* feat(design): Show carousel above the fold on desktop
Before this commit, we would not see the carousel without scrolling. The top
images are so big that take most of the space. This made the website looked a
bit weird, thus I am proposing this change.
* uneeded
We're making some updates to Next.js Commerce. Everything prior to this commit marks what we're calling [`v1`](https://github.com/vercel/commerce/releases/tag/v1) as a point in time to be able to reference and still use going into the future. The current architecture of Commerce is a multi-vendor, interoperable solution, including:
- [Shopify](https://shopify.vercel.store/)
- [Swell](https://swell.vercel.store/)
- [BigCommerce](https://bigcommerce.vercel.store/)
- [Vendure](https://vendure.vercel.store/)
- [Saleor](https://saleor.vercel.store/)
- [Ordercloud](https://ordercloud.vercel.store/)
- [Spree](https://spree.vercel.store/)
- [Kibo Commerce](https://kibocommerce.vercel.store/)
- [Commerce.js](https://commercejs.vercel.store/)
- [SalesForce Cloud Commerce](https://salesforce-cloud-commerce.vercel.store/)
All features can be toggled on or off, and it's easy to change between commerce providers. To support this, we needed to create a ["commerce metaframework"](d1d9e8c434/packages/commerce/new-provider.md) where providers could confirm to an API spec to add support for Next.js Commerce. While this worked and was successful for `v1`, we have different design goals and ambitions for `v2`.
**What You Need To Know**
- `v1` will not be updated moving forward. If you need to reference `v1`, you will still be able to clone and deploy the version tagged at this release.
- `v2` will be shifting to be a single provider vs. provider agnostic. Other providers are welcome to fork this repository and swap out the underlying `lib/` implementation that connects to the selected commerce provider (Shopify). This architecture was chosen to reduce the surface area of the codebase, remove the intermediate metaframework layer for provider-interoperability, and enable usage with the latest Next.js and React features.
- We will be sharing more about `v2` in the future as we continue to iterate before the marked release.