import { useCallback } from 'react' import type { HookFetcher } from '../commerce/utils/types' import { CommerceError } from '../commerce/utils/errors' import useCommerceSignup from '../commerce/use-signup' import type { SignupBody } from './api/customers/signup' import useCustomer from './use-customer' const defaultOpts = { url: '/api/bigcommerce/customers/signup', method: 'POST', } export type SignupInput = SignupBody export const fetcher: HookFetcher = ( options, { firstName, lastName, email, password }, fetch ) => { if (!(firstName && lastName && email && password)) { throw new CommerceError({ message: 'A first name, last name, email and password are required to signup', }) } return fetch({ ...defaultOpts, ...options, body: { firstName, lastName, email, password }, }) } export function extendHook(customFetcher: typeof fetcher) { const useSignup = () => { const { revalidate } = useCustomer() const fn = useCommerceSignup(defaultOpts, customFetcher) return useCallback( async function signup(input: SignupInput) { const data = await fn(input) await revalidate() return data }, [fn] ) } useSignup.extend = extendHook return useSignup } export default extendHook(fetcher)