Videoplayer is much bigger, playlist is next to it instead of below
Video publisher name, icon, etc. moved to same row as superlike, file downloader
Titles can be selected/copied
Changed structure of ListSuperLikes.tsx slightly to fix undesirable warnings involving list keys and <div> being descendent of <p>
SubscribeButton.tsx created, but not fully implemented
* Merged Phil's new MultiplePublishAll component into main branch
* colorsys removed from project since it isn't used
* Title Prefix no longer required
Vite Version updated in package.json
Removed duplicate character from titleFormatter in Misc.ts
* Title Prefix no longer required
Vite Version updated in package.json
Removed duplicate character from titleFormatter in Misc.ts
Refactored constants/index.ts into Identifiers.ts, Categories.ts, and Misc.ts.
Regular expressions that titles allow all use new variable in Misc.ts for consistency and ease of editing it. New Characters are allowed in titles.
Categories sorted by name, "Other" is always at end of list. New Categories such as Qortal under Education have been added
Title prefix TextField added that starts all video titles with the entered value.