import { OpenAIStream, StreamingTextResponse } from 'ai'; import { getCart } from 'lib/shopify'; import { Product } from 'lib/shopify/types'; import { cookies } from 'next/headers'; import OpenAI from 'openai'; import { Suspense } from 'react'; async function getCartFromCookies() { const cartId = cookies().get('cartId')?.value; if (cartId) { return getCart(cartId); } return null; } export async function FitToCart({ currentProduct }: { currentProduct: Product }) { return ( ); } async function FitToCartInternal({ currentProduct }: { currentProduct: Product }) { const pitch = await getPitch({ currentProduct }); if (!pitch) return null; let text = await pitch.text(); if (!text) return null; text = text.trim().replace(/^"/, '').replace(/"$/, ''); return
; } const fireworks = new OpenAI({ baseURL: '', apiKey: process.env.FIREWORKS_API_KEY! }); function buildPrompt(prompt: string) { return prompt.split('\n').map((message) => ({ role: 'user' as const, content: message })); } export async function getPitch({ currentProduct }: { currentProduct: Product }) { const cart = await getCartFromCookies(); if (!cart) return null; const products = cart.lines .filter((line) => !== .map((line) => `"${line.merchandise.product.title}"`); const prompt = `Write a 30 word pitch for why a person who has ${products.join( ' and ' )} in their shopping cart should also purchase the "${currentProduct.title}"`; // Request the Fireworks API for the response based on the prompt const response = await{ model: 'accounts/fireworks/models/mistral-7b-instruct-4k', stream: true, messages: buildPrompt(prompt), max_tokens: 1000, temperature: 0.75, top_p: 1, frequency_penalty: 1 }); // Convert the response into a friendly text-stream const stream = OpenAIStream(response); // Respond with the stream return new StreamingTextResponse(stream); }