forked from crowetic/commerce

Logo Changes

This commit is contained in:
Bel Curcio 2020-12-08 11:14:48 -03:00
parent b67b87c4fe
commit 70030882d4
3 changed files with 21 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Link from 'next/link'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import type { Page } from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/api/operations/get-all-pages'
import getSlug from '@lib/get-slug'
import { Github } from '@components/icons'
import { Github, Vercel } from '@components/icons'
import { Logo, Container } from '@components/ui'
import { I18nWidget } from '@components/common'
import s from './Footer.module.css'
@ -99,14 +99,10 @@ const Footer: FC<Props> = ({ className, pages }) => {
<span>&copy; 2020 ACME, Inc. All rights reserved.</span>
<div className="flex items-center">
<div className="flex items-center text-primary">
<span className="text-primary">Crafted by</span>
<a href="https://vercel.com" aria-label="Vercel.com Link">
alt="Vercel.com Logo"
className="inline-block h-6 ml-4 text-primary"
<a href="https://vercel.com" aria-label="Vercel.com Link" target="_blank" className="text-primary">
<Vercel className="inline-block h-6 ml-4 text-primary" alt="Vercel.com Logo" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
const Vercel = ({ ...props }) => {
return (
<svg width="89" height="20" viewBox="0 0 89 20" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" { ...props }>
<path d="M11.5625 0L23.125 20H0L11.5625 0Z" fill="currentColor"/>
<path d="M49.875 10.625C49.875 7.40625 47.5 5.15625 44.0937 5.15625C40.6875 5.15625 38.3125 7.40625 38.3125 10.625C38.3125 13.7812 40.875 16.0937 44.4062 16.0937C46.3438 16.0937 48.0938 15.375 49.2188 14.0625L47.0938 12.8437C46.4375 13.5 45.4688 13.9062 44.4062 13.9062C42.8438 13.9062 41.5 13.0625 41.0312 11.7812L40.9375 11.5625H49.7812C49.8438 11.25 49.875 10.9375 49.875 10.625ZM40.9062 9.6875L40.9688 9.5C41.375 8.15625 42.5625 7.34375 44.0625 7.34375C45.5938 7.34375 46.75 8.15625 47.1562 9.5L47.2188 9.6875H40.9062Z" fill="currentColor"/>
<path d="M83.5313 10.625C83.5313 7.40625 81.1563 5.15625 77.75 5.15625C74.3438 5.15625 71.9688 7.40625 71.9688 10.625C71.9688 13.7812 74.5313 16.0937 78.0625 16.0937C80 16.0937 81.75 15.375 82.875 14.0625L80.75 12.8437C80.0938 13.5 79.125 13.9062 78.0625 13.9062C76.5 13.9062 75.1563 13.0625 74.6875 11.7812L74.5938 11.5625H83.4375C83.5 11.25 83.5313 10.9375 83.5313 10.625ZM74.5625 9.6875L74.625 9.5C75.0313 8.15625 76.2188 7.34375 77.7188 7.34375C79.25 7.34375 80.4063 8.15625 80.8125 9.5L80.875 9.6875H74.5625Z" fill="currentColor"/>
<path d="M68.5313 8.84374L70.6563 7.62499C69.6563 6.06249 67.875 5.18749 65.7188 5.18749C62.3125 5.18749 59.9375 7.43749 59.9375 10.6562C59.9375 13.875 62.3125 16.125 65.7188 16.125C67.875 16.125 69.6563 15.25 70.6563 13.6875L68.5313 12.4687C67.9688 13.4062 66.9688 13.9375 65.7188 13.9375C63.75 13.9375 62.4375 12.625 62.4375 10.6562C62.4375 8.68749 63.75 7.37499 65.7188 7.37499C66.9375 7.37499 67.9688 7.90624 68.5313 8.84374Z" fill="currentColor"/>
<path d="M88.2188 1.75H85.7188V15.8125H88.2188V1.75Z" fill="currentColor"/>
<path d="M40.1563 1.75H37.2813L31.7813 11.25L26.2813 1.75H23.375L31.7813 16.25L40.1563 1.75Z" fill="currentColor"/>
<path d="M57.8438 8.0625C58.125 8.0625 58.4062 8.09375 58.6875 8.15625V5.5C56.5625 5.5625 54.5625 6.75 54.5625 8.21875V5.5H52.0625V15.8125H54.5625V11.3437C54.5625 9.40625 55.9062 8.0625 57.8438 8.0625Z" fill="currentColor"/>
export default Vercel

View File

@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ export { default as DoubleChevron } from './DoubleChevron'
export { default as RightArrow } from './RightArrow'
export { default as Info } from './Info'
export { default as ChevronUp } from './ChevronUp'
export { default as Vercel } from './Vercel'