B 78cc378a72
New Release (#371)
* Custom Checkout Progress

* Updates to Checkout

* Custom Checkout Progress

* Adding tabs

* Adding Collapse

* Adding Collapse

* Improving Sidebar Scroll

* Modif footer

* Changes

* More design updates

* sidebar cart

* More design updates

* More design updates

* More design updates

* More design updates

* Types

* Types

* Design Updates

* More changes

* More changes

* More changes

* Changes

* Changes

* Changes

* New tailwind required changes

* Sidebar Styling issues with Mobile

* Latest changes - Normalizing cart

* Styling Fixes

* New changes

* Changes

* latest

* Refactor and Renaming some UI Props

* Adding Quantity Component

* Adding Rating Component

* Rating Component

* More updates

* User Select disabled, plus hidding horizontal scroll bars

* Changes

* Adding ProductOptions Component and more helpers

* Styling updates

* Styling updates

* Fix for slim tags

* Missmatch with RightArrow

* Footer updates and some styles

* Latest Updates

* Latest Updates

* Latest Updates

* Removing Portal, since it's not needed. We might add it later I'd rather not to.

* Removing Portal, since it's not needed. We might add it later I'd rather not to.

* Sam backdrop filter

* General UI Improvements

* General UI Improvements

* Search now with Geist Colors

* Now with Geist Colors

* Changes

* Scroll for Mobile on IOs devises

* LoadingDots Working (:

* Changes

* More Changes

* Perf changes

* More perf changes

* Fade to the Nametags in the ProductCard

* changes

* Search issue ui

* Search issue ui

* Make sure to only refresh navbar and modals when required

* Index revalidate

* Fixed image issue

* hide album scroll on windows

* Fix scrollbar

* Changing

* Adding 404 with Layout

* Removing Toast

* Adding Assets

* Adding Assets

* Progress with LocalProvider

* New productTag

* Only images for the drop

* changes

* Empty SWRhooks

* Adding Local Provider

* Working local

* Working view of a LocalProvider

* More updates

* Changes

* Removed react-ticker

* default to local if no env available

* default to local if no env available

* add missing `@` to css import

* rewrite search rewrites to multiple pages

* allow requests in getStaticProps to execute in parallel

* make type import explicit

* add a tsconfig.js file

* use local provider in tsconfig.js

* avoid a circular dependency

* Saleor was not in the providers list

* avoid circular dependency in bigcommerce

* Adding more to the Local Provider (#366)

* Adding more data

* Adding more data

* optimize assets (#370)

* Optimize assets (#372)

* optimize assets

* remove assets

* remove assets

* cart enabled

* Adding saleor

* Changes with Webpack

* Changes

Co-authored-by: Luis Alvarez <luis@vercel.com>
Co-authored-by: Tobias Koppers <tobias.koppers@googlemail.com>
Co-authored-by: Shu Ding <g@shud.in>
2021-06-15 20:23:17 -03:00
2021-06-15 20:23:17 -03:00
2021-06-15 20:23:17 -03:00
2021-06-10 01:46:28 -05:00
2021-06-15 20:23:17 -03:00
2021-06-15 20:23:17 -03:00

Commerce Framework

The commerce framework ships multiple hooks and a Node.js API, both using an underlying headless e-commerce platform, which we call commerce providers.

The core features are:

  • Code splitted hooks for data fetching using SWR, and to handle common user actions
  • A Node.js API for initial data population, static generation of content and for creating the API endpoints that connect to the hooks, if required.

👩‍🔬 If you would like to contribute a new provider, check the docs for Adding a new Commerce Provider.

🚧 The core commerce framework is under active development, new features and updates will be continuously added over time. Breaking changes are expected while we finish the API.

Commerce Hooks

A commerce hook is a React hook that's connected to a commerce provider. They focus on user actions and data fetching of data that wasn't statically generated.

Data fetching hooks use SWR underneath and you're welcome to use any of its return values and options. For example, using the useCustomer hook:

const { data, isLoading, error } = useCustomer({
  swrOptions: {
    revalidateOnFocus: true,


This component adds the provider config and handlers to the context of your React tree for it's children. You can optionally pass the locale to it:

import { CommerceProvider } from '@framework'

const App = ({ locale = 'en-US', children }) => {
  return <CommerceProvider locale={locale}>{children}</CommerceProvider>

Authentication Hooks


Returns a signup function that can be used to sign up the current visitor:

import useSignup from '@framework/auth/use-signup'

const SignupView = () => {
  const signup = useSignup()

  const handleSignup = async () => {
    await signup({

  return <form onSubmit={handleSignup}>{children}</form>


Returns a login function that can be used to sign in the current visitor into an existing customer:

import useLogin from '@framework/auth/use-login'

const LoginView = () => {
  const login = useLogin()
  const handleLogin = async () => {
    await login({

  return <form onSubmit={handleLogin}>{children}</form>


Returns a logout function that signs out the current customer when called.

