mirror of https://github.com/Qortal/qortal-ui.git synced 2025-03-28 00:05:53 +00:00
2022-06-23 10:47:25 +02:00

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Qortal Project UI

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Decentralizing The World

Building and Running Qortal UI Server from source:

Follow the steps below to download, install, build and run Qortal UI locally on Linux.


Packages required:

  • Node.js
  • npm
  • yarn

Easiest way to install the lastest required packages on Linux is via nvm.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl -y
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash
source ~/.profile (For Debian based distro)
source ~/.bashrc (For Fedora / CentOS)
nvm ls-remote (Fetch list of available versions)
nvm install v16.14.2 (LTS: Gallium supported by Electron)
npm -g install yarn

On BSD do a pkg_add node followed by npm install -g yarn

Adding via binary package mirror will only work if you have set the package path. You can do a node or java build via ports instead by downloading ports with portsnap fetch method.

Verify your installtion with node --version

  • If you have an older installation of npm, please do not forget to update that with npm update -g.

Clone the main UI repo

  • git clone https://github.com/Qortal/qortal-ui.git

Installation and linking

In qortal-ui-core/, qortal-ui-plugins/, qortal-ui-crypto/ directories, run:

yarn install
yarn link

Finally, in the qortal-ui directory, run:

yarn link qortal-ui-core
yarn link qortal-ui-plugins
yarn link qortal-ui-crypto

Build UI server and files

In qortal-ui directory, run:

yarn run build

Start UI Server ( preferred way )

yarn run server &

The "&" at the end puts the UI server in the background.

Run UI using electron

yarn run start-electron

Build script (unix-like systems only)

To automate the above process, run ./build.sh, optionally specifying the following options:

-s: run UI server after completing the build
-e: run electron server after completing the build
-f: force relink and reinstall dependencies
-h: show help

Example command to build and run the UI server:

./build.sh -s