import type { Fetcher } from '@commerce/utils/types' import convertSpreeErrorToGraphQlError from './utils/convert-spree-error-to-graph-ql-error' import { makeClient, errors } from '@spree/storefront-api-v2-sdk' import type { ResultResponse } from '@spree/storefront-api-v2-sdk/types/interfaces/ResultResponse' import type { GraphQLFetcherResult } from '@commerce/api' import { requireConfigValue } from './isomorphic-config' import getSpreeSdkMethodFromEndpointPath from './utils/get-spree-sdk-method-from-endpoint-path' import SpreeSdkMethodFromEndpointPathError from './errors/SpreeSdkMethodFromEndpointPathError' import type { FetcherVariables, SpreeSdkResponse, SpreeSdkResponseWithRawResponse, } from './types' import createCustomizedFetchFetcher, { fetchResponseKey, } from './utils/create-customized-fetch-fetcher' import ensureFreshUserAccessToken from './utils/tokens/ensure-fresh-user-access-token' import RefreshTokenError from './errors/RefreshTokenError' import prettyPrintSpreeSdkErrors from './utils/pretty-print-spree-sdk-errors' const client = makeClient({ host: requireConfigValue('apiHost') as string, createFetcher: (fetcherOptions) => { return createCustomizedFetchFetcher({ fetch: globalThis.fetch, requestConstructor: globalThis.Request, ...fetcherOptions, }) }, }) const normalizeSpreeSuccessResponse = ( storeResponse: ResultResponse ): GraphQLFetcherResult => { const data = storeResponse.success() const rawFetchResponse = data[fetchResponseKey] return { data, res: rawFetchResponse, } } const fetcher: Fetcher> = async ( requestOptions ) => { const { url, method, variables, query } = requestOptions console.log( 'Fetcher called. Configuration: ', 'url = ', url, 'requestOptions = ', requestOptions ) if (!variables) { throw new SpreeSdkMethodFromEndpointPathError( `Required FetcherVariables not provided.` ) } const { methodPath, arguments: args, refreshExpiredAccessToken = true, replayUnauthorizedRequest = true, } = variables as FetcherVariables if (refreshExpiredAccessToken) { await ensureFreshUserAccessToken(client) } const spreeSdkMethod = getSpreeSdkMethodFromEndpointPath(client, methodPath) const storeResponse: ResultResponse = await spreeSdkMethod(...args) if (storeResponse.isSuccess()) { return normalizeSpreeSuccessResponse(storeResponse) } const storeResponseError = if ( storeResponseError instanceof errors.SpreeError && storeResponseError.serverResponse.status === 401 && replayUnauthorizedRequest ) { 'Request ended with 401. Replaying request after refreshing the user token.' ) await ensureFreshUserAccessToken(client) const replayedStoreResponse: ResultResponse = await spreeSdkMethod(...args) if (replayedStoreResponse.isSuccess()) { return normalizeSpreeSuccessResponse(replayedStoreResponse) } console.warn('Replaying the request failed', throw new RefreshTokenError( 'Could not authorize request with current access token.' ) } if (storeResponseError instanceof errors.SpreeError) { console.error( `Request to spree resulted in an error:\n\n${prettyPrintSpreeSdkErrors( )}` ) throw convertSpreeErrorToGraphQlError(storeResponseError) } throw storeResponseError } export default fetcher