'use client';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import { ProductOption, ProductVariant } from 'lib/shopify/types';
import { createUrl } from 'lib/utils';
import Link from 'next/link';
import { usePathname, useSearchParams } from 'next/navigation';
type Combination = {
id: string;
availableForSale: boolean;
[key: string]: string | boolean; // ie. { color: 'Red', size: 'Large', ... }
export function VariantSelector({
}: {
options: ProductOption[];
variants: ProductVariant[];
}) {
const pathname = usePathname();
const searchParams = useSearchParams();
const hasNoOptionsOrJustOneOption =
!options.length || (options.length === 1 && options[0]?.values.length === 1);
if (hasNoOptionsOrJustOneOption) {
return null;
const combinations: Combination[] = variants.map((variant) => ({
id: variant.id,
availableForSale: variant.availableForSale,
// Adds key / value pairs for each variant (ie. "color": "Black" and "size": 'M").
(accumulator, option) => ({ ...accumulator, [option.name.toLowerCase()]: option.value }),
return options.map((option) => (
- {option.name}
{option.values.map((value) => {
const optionNameLowerCase = option.name.toLowerCase();
// Base option params on current params so we can preserve any other param state in the url.
const optionSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(searchParams.toString());
// Update the option params using the current option to reflect how the url *would* change,
// if the option was clicked.
optionSearchParams.set(optionNameLowerCase, value);
const optionUrl = createUrl(pathname, optionSearchParams);
// In order to determine if an option is available for sale, we need to:
// 1. Filter out all other param state
// 2. Filter out invalid options
// 3. Check if the option combination is available for sale
// This is the "magic" that will cross check possible variant combinations and preemptively
// disable combinations that are not available. For example, if the color gray is only available in size medium,
// then all other sizes should be disabled.
const filtered = Array.from(optionSearchParams.entries()).filter(([key, value]) =>
(option) => option.name.toLowerCase() === key && option.values.includes(value)
const isAvailableForSale = combinations.find((combination) =>
([key, value]) => combination[key] === value && combination.availableForSale
// The option is active if it's in the url params.
const isActive = searchParams.get(optionNameLowerCase) === value;
// You can't disable a link, so we need to render something that isn't clickable.
const DynamicTag = isAvailableForSale ? Link : 'p';
const dynamicProps = {
...(isAvailableForSale && { scroll: false })
return (