import { parseWishlistItem } from '../../utils/parse-item' import getCustomerId from '../../utils/get-customer-id' import type { WishlistEndpoint } from '.' const addItem: WishlistEndpoint['handlers']['addItem'] = async ({ body: { customerToken, item }, config, commerce, }) => { const customerId = customerToken && (await getCustomerId({ customerToken, config })) if (!customerId) { throw new Error('Invalid request. No CustomerId') } let { wishlist } = await commerce.getCustomerWishlist({ variables: { customerId }, config, }) if (!wishlist) { // If user has no wishlist, then let's create one with new item const { data } = await config.storeApiFetch('/v3/wishlists', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ name: 'Next.js Commerce Wishlist', is_public: false, customer_id: Number(customerId), items: [parseWishlistItem(item)], }), }) return { data, } } // Existing Wishlist, let's add Item to Wishlist const { data } = await config.storeApiFetch( `/v3/wishlists/${}/items`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ items: [parseWishlistItem(item)], }), } ) // Returns Wishlist return { data } } export default addItem