import type { GetStaticPathsContext, GetStaticPropsContext, InferGetStaticPropsType, } from 'next' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { getConfig } from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/api' import getAllPages from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/api/operations/get-all-pages' import getProduct from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/api/operations/get-product' import { Layout } from '@components/core' import { ProductView } from '@components/product' import getAllProductPaths from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/api/operations/get-all-product-paths' export async function getStaticProps({ params, locale, preview, }: GetStaticPropsContext<{ slug: string }>) { const config = getConfig({ locale }) const { pages } = await getAllPages({ config, preview }) const { product } = await getProduct({ variables: { slug: params!.slug }, config, preview, }) if (!product) { throw new Error(`Product with slug '${params!.slug}' not found`) } return { props: { pages, product }, revalidate: 200, } } export async function getStaticPaths({ locales }: GetStaticPathsContext) { const { products } = await getAllProductPaths() return { paths: locales ? locales.reduce((arr, locale) => { // Add a product path for every locale products.forEach((product) => { arr.push(`/${locale}/product${product.node.path}`) }) return arr }, []) : => `/product${product.node.path}`), // If your store has tons of products, enable fallback mode to improve build times! fallback: false, } } export default function Slug({ product, }: InferGetStaticPropsType) { const router = useRouter() return router.isFallback ? (


// TODO (BC) Add Skeleton Views ) : ( ) } Slug.Layout = Layout