import isAllowedMethod from '../utils/is-allowed-method' import createApiHandler, { BigcommerceApiHandler, BigcommerceHandler, } from '../utils/create-api-handler' import { BigcommerceApiError } from '../utils/errors' import getWishlist from './handlers/get-wishlist' import getAllWishlists from './handlers/get-all-wishlists' import addItem from './handlers/add-item' import removeItem from './handlers/remove-item' import updateWishlist from './handlers/update-wishlist' import removeWishlist from './handlers/remove-wishlist' import addWishlist from './handlers/add-wishlist' type Body = Partial | undefined export type ItemBody = { product_id: number variant_id: number } export type AddItemBody = { wishlistId: string; item: ItemBody } export type RemoveItemBody = { wishlistId: string; itemId: string } export type WishlistBody = { customer_id: number is_public: number name: string items: any[] } export type AddWishlistBody = { wishlist: WishlistBody } // TODO: this type should match: // export type Wishlist = { id: string customer_id: number name: string is_public: boolean token: string items: any[] // TODO: add missing fields } export type WishlistHandlers = { getAllWishlists: BigcommerceHandler getWishlist: BigcommerceHandler addWishlist: BigcommerceHandler< Wishlist, { wishlistId: string } & Body > updateWishlist: BigcommerceHandler< Wishlist, { wishlistId: string } & Body > addItem: BigcommerceHandler< Wishlist, { wishlistId: string } & Body > removeItem: BigcommerceHandler< Wishlist, { wishlistId: string } & Body > removeWishlist: BigcommerceHandler } const METHODS = ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'] // TODO: a complete implementation should have schema validation for `req.body` const wishlistApi: BigcommerceApiHandler = async ( req, res, config, handlers ) => { if (!isAllowedMethod(req, res, METHODS)) return try { const { wishlistId, itemId, customerId } = req.body // Return current wishlist info if (req.method === 'GET' && wishlistId) { const body = { wishlistId: wishlistId as string } return await handlers['getWishlist']({ req, res, config, body }) } // Add an item to the wishlist if (req.method === 'POST' && wishlistId) { const body = { ...req.body, wishlistId } return await handlers['addItem']({ req, res, config, body }) } // Update a wishlist if (req.method === 'PUT' && wishlistId) { const body = { ...req.body, wishlistId } return await handlers['updateWishlist']({ req, res, config, body }) } // Remove an item from the wishlist if (req.method === 'DELETE' && wishlistId && itemId) { const body = { wishlistId: wishlistId as string, itemId: itemId as string, } return await handlers['removeItem']({ req, res, config, body }) } // Remove the wishlist if (req.method === 'DELETE' && wishlistId && !itemId) { const body = { wishlistId: wishlistId as string } return await handlers['removeWishlist']({ req, res, config, body }) } // Get all the wishlists if (req.method === 'GET' && !wishlistId) { const body = { customerId: customerId as string } return await handlers['getAllWishlists']({ req, res: res as any, config, body, }) } // Create a wishlist if (req.method === 'POST' && !wishlistId) { const { body } = req return await handlers['addWishlist']({ req, res, config, body }) } } catch (error) { console.error(error) const message = error instanceof BigcommerceApiError ? 'An unexpected error ocurred with the Bigcommerce API' : 'An unexpected error ocurred' res.status(500).json({ data: null, errors: [{ message }] }) } } export const handlers = { getWishlist, addItem, updateWishlist, removeItem, removeWishlist, getAllWishlists, addWishlist, } export default createApiHandler(wishlistApi, handlers, {})