Community Forum

Learn more about the Mintership concept, and why it was needed. The days of 'sponsorship' are a thing of the past on the Qortal Network. No more will there be the ability to self-sponsor. A new era of Qortal begins! Join the conversation with the other minters and admins here!

Become A Minter

Not already minting? You've come to the right place to get started. The 'MINTERS.' links will take you to the 'Minter Board'. The Minter Board is a place to publish your intent to become a minter, and get support from the existing minters and Minter Admins.

Admin Board

Make decisions together with the other admins on the Admin Board. The admin board is a FULLY ENCRYPTED decision-making board for the Mintership Admins. This board allows publishing 'cards' just like the Minter Board, but with two types of cards. Check out the Admin Board Here!

Updates and information

v1.04beta 01-27-2025

v1.04b Fixes- MANY fixes - See post in the FORUM for details, too many to list here.

v1.03beta 01-23-2025

v1.03b Fixes- Filtering issue resolved - Version 1.02 had a filtering logic modification applied to add and remove admin transactions. However, it was not changed on the REMOVE filtering, so REMOVE transactions that were PENDING were showing as COMPLETE and thus the board was displaying cards as already removed when there was only a PENDING tx. This has been resolved in 1.03b.

v1.02beta 01-22-2025

v1.02b Fixes- There were publish issues on ARA Board - These publish issues have now been resolved. DUPLICATES ARE NOT ALLOWED, and if you did not publish a card for a name, you cannot publish an update. Also removed the 'alert' for comment publish, as it was unnecessary. Also resolved an issue preventing a user from publishing more than a single card (regardless of duplicates).

v1.01beta 01-21-2025

v1.01b - Improving Major changes in 1.0.- Every feature required for the new featureTriggers have been added, and a minor bug on the ARA Board has been resolved. Pull Request from QuickMythril has also been added. Allowing cards to be arranged based on various parameters.

v0.84beta 01-13-2025

NEW Features- All GROUP_APPROVAL and Transaction functionality - Ability to CREATE INVITE, KICK, AND BAN transactions, and functionality to allow GROUP_APPROVAL of said transactions. Checks for the featureTrigger and whether it has passed or not, to change the functionality to the new methods post-core-update. See page 15 of the General Room for details - FORUM

JOIN MINTER GROUP - Join the Minter Group from your Minter Card - After the minter who published a card is APPROVED (with GROUP_APPROVAL after next core update, or by an invite from crowetic prior, after 40%+ approval by Minter Admins...) a 'JOIN MINTER GROUP' button will appear on the card for the user that published it. Upon clicking this button a JOIN_GROUP transaction will be created, and processed, thus accepting the invite to the MINTER group.


on the 15th page of General room, and other related information in the MINTER ROOM on page 5.

Various additional fixes and cleanup. All of the above functionality has been TESTED on the DevNet, that is why there is a big jump in VERSION from the last to this one.

Many additional features are coming soon, including a NOTIFICATION SYSTEM, PROFILES AND EXPLORER, and MUCH MORE. Q-Mintership will become more than simply 'the app used to become a minter'.

v0.71beta 01-08-2025

NEW Features- 'KICK, BAN, and GROUP_APPROVALS' - Features to ADD and REMOVE minters from MINTER group, and GROUP_APPROVAL after featureTrigger block passes have all been added. FORUM

NEW Feature - 'Colorized Card Statuses' - Colorized Card statuses based on invite status. Cards will become RED/ORANGE in AdminBoard if they have been KICKED/BANNED. Cards will become BLACK in the MinterBoard if they have been INVITED.

NEW Feature - JOIN BUTTON - MinterBoard will have a JOIN button come up on the card for the minter that has been INVITED if that minter views the board.

Various additional fixes and cleanup. Ability to hide cards, search functionality, and additional profile and account data will be coming soon.

v0.71beta 01-04-2025

NEW Feature- 'INVITE MINTER' - This is a button that will come up on the Minter Board and allow existing Minters (non-admins) to create the INVITE transaction that will then be approved by the Minter Admins. The concept of the 'Minter Admin Tools' section is changing, and the tools for creation and approval of transactions are being implemented into the Minter Board instead. Just as the Votes are now displayed, in the future the approval transactions will be displayed. Making it a one-stop location for all new (and existing) Minter details and actions. More details will be published in the FORUM

NEW Feature - 'ScrollToTop button' - The 'ScrollToTop' button was a requested feature to allow users to easily scroll back to the top of the page. It will come up on any page after you scroll down over 100px, and allow you to get back to the top of the page with a single click. Applied to Forum and Boards.

Fixes - Admin Room image embeds - The image embed feature on the Forum, in the Admin Room (encrypted) has been fixed, attached images will now display in the preview pane as they would with unencrypted images.

Various additional fixes and cleanup. More account detail features and the modification of the Minter Admin Tools section into an 'account details explorer' will be taking place over time.

v0.70beta 01-03-2025

A few update patches have been made, so this is a patch update to fix various issues.

v0.68beta 01-01-2025

This is a patch update to fix loading of data into minter cards upon duplicates, and clearing message input on send in the forum.

v0.67beta 12-31-2024

Fixes for name-based cards on the admin board mostly.

v0.66beta 12-30-2024

New fixes for fake names, and not displaying minters that are already minters. Also, fix for QuickMythril 'poll hijack'. Fixed displaying of encrypted images in Minter Room, and more code cleanup.

