> Note: Looking for Next.js Commerce v1? View the [code](https://github.com/vercel/commerce/tree/v1), [demo](https://commerce-v1.vercel.store), and [release notes](https://github.com/vercel/commerce/releases/tag/v1).
Vercel will only be actively maintaining a Shopify version [as outlined in our vision and strategy for Next.js Commerce](https://github.com/vercel/commerce/pull/966).
Vercel is more than happy to partner and work with any commerce provider to help them get a similar template up and running and listed below. Alternative providers should be able to fork this repository and swap out the `lib/shopify` file with their own implementation while leaving the rest of the template mostly unchanged.
You will need to use the environment variables [defined in `.env.example`](.env.example) to run Next.js Commerce. It's recommended you use [Vercel Environment Variables](https://vercel.com/docs/concepts/projects/environment-variables) for this, but a `.env` file is all that is necessary.
You can use this comprehensive [integration guide](http://vercel.com/docs/integrations/shopify) with step-by-step instructions on how to configure Shopify as a headless CMS using Next.js Commerce as your headless Shopify storefront on Vercel.