import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; const regex = (text: string) => new RegExp(text, 'gim'); test('should be able to open and close cart', async ({ page }) => { let cart; await page.goto('/'); await page.getByTestId('open-cart').click(); cart = await page.getByTestId('cart'); await expect(cart).toBeVisible(); await expect(cart).toHaveText(regex('your cart is empty')); await page.getByTestId('close-cart').click(); cart = await page.getByTestId('cart'); await expect(cart).toBeHidden(); }); test('should be able to add item to cart, without selecting a variant, assuming first variant', async ({ page }) => { await page.goto('/'); await page.getByTestId('homepage-products').locator('a').first().click(); const productName = await page.getByTestId('product-name').first().innerText(); const firstVariant = await page.getByTestId('variant').first().innerText(); await page.getByRole('button', { name: regex('add to cart') }).click(); const cart = await page.getByTestId('cart'); await expect(cart).toBeVisible(); const cartItems = await page.getByTestId('cart-item').all(); let isItemInCart = false; for (const item of cartItems) { const cartProductName = await item.getByTestId('cart-product-name').innerText(); const cartProductVariant = await item.getByTestId('cart-product-variant').innerText(); if (cartProductName === productName && cartProductVariant === firstVariant) { isItemInCart = true; break; } } await expect(isItemInCart).toBe(true); }); test('should be able to add item to cart by selecting a variant', async ({ page }) => { await page.goto('/'); await page.getByTestId('homepage-products').locator('a').first().click(); const selectedProductName = await page.getByTestId('product-name').first().innerText(); const secondVariant = await page.getByTestId('variant').nth(1); await; const selectedProductVariant = await page.getByTestId('selected-variant').innerText(); await page.getByRole('button', { name: regex('add to cart') }).click(); const cart = await page.getByTestId('cart'); await expect(cart).toBeVisible(); const cartItem = await page.getByTestId('cart-item').first(); const cartItemProductName = await cartItem.getByTestId('cart-product-name').innerText(); const cartItemProductVariant = await cartItem.getByTestId('cart-product-variant').innerText(); await expect(cartItemProductName).toBe(selectedProductName); await expect(cartItemProductVariant).toBe(selectedProductVariant); });