Updated the "localeLang" files with new keys and removed old unused keys for English, German, Dutch, Italian, Finnish, Hungarian, Russian and Chinese translations
The "dust" threshold is around 1 DOGE - meaning orders below this size cannot be refunded or redeemed. The simplest solution is to prevent orders of this size being placed to begin with.
Translator class no longer logs warnings for every failed translation.
Commented out unused ApiError enum entries.
Renamed some ApiError names like "_NO_EXISTS" to "_UNKNOWN".
Removed old src/main/resources/globalization/* files.
Added CheckTranslations test app.
Fixed some extraneous/missing ApiError aspects in some API-related classes.
e.g. added NAME_UNKNOWN to GET /names/{name}
HTML/JS in src/test/resources/proxy-key-example.html updated accordingly.
Add handshake status to output of API call GET /peers
Add/correct @ApiErrors annotations on some API calls.
Add API call POST /admin/orphan (target height as body)
to force blockchain orphaning for when node is wildly out of sync.
Added support for above to BlockChain class.
BlockGenerator now requires a minimum number of peers
before it will generate any new blocks.
See "minBlockchainPeers" in settings.
Controller now requires a minimum number of peers
before it will consider synchronizing.
See "minBlockchainPeers" in settings.
Old "minPeers" entry in settings.json no longer valid!
Networking now allows both an outbound and inbound connection
to a peer although will use the outbound connection in preference.
Networking checks peer ID of inbound connections to detect,
and resolve, peer ID clashes/theft.
Some dev/testing API calls are now turned off by default in production mode,
see "restrictApi" settings entry, returning NON_PRODUCTION API error.
Corrections to how account's defaultGroupId works, removing "effective groupID"
which overly complicated matters.
In relation to above, DEFAULT_GROUP (0) no longer exists and NO_GROUP(-1) now has
the value 0 instead.
So transactions can no longer have txGroupId of DEFAULT_GROUP, which in turn
required all the erroneous "effective groupID" code.
API call /addresses/{address} now supplies blockchain-wide defaultGroupId if
account doesn't exist or if account's default not set and NO-GROUP not allowed.
API /transactions/pending now offloaded to repository instead of Java-based
processing and filtering.
Transaction approval checks added to Block.isValid
Groups now have min/max approval block delays.
Checks added to incoming unconfirmed, block generator, block.isValid, etc.
'needing approval' and 'meets approval threshold' now split into separate calls.
NB: settings.json no longer part of git repo
Invalid/expired unconfirmed transactions are cleaned during various calls,
e.g. requesting list of unconfirmed transactions,
or requesting account's last reference (including considering unconfirmed),
or generating a new block.
BlockGenerator now calls repository.discardChanges before sleep to
release any repository-level locks.
Added settings.json toggle "wipeUnconfirmedOnStart" (default: true)
to aid testing.
REMOVED API call /addresses/lastreference/{address}/unconfirmed as
/addresses/lastreference/{address} now considers unconfirmed
transactions regardless.
Added useful error to /transactions/sign if an invalid private key
is supplied.
Improved API "invalid transaction" error to include actual apsect
that caused validity check to fail (e.g. invalid reference)
Refactored to standard Maven layout:
New translation code that uses locale-specific ResourceBundles
to load translations on demand.
Reworked API error/exceptions code to a shorter, simpler
@ApiErrors annotation. Processing of @ApiErrors annotations
produces an example for each possible API error and includes
API error string in HTTP response code, e.g.
Missing API error cases added to each API call.
Translation of openAPI.json removed (for now).
block-explorer.html and BIP39 wordlists now read as resources
instead of direct from disk.
Java compile warnings fixed.
Some runtime warnings remain:
WARNING: A provider api.resource.ApiDefinition registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime.
WARNING: A provider api.resource.AnnotationPostProcessor registered in SERVER runtime does not implement any provider interfaces applicable in the SERVER runtime.
WARN org.reflections.Reflections - given scan urls are empty. set urls in the configuration