import useLogout from '@framework/auth/use-logout'

const LogoutButton = () => {
  const logout = useLogout()
  return (
    <button type="button" onClick={() => logout()}>

Customer Hooks


Fetches and returns the data of the signed in customer:

import useCustomer from '@framework/customer/use-customer'

const Profile = () => {
  const { data, isLoading, error } = useCustomer()

  if (isLoading) return <p>Loading...</p>
  if (error) return <p>{error.message}</p>
  if (!data) return null

  return <div>Hello, {data.firstName}</div>

Product Hooks


Helper hook to format price according to the commerce locale and currency code. It also handles discounts:

import useCart from '@framework/cart/use-cart'
import usePrice from '@framework/product/use-price'

// ...
const { data } = useCart()
const { price, discount, basePrice } = usePrice(
  data && {
    amount: data.subtotalPrice,
    currencyCode: data.currency.code,
    // If `baseAmount` is used, a discount will be calculated
    // baseAmount: number,
// ...


Fetches and returns the products that match a set of filters:

import useSearch from '@framework/product/use-search'

const SearchPage = ({ searchString, category, brand, sortStr }) => {
  const { data } = useSearch({
    search: searchString || '',
    categoryId: category?.entityId,
    brandId: brand?.entityId,
    sort: sortStr,

  return (
    <Grid layout="normal">
      {data.products.map((product) => (
        <ProductCard key={product.path} product={product} />

Cart Hooks


Fetches and returns the data of the current cart:

import useCart from '@framework/cart/use-cart'

const CartTotal = () => {
  const { data, isLoading, isEmpty, error } = useCart()

  if (isLoading) return <p>Loading...</p>
  if (error) return <p>{error.message}</p>
  if (isEmpty) return <p>The cart is empty</p>

  return <p>The cart total is {data.totalPrice}</p>


Returns a function that adds a new item to the cart when called, if this is the first item it will create the cart:

import { useAddItem } from '@framework/cart'

const AddToCartButton = ({ productId, variantId }) => {
  const addItem = useAddItem()

  const addToCart = async () => {
    await addItem({

  return <button onClick={addToCart}>Add To Cart</button>


Returns a function that updates a current item in the cart when called, usually the quantity.

import { useUpdateItem } from '@framework/cart'

const CartItemQuantity = ({ item }) => {
  const [quantity, setQuantity] = useState(item.quantity)
  const updateItem = useUpdateItem({ item })

  const updateQuantity = async (e) => {
    const val = e.target.value

    await updateItem({ quantity: val })

  return (

If the quantity is lower than 1 the item will be removed from the cart.


Returns a function that removes an item in the cart when called:

import { useRemoveItem } from '@framework/cart'

const RemoveButton = ({ item }) => {
  const removeItem = useRemoveItem()
  const handleRemove = async () => {
    await removeItem(item)

  return <button onClick={handleRemove}>Remove</button>

Wishlist Hooks

Wishlist hooks work just like cart hooks. Feel free to check how those work first.

The example below shows how to use the useWishlist, useAddItem and useRemoveItem hooks:

import { useWishlist, useAddItem, useRemoveItem } from '@framework/wishlist'

const WishlistButton = ({ productId, variant }) => {
  const addItem = useAddItem()
  const removeItem = useRemoveItem()
  const { data, isLoading, isEmpty, error } = useWishlist()

  if (isLoading) return <p>Loading...</p>
  if (error) return <p>{error.message}</p>
  if (isEmpty) return <p>The wihslist is empty</p>

  const { data: customer } = useCustomer()
  const itemInWishlist = data?.items?.find(
    (item) => item.product_id === productId && item.variant_id === variant.id

  const handleWishlistChange = async (e) => {
    if (!customer) return

    if (itemInWishlist) {
      await removeItem({ id: itemInWishlist.id })
    } else {
      await addItem({
        variantId: variant.id,

  return (
    <button onClick={handleWishlistChange}>
      <Heart fill={itemInWishlist ? 'var(--pink)' : 'none'} />

Commerce API

While commerce hooks focus on client side data fetching and interactions, the commerce API focuses on static content generation for pages and API endpoints in a Node.js context.

The commerce API is currently going through a refactor in https://github.com/vercel/commerce/pull/252 - We'll update the docs once the API is released.


Feel free to read through the source for more usage, and check the commerce vercel demo and commerce repo for usage examples: (demo.vercel.store) (repo)