byte, byte[]> hashesByByteIn = hashesByTimestampThenByteIn.get(timestamp);
Map<Byte, byte[]> hashesByByteOut = hashesByTimestampThenByteOut.get(timestamp);
assertNotNull("timestamp entry missing", hashesByByteOut);
Set<Byte> leadingBytesIn = hashesByByteIn.keySet();
Set<Byte> leadingBytesOut = hashesByByteOut.keySet();
assertEquals("leading byte entry count mismatch", leadingBytesOut.size(), leadingBytesIn.size());
assertTrue("leading byte entry mismatch", leadingBytesIn.containsAll(leadingBytesOut));
for (Byte leadingByte : leadingBytesOut) {
byte[] bytesIn = hashesByByteIn.get(leadingByte);
byte[] bytesOut = hashesByByteOut.get(leadingByte);
assertTrue("pubkey hash mismatch", Arrays.equals(bytesOut, bytesIn));
private List<OnlineAccountData> generateOnlineAccounts(boolean withSignatures) {
List<OnlineAccountData> onlineAccounts = new ArrayList<>();
int numTimestamps = RANDOM.nextInt(2) + 1; // 1 or 2
for (int t = 0; t < numTimestamps; ++t) {
long timestamp = 1 << 31 + (t + 1) << 12;
int numAccounts = RANDOM.nextInt(3000);
for (int a = 0; a < numAccounts; ++a) {
byte[] sig = null;
if (withSignatures) {
sig = new byte[Transformer.SIGNATURE_LENGTH];
byte[] pubkey = new byte[Transformer.PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH];
onlineAccounts.add(new OnlineAccountData(timestamp, sig, pubkey));
return onlineAccounts;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user