// TODO: replace this hook and other wishlist hooks with a handler, or remove them if // Vendure doesn't have a built-in wishlist import { HookFetcher } from '@commerce/utils/types' import { Product } from '../schema' const defaultOpts = {} export type Wishlist = { items: [ { product_id: number variant_id: number id: number product: Product } ] } export interface UseWishlistOptions { includeProducts?: boolean } export interface UseWishlistInput extends UseWishlistOptions { customerId?: number } export const fetcher: HookFetcher = () => { return null } export function extendHook( customFetcher: typeof fetcher, // swrOptions?: SwrOptions swrOptions?: any ) { const useWishlist = ({ includeProducts }: UseWishlistOptions = {}) => { return { data: null } } useWishlist.extend = extendHook return useWishlist } export default extendHook(fetcher)