Bitcoin receive address no longer stored in AT but dealt with by trade-bot.
This allows 'Bob' to have his BTC sent anywhere he likes when redeeming P2SH-A
thus saving a step, typically incurred by UI. DB shape change due to this.
Similarly, AT code has been updated to expect a Qortal receiving address when
Alice sends MESSAGE to redeem AT.
This means both trade-bot entries (Alice/Bob) can be safely wiped once trade completes.
Some terms were confusing like "trade recipient" which actually referred to
Alice and so have been unified as "trade partner" as to not be confused with
(say) "recipient address"
The MESSAGEs sent from Alice to Bob, from Bob to AT and from Alice to AT have been
given more useful names: 'offer', 'trade' and 'redeem'. There is also a cancel
MESSAGE sent from Bob to AT to cancel AT before trading occurs.
Some API calls have been renamed in light of above.
AT's 'mode' has been expanded from simply OFFER/TRADE to:
Previous version fetched all the blocks from previous 'timestamp'
to current height, checking each transaction. (very slow)
New implementation leverages repository to do the heavy lifting.
Could potentially benefit from some DB indexes in the future?
Added unit test to cover.
Bitcoin main-net ElectrumX server list added to ElectrumX class,
albeit commented out at this point until it is decided that trade-bot
is ready for production use. (Simply remove the leading //s)
More comments and documentation has been added to TradeBot class
to further describe the actions taken.
It is important to note that:
Bitcoin wallet access is required by trade-bot
and so:
A Bitcoin WALLET PRIVATE KEY is stored in the database by trade-bot
and hence, if you use trade-bot:
Furthermore it should be obvious that this functionality is provided on
a 'best effort", not guaranteed, basis, therefore:
If you are unsure about any aspect, or cannot afford to lose your funds,
or it's possible that unexpected outcomes occur, then DO NOT USE.
To use trade-bot on Bitcoin TESTNET then this to your settings JSON file:
"bitcoinNet": "TEST3",
See line 100, and BTC class for more info.
bitcoinj now uses ElectrumX as an UTXO provider in order to keep track
of coins in BIP32 deterministic wallet.
Trade responder (Alice) needs to pass a BIP32 extended private key to API
so trade-bot can create unattended spends.
Both Alice and Bob can find their final funds in accounts using the
ephemeral 'tradePrivateKey' from trade-bot state data.
Most cross-chain API calls are now only allowed from localhost.
Most Bitcoin fees pegged at 0.00001000 BTC.
More work needed to handle refunds in case of trade failures.
(See XXX comment tags in
Qortal AT now includes suggested tradeTimeout again as a constant so trade partner/recipient can use that to calculate a suitable lockTimeA. CODE_HASH changed!
Renamed some secret_hash to hash_of_secret.
Changed TradeBotStates.trade_state back to TINYINT and adjusted values in TradeBotData.State enum to suit.
Added lockTimeA to TradeBotData & repository.
Added JAXB-only extra representations of Bitcoin PKHs as addresses.
Fixed incorrect expected length in BTCACCT.extractOfferMessageData().
CrossChainTradeData.refundTimeout now only present in TRADE mode.
Added BTC.pkhToAddress().
Added initial TradeBot.handleAliceWaitingForP2shA().
Enforce only one TradeBot thread running using 'activeFlag' atomic boolean.
Replace incorrect SHA256 with HASH160 for hashOfSecretA in TradeBot.startResponse().
Controller now calls TradeBot.onChainTipChange() inside thread
started by Controller.onNewBlock(), instead of blocking
DB TradeBotStates has trade_foreign_public_key changed to VARBINARY(33)
as Bitcoin pubkeys aren't uniformly 32 bytes!
Also, trade_state changed from TINYINT to SMALLINT to cover enum value range.
TradeBot.createTrade() incorrectly used Crypto.digest() to create hash-of-secret
instead of Crypto.hash160(). Also corrected tradeState to
BOB_WAITING_FOR_AT_CONFIRM. Also added missing fee calculation.
Added missing repository.saveChanges() to TradeBot methods.
Added balance check to API POST /crosschain/tradebot before passing
request to TradeBot.createTrade(), which also ensures there's a
usable account last-reference too.
BTC.getBalance() now returns Long instead of Coin.
BTC.FORMAT.format(Coin) changed to BTC.format(Coin or long).
Added BTC.deriveP2shAddress(byte[] redeemScriptBytes).
Replaced AT-1.3.4 with version including bug-fix for off-by-one
data address bounds checking.
Moved long-from-bytes method to BitTwiddling class.
Renamed some methods to make it more obvious they work with
little/big endian data.
Also added Named/DaemonThreadFactory classes.
Network EPC now uses NamedThreadFactory for easier debugging.
Added settings field "networkPoWComputePoolSize", default 2, which
seems to work with both low-power ARM boards and high-power desktops.
If a node accepts a connection from an inbound peer
then remote peer will send RESPONSE first
and local node would previously change handshaking state
to COMPLETED while computing their own RESPONSE.
This meant that the local node would sometimes also start
sending post-handshake messages to the remote peer,
Remote peer is only expecting a RESPONSE message, so would
close connection.
So we introduce an extra handshaking state "RESPONDING" for use
by local node while they compute RESPONSE in a separate thread.
Once the RESPONSE has been sent, local node moves to COMPLETED
state and called onHandshakeCompleted() as per usual.
Note that the code path when connecting outbound to a remote peer
is not changed, and the RESPONDING state is not used.
Also in this commit:
Network.onPeerReady now bypasses call to onMessage and instead
calls onHandshakingMessage() directly to avoid race condition
where peer's handshake status could change between
onPeerReady's caller and onMessage() calling peer.getHandshakeStatus()
NodeStatus contructor now fills in fields, which themselves are now 'final'.
NodeStatus also includes numberOfConnections and height as per systray.
AdminResource.status() unified with websocket version.
Incorrect column names when saving a group ban.
Missing column in LeaveGroupTransactions.
More stringent validity checks in group-kick, group-ban and remove-group-admin.
Added loads more tests to cover group actions.
Requires entries 'sslKeystorePathname' and 'sslKeystorePassword'
in settings.json.
With SSL enabled, API will auto-detect HTTP or HTTPs on the same port.
Included tools/ to help build keystore from
Let's Encrypt certificates.