import { HookFetcher } from '@lib/commerce/utils/types'
import { SwrOptions } from '@lib/commerce/utils/use-data'
import useCommerceWishlist from '@lib/commerce/wishlist/use-wishlist'
import type { Wishlist } from '../api/wishlist'
import useCustomer from '../use-customer'

const defaultOpts = {
  url: '/api/bigcommerce/wishlist',
  method: 'GET',

export type { Wishlist }

export const fetcher: HookFetcher<Wishlist | null, { customerId?: number }> = (
  { customerId },
) => {
  return customerId ? fetch({ ...defaultOpts, ...options }) : null

export function extendHook(
  customFetcher: typeof fetcher,
  swrOptions?: SwrOptions<Wishlist | null, { customerId?: number }>
) {
  const useWishlists = () => {
    const { data: customer } = useCustomer()
    const response = useCommerceWishlist(
      [['customerId', customer?.entityId]],
        revalidateOnFocus: false,

    // Uses a getter to only calculate the prop when required
    // is also a getter and it's better to not trigger it early
    Object.defineProperty(response, 'isEmpty', {
      get() {
        return ( || 0) > 0
      set: (x) => x,

    return response

  useWishlists.extend = extendHook

  return useWishlists

export default extendHook(fetcher)