This is calculated by the total capacity divided by the number of names the node follows. The idea here is that a single content creator can't upload terabytes of data and consume all the space on their followers' nodes. They can only use a proportion, with equal space given to each followed name. And since the limit is dynamic, following more names reduces the allocation to existing names.
- The "diff type" is now specified per file, allowing for different diff methods in each modified file.
- Patches will only be created when both the before and after files are less than 100kiB in size.
- Patches are validated after creation, and if invalid it will fall back to including the entire file.
This has identified a bug where patching fails for files without trailing newline characters, which still needs to be fixed. Until then, it will fall back to including the entire file in these cases.
This involved adding a feature to the test suite in include the option of using a repository located on disk rather than in memory. Also moved the bootstrap compression/extraction working directories to temporary folders.
- Adds support for minting accounts as well as trade bot states
- Includes automatic import of both types on node startup, and automatic export on node shutdown
- Retains legacy trade bot states in a separate "TradeBotStatesArchive.json" file, whilst keeping the current active ones in "TradeBotStates.json". This prevents states being re-imported after they have been removed, but still keeps a copy of the data in case a key is ever needed.
- Uses indentation in the JSON files for easier readability.
1. Assign 3 minters (one founder, one level 1, one level 2)
2. Mint a block after the shareBinFix, ensuring that level 1 and 2 are being rewarded evenly from the same share bin.
3. Orphan the block and ensure the rewards are reversed.
4. Orphan two more blocks, each time checking that the balances are being reduced in accordance with the pre-shareBinFix mapping.
Post trigger, account levels will map correctly to share bins, subtracting 1 to account for the 0th element of the shareBinsByLevel array.
Pre-trigger, the legacy mapping will remain in effect.
Post trigger, this change will use all 128 bytes of previous block's signature when
calculating/validating next block's "minter" signature (itself the first 64 bytes of a block signature).
Prior to trigger, current behaviour is to only use first 64 bytes of previous block's
signature, which doesn't encompass transactions signature.
New block sig code should help reduce forking and help improve transactional
Added "newBlockSigHeight" to blockchain.json but initially set to block 999999
pending decision on when to merge, auto-update, go-live, etc.
Added altcoinj library as Maven dependency.
Added new Litecoin subclass of Bitcoiny,
with mainnet and testnet ElectrumX server lists.
Added litecoinNet settings variable and getter.
Added LitecoinTests.
Most tests work but testFindHtclSecret()
needs a redeemed HTLC on chain (not yet done).
Added litecoinNet to some test settings files
in resources.
Added Litecoin BuildHTLC, Refund test apps.
Added SendLTC app as Electrum-LTC seems a bit flaky?
So far managed to build HTLC P2SH, fund it and then
refund it!
As Bitcoin and Litecoin are both subclasses of Bitcoiny,
could unify some test apps with added Bitcoin/Litecoin
switch as first arg?
Any reward leftover from ditributing to legacy QORA holders is reallocated to either:
founders if any online
account-level-based reward candidates, if no founders online
We should get pretty close to 100% block reward distribution, barring rounding artifacts.
More documentation and tests.
Removed BlockChain's founderShare as it is calculated in Block on a per-block basis instead.
Group owner now derived from CREATE_GROUP transaction creator's public key.
Added 'reduced' group name to GroupData, with corresponding change to DB.
Renamed GroupData.getIsOpen() to simply isOpen().
Tidied up CreateGroupTransactionData, adding 'reduced' group name.
Renamed getIsOpen() to simply isOpen().
Added code to generated reduced group name when building genesis block.
Added Group.MIN_NAME_SIZE of 3.
DB tables changed to add reduced_group_name where appropriate,
removing owner where necessary.
Added GroupRepository.reducedGroupNameExists(String).
Fixed up test blockchain configs in src/test/resources/test-chain-v2*.json.
Owner now derived from issuer's public key.
Maximum asset name length reduced to 40 characters.
Repository table changes.
"owner" removed from test blockchain configs and "issuerPublicKey" used instead
where applicable.
Some getters in the form of "getIs___()" renamed to simply "is____()".
Controller no longer starts up BTC support during main startup.
This does mean that BTC startup is deferred until first BTC-related
action, and that the first BTC-related action will take much longer
to complete.
Added tests to cover startup/shutdown.
This also fixes splash logo stuck on-screen and broken Controller
shutdown when using REGTEST bitcoin network AND there is no
local regtest bitcoin server running.
Moved Asset.MULTIPLIER, etc. to Amounts class.
Had to reintroduce BigInteger for asset trading code.
Various helper methods added to Amounts class.
Payment.process/orphan no longer needs unused transaction
signature or reference.
Added post block process/orphan tidying, which currently deletes zero account balances to satisfy post-orphan checks in unit tests.
Fix for possible bug when orphaning TRANSFER_PRIVS.
Added RewardSharePercentTypeAdapter like AmountTypeAdapter.
Replaced a whole load of JAXB-special getters with type-adapters.
Tests looking good!
Qortal is never going to continue off the old Qora blockchain,
so removed all code regarding compatibility.
