import { SpreeApiConfig } from '..' import { errors, makeClient } from '@spree/storefront-api-v2-sdk' import { requireConfigValue } from '../../isomorphic-config' import convertSpreeErrorToGraphQlError from '../../utils/convert-spree-error-to-graph-ql-error' import type { ResultResponse } from '@spree/storefront-api-v2-sdk/types/interfaces/ResultResponse' import getSpreeSdkMethodFromEndpointPath from '../../utils/get-spree-sdk-method-from-endpoint-path' import SpreeSdkMethodFromEndpointPathError from '../../errors/SpreeSdkMethodFromEndpointPathError' import { GraphQLFetcher, GraphQLFetcherResult } from '@commerce/api' import createCustomizedFetchFetcher, { fetchResponseKey, } from '../../utils/create-customized-fetch-fetcher' import fetch, { Request } from 'node-fetch' import type { SpreeSdkResponseWithRawResponse } from '../../types' import prettyPrintSpreeSdkErrors from '../../utils/pretty-print-spree-sdk-errors' export type CreateApiFetch = ( getConfig: () => SpreeApiConfig ) => GraphQLFetcher, any> // TODO: GraphQLFetcher, any> should be GraphQLFetcher, SpreeSdkVariables>. // But CommerceAPIConfig['fetch'] cannot be extended from Variables = any to SpreeSdkVariables. const createApiFetch: CreateApiFetch = (_getConfig) => { const client = makeClient({ host: requireConfigValue('apiHost') as string, createFetcher: (fetcherOptions) => { return createCustomizedFetchFetcher({ fetch, requestConstructor: Request, ...fetcherOptions, }) }, }) return async (url, queryData = {}, fetchOptions = {}) => { console.log( 'apiFetch called. query = ', 'url = ', url, 'queryData = ', queryData, 'fetchOptions = ', fetchOptions ) const { variables } = queryData if (!variables) { throw new SpreeSdkMethodFromEndpointPathError( `Required SpreeSdkVariables not provided.` ) } const storeResponse: ResultResponse = await getSpreeSdkMethodFromEndpointPath( client, variables.methodPath )(...variables.arguments) if (storeResponse.isSuccess()) { const data = storeResponse.success() const rawFetchResponse = data[fetchResponseKey] return { data, res: rawFetchResponse, } } const storeResponseError = if (storeResponseError instanceof errors.SpreeError) { console.error( `Request to spree resulted in an error:\n\n${prettyPrintSpreeSdkErrors( )}` ) throw convertSpreeErrorToGraphQlError(storeResponseError) } throw storeResponseError } } export default createApiFetch