New Version + Features 12-28-2024

New Version now includes full POLL RESULT DETAILS for every card. This includes each vote, the voter name, their weight (blocksMinted), and much more. Many additional code-cleanup changes were made as well. Also... The ARBITRARY REBUILD BOOTSTRAP should now be available, IF YOU ARE HAVING ISSUES SEEING DATA, PLEASE BOOTSTRAP YOUR NODE TO OBTAIN A REBUILT DATABASE. Thank you!

publish fix+ Notes 12-28-2024

Fixed an issue causing publishes to fail, after cleaning up part of the code here. Also, a re-built db with the archive rebuild run on it, that should help significantly with 'missing data' on nodes, is now on the bootstrap cluster. Once a new bootstrap has been created an announcement will be made. Thank you!

Massive performance + Notes 12-27-2024

MASSIVE performance improvements today. Increased performance of both the Forum and Minter Board by a HUGE margin today by leveraging async better, and utilizing searchSimple for all search calls. This makes the forum and boards load 100x faster. Also, may have determined the cause of the QDN bug... we will research further, but as of now, I am definitely getting better results withOUT following names. Will update as time goes on. Also... PLEASE NOTE - POLLS ARE NOT TO BE UTILIZED THROUGH QOMBO OR ANY OTHER APP. Polls in the Minter and Admin Boards are TIED to the cards that published them, and the results are FILTERED to display only the results of MINTERS and ADMINS. Therefore, utilizing outside tools to read (or create) polls is not only an exercise in futility, but also will provide no useful information whatsoever. Please realize that the poll data is utilized to show direct support of the cards by minters and admins, and pols are NOT MEANT TO BE CREATED OR VIEWED OUTIDE OF Q-MINTERSHIP. Thank you.

Issues from QDN 12-27-2024

it seems there were some issues caused by what can only be described as the QDN bug. I will be checking into this in more detail in the near future, but it seems like the previous publish did not get the update as it was supposed to out to many people, and as such many of the changes were not there in the code that was on each node. Due to this, many issues were happening. Including the fact that the identifier change didn't take place, or at least that is what seems to have happened. Will verify this shortly. Until then will publish another update now that should resolve some lingering issues.

Yet More Fixes + Updates 12-26-2024

Another update has been accomplished, this time to version 0.61beta. This version includes many changes and performance improvements. Further performance improvements will be coming soon. This change includes a cache for the published data on the forum. Messages of up to 2000 in number, will be stored locally in browser storage, that way if the message has already been loaded by that computer, it will not have to pull the data again from QDN. It will be stored in encrypted format for the Admin room. This same caching will be applied to the Minter and Admin boards in the future. Also, reply issues that were present before should be resolved, all replies, regardless of when they were published, will now show their previews in the message pane as they are supposed to. Previously if a reply was on another page, it would not load this preview. The encrypted portions of the app now include a method of caching the admin public keys, for faster publishing. The Minter and Admin boards have a new comment loading display when the comments button is clicked to let users know that data is being loaded, on top of the existing comment count. Other new features and additional performance improvements are in planning. Also, the issue preventing comments from those that had not already loaded the forum, in the Admin Board, has been resolved as well.

Huge changes and fixes 12-23-2024

All of the Board and Forum bugs that were known have been resolved. There are still future changes to be made in order to add searching, etc. ALL IDENTIFIERS ARE SET TO PERMANENT IDENTIFIERS NOW. This means that all previous publishes that were done in testMode will no longer show up, and the app is now in 'officially released' status. Announcements about the MinterBoard can now be made publicly. Admin Board now allows publishing non-name-based cards with 'topics' instead, for use in admin voting. Encrypted images and attachments now work and download/display as they do in the unencrypted rooms on the forum. Much more to come, and much more has been done.

Big Updates to Boards 12-20-2024

The Minter and Admin boards received large updates today. Many modificatons. It should be about time to do public announcements about the Minter Board. New types of boards are in planning as well. The changes to the Mintership Forum Admins Room to allow encrypted file downloads are taking a bit longer than expected, but should be completed soon as well. Hopefully if all goes well the public announcements will take place on Monday.

a few things remaining

There are still a few things remaining, such as downloading of encrypted attachments in the Admin Room on the forum, and final testing of the Minter Data Board, with potentially a rename of that section to 'Minter Management' in the future. Many additional changes will be coming as time goes on as well. Turning Q-Mintership-Alpha into a fully featured Mintership app! Hope you enjoy it and that it is useful for you, and if you have any suggestions in regard to new features or modifications to existing ones, send a Q-Mail message to crowetic.

Updates 12.17.2024

The Q-Mintership-Alpha application is now published on the Q-Mintership name, and has a plethora of new features. Including the Minter Board, where new minters will publish information about themselves so that the admins can make informed decisions, and the Minter Data Board as a new Minter Admin Tool to manage the data regarding minters they want to add/remove from the MINTER group. The Forum portion of the app now also contains an encrypted Admin room, and has had a ton of improvements made as well.

This is the beginning...

This is the very start of the Q-Mintership app. It will be dramatically changing upon the beta release, and modification to the Q-Mintership Q-App. This initial version is a version that could be launched more quickly, and does not have nearly as much functionality as what will exist once the main app goes live.