Removals include:
* various blockchain "feature triggers"
* special Qora-only broken code for various transaction signatures
* "old" asset pricing / trading
* pre-group txGroupId field in transactions
* compatibility unit tests
Possibly safe for roll-out on pre-genesis blockchain?
Tidied up duplicated cross-chain API code that
fetched Qortal AT info.
Added Bitcoin-related cross-chain API calls
for building, checking, refunding and redeeming
Added new Bitcoin-related API error codes.
Controller now starts up, and shuts down, bitcoinj.
Speed-up in BTC class so bitcoinj doesn't have
to throw away all peers and rediscover & reconnect
to them with every chain-related call.
We require AT v1.3.4 now!
Updated AT-related logging.
Added "isInitial" flag to AT state data so that state data created at
deployment is not added to serialized block data.
Updated BTC-QORT AT code and tests to cover various scenarios.
Added missing 'testNtpOffset' to various test versions of 'settings.json'.
Added missing 'ciyamAtSettings' to various test blockchain configs.
Loads of AT-related additions/fixes/etc. to core code, e.g Block
Blockchain configs will need "v2Timestamp" feature trigger renaming to "qortalTimestamp"!
Due to Controller.VERSION_PREFIX changing, peer-to-peer protocol version detection has
been changed. Was previous a substring match, now we test peers's buildTimestamp is at
Also added comment and throw() to QortalATAPI.getNextTransactionTimestamp()
as this needs given the change to Qortal's block timestamps from legacy Qora.
Changes to HSQLDB data types, e.g. QoraAddress to QortalAddress, means existing
database will need to be thrown away after this commit!
*** WARNING ***
Possible block reward bug in this commit. Further investigation needed.
Reverted AccountBalances back to height-less form.
Added HistoricAccountBalances table that is populated via trigger on AccountBalances.
This saves work when performing common requests for latest/confirmed balances,
shunting the extra work to when requesting height-related account balances.
Unified API call GET /addresses/balance/{address} by having address/assetId/height as
query params.
Simpler call for fetching legacy QORA holders during block rewarding.
Improved SQL for fetching asset balances, in all conditions,
e.g. with/without filtering addresses, with/without filtering assetIds,
Unit test for above to make sure query execution is fast enough.
(At one point, some SQL query was taking 6 seconds!)
Added optional 'height' Integer to AccountBalanceData, but this
is not populated/used very often. now checks zero balance saves
to see if the row can be deleted instead. This fixes a lot of unhappy tests
that complain that there are residual account balance rows left after
post-test orphaning back to genesis block.
Yet more tests.
Removed very old 'TransactionTests' which are mostly covered in more specific tests elsewhere.
Added cancel-sell-name test from above.
Fixed AssetsApiTests to check for QORT not QORA!
Changed hard-coded assetIDs in test.common.AssetUtils in light of new LEGACY_QORA & QORT_FROM_QORA genesis assets.
Some test blockchain config changes.
RewardShareKeys app now supports only one arg (minter private key)
in self-reward-share mode, where recipient public key is derived
from minter private key.
Added methods to Account for returning 'effective' minting level
where minting level for founders is read from blockchain config.
(Or returns zero if unable to mint).
Changed two Block constructors into static methods that return
a new Block as there was way too much work being done to really
be called a constructor, especially with all the opportunities
to throw an exception too.
Main blockchain config updated to reflect near-launch version.
Added/changed blockchain weight tests to check block winning
based on higher account levels.
Added Transaction.isFeeValid() to allow transaction subclasses to override and allow zero fees, etc.
Added tests to cover self-reward-shares, including zero fee scenario.
Set 'dilbert' test account to level 8 in test genesis block.
Removed leftover mention of "previous_level" from HSQLDBAccountLevelTransactions,
and AccountLevelTransactionData. (Previous level makes no sense as ACCOUNT_LEVEL
transactions are genesis-block only).
Fixed some incorrect uses of PrivateKeyAccount.getSharedSecret() to
PrivateKeyAccount.getRewardSharePrivateKey() in tests.
Unified terminology from block "generator", "forger", etc. to "minter"
Unified terminology "proxy forger" to "reward share" as it was
incorrect, or at least highly ambiguous, which account had which role.
AccountRepository.findRewardShares() has different arg order!
Account.canMint() now returns true if account has 'founder' flag set.
Added Account.canRewardShare() which returns whether acocunt can create
a reward-share (e.g. level 5+ or founder).
Fixed HSQLDBAssetRepository.getAllAssets() which had incorrect
resultSet column indexes.
Removed old traces of EnableForging transaction.
ACCOUNT_LEVEL and ACCOUNT_FLAGS (genesis-block-only transaction types)
now set target account's last-reference. This is allow later REWARD_SHARE
transactions in genesis block and post-genesis transactions by that account.
REWARD_SHARE transactions are now FREE, but only if minter is also recipient.
If a self-reward-share already exists, then unless share-percent is zero (to
terminate reward-share), any subsequent self-reward-share is invalid.
Updated SysTray i18n properties file.
BlockChain config file requires 'minAccountLevelToRewardShare' and optional
Added potential, but currently unused, memory-hard PoW algorithm.
Fixed/removed/disabled some unit tests.
BlockMinter.generateTestingBlock asks Controller to pretend mintingAccount is 'online'.
More testing needed!