forked from crowetic/commerce
Lee Robinson fd9450aecb
Next.js Commerce refresh. (#966)
We're making some updates to Next.js Commerce. Everything prior to this commit marks what we're calling [`v1`](https://github.com/vercel/commerce/releases/tag/v1) as a point in time to be able to reference and still use going into the future. The current architecture of Commerce is a multi-vendor, interoperable solution, including:

- [Shopify](https://shopify.vercel.store/)
- [Swell](https://swell.vercel.store/)
- [BigCommerce](https://bigcommerce.vercel.store/)
- [Vendure](https://vendure.vercel.store/)
- [Saleor](https://saleor.vercel.store/)
- [Ordercloud](https://ordercloud.vercel.store/)
- [Spree](https://spree.vercel.store/)
- [Kibo Commerce](https://kibocommerce.vercel.store/)
- [Commerce.js](https://commercejs.vercel.store/)
- [SalesForce Cloud Commerce](https://salesforce-cloud-commerce.vercel.store/)

All features can be toggled on or off, and it's easy to change between commerce providers. To support this, we needed to create a ["commerce metaframework"](d1d9e8c434/packages/commerce/new-provider.md) where providers could confirm to an API spec to add support for Next.js Commerce. While this worked and was successful for `v1`, we have different design goals and ambitions for `v2`.

**What You Need To Know**

- `v1` will not be updated moving forward. If you need to reference `v1`, you will still be able to clone and deploy the version tagged at this release.
- `v2` will be shifting to be a single provider vs. provider agnostic. Other providers are welcome to fork this repository and swap out the underlying `lib/` implementation that connects to the selected commerce provider (Shopify). This architecture was chosen to reduce the surface area of the codebase, remove the intermediate metaframework layer for provider-interoperability, and enable usage with the latest Next.js and React features.
- We will be sharing more about `v2` in the future as we continue to iterate before the marked release.
2023-04-17 22:00:47 -05:00

46 lines
892 B

import { PlaywrightTestConfig, devices } from '@playwright/test';
import path from 'path';
const baseURL = `http://localhost:${process.env.PORT || 3000}`;
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
testDir: path.join(__dirname, 'e2e'),
retries: 2,
outputDir: '.playwright',
webServer: {
command: 'pnpm build && pnpm start',
url: baseURL,
timeout: 120 * 1000,
reuseExistingServer: !process.env.CI
use: {
trace: 'retry-with-trace'
projects: [
name: 'Desktop Chrome',
use: {
...devices['Desktop Chrome']
name: 'Desktop Safari',
use: {
...devices['Desktop Safari']
name: 'Mobile Chrome',
use: {
...devices['Pixel 5']
name: 'Mobile Safari',
use: devices['iPhone 12']
export default config;