QuickMythril c0307c352c
Updated ApiError translations
removed some duplicate entries, and standardized the order
2022-04-05 11:46:32 -04:00

84 lines
2.0 KiB

#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://essiembre.github.io/eclipse-rbe/)
# Keys are from api.ApiError enum
# "localeLang": "en",
### Common ###
JSON = failed to parse JSON message
INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE = insufficient balance
UNAUTHORIZED = API call unauthorized
REPOSITORY_ISSUE = repository error
NON_PRODUCTION = this API call is not permitted for production systems
BLOCKCHAIN_NEEDS_SYNC = blockchain needs to synchronize first
NO_TIME_SYNC = no clock synchronization yet
### Validation ###
INVALID_SIGNATURE = invalid signature
INVALID_ADDRESS = invalid address
INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY = invalid public key
INVALID_DATA = invalid data
INVALID_NETWORK_ADDRESS = invalid network address
ADDRESS_UNKNOWN = account address unknown
INVALID_CRITERIA = invalid search criteria
INVALID_REFERENCE = invalid reference
TRANSFORMATION_ERROR = could not transform JSON into transaction
INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY = invalid private key
INVALID_HEIGHT = invalid block height
CANNOT_MINT = account cannot mint
### Blocks ###
BLOCK_UNKNOWN = block unknown
### Transactions ###
TRANSACTION_UNKNOWN = transaction unknown
PUBLIC_KEY_NOT_FOUND = public key not found
# this one is special in that caller expected to pass two additional strings, hence the two %s
TRANSACTION_INVALID = transaction invalid: %s (%s)
### Naming ###
NAME_UNKNOWN = name unknown
### Asset ###
INVALID_ASSET_ID = invalid asset ID
INVALID_ORDER_ID = invalid asset order ID
ORDER_UNKNOWN = unknown asset order ID
### Groups ###
GROUP_UNKNOWN = group unknown
### Foreign Blockchain ###
FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_NETWORK_ISSUE = foreign blockchain or ElectrumX network issue
FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_BALANCE_ISSUE = insufficient balance on foreign blockchain
FOREIGN_BLOCKCHAIN_TOO_SOON = too soon to broadcast foreign blockchain transaction (LockTime/median block time)
### Trade Portal ###
ORDER_SIZE_TOO_SMALL = order amount too low
### Data ###
FILE_NOT_FOUND = file not found
NO_REPLY = peer didn't reply within the allowed time