2020-10-27 06:05:38 -05:00

61 lines
1.6 KiB

import useSWR, { ConfigInterface, responseInterface } from 'swr'
import type { HookInput, HookFetcher, HookFetcherOptions } from './types'
import { CommerceError } from './errors'
import { useCommerce } from '..'
export type SwrOptions<Result, Input = null> = ConfigInterface<
HookFetcher<Result, Input>
export type UseData = <Result = any, Input = null>(
options: HookFetcherOptions | (() => HookFetcherOptions | null),
input: HookInput,
fetcherFn: HookFetcher<Result, Input>,
swrOptions?: SwrOptions<Result, Input>
) => responseInterface<Result, CommerceError>
const useData: UseData = (options, input, fetcherFn, swrOptions) => {
const { fetcherRef } = useCommerce()
const fetcher = async (
url?: string,
query?: string,
method?: string,
...args: any[]
) => {
try {
return await fetcherFn(
{ url, query, method },
// Transform the input array into an object
args.reduce((obj, val, i) => {
obj[input[i][0]!] = val
return obj
}, {}),
} catch (error) {
// SWR will not log errors, but any error that's not an instance
// of CommerceError is not welcomed by this hook
if (!(error instanceof CommerceError)) {
throw error
const response = useSWR(
() => {
const opts = typeof options === 'function' ? options() : options
return opts
? [opts.url, opts.query, opts.method, ...input.map((e) => e[1])]
: null
return response
export default useData