import type { GetSiteInfoQuery, GetSiteInfoQueryVariables } from '../schema' import type { RecursivePartial, RecursiveRequired } from '../api/utils/types' import filterEdges from '../api/utils/filter-edges' import { BigcommerceConfig, getConfig } from '../api' import { categoryTreeItemFragment } from '../api/fragments/category-tree' // Get 3 levels of categories export const getSiteInfoQuery = /* GraphQL */ ` query getSiteInfo { site { categoryTree { ...categoryTreeItem children { ...categoryTreeItem children { ...categoryTreeItem } } } brands { pageInfo { startCursor endCursor } edges { cursor node { entityId name defaultImage { urlOriginal altText } pageTitle metaDesc metaKeywords searchKeywords path } } } } } ${categoryTreeItemFragment} ` export type CategoriesTree = NonNullable< GetSiteInfoQuery['site']['categoryTree'] > export type BrandEdge = NonNullable< NonNullable[0] > export type Brands = BrandEdge[] export type GetSiteInfoResult< T extends { categories: any[]; brands: any[] } = { categories: CategoriesTree brands: Brands } > = T async function getSiteInfo(opts?: { variables?: GetSiteInfoQueryVariables config?: BigcommerceConfig preview?: boolean }): Promise async function getSiteInfo< T extends { categories: any[]; brands: any[] }, V = any >(opts: { query: string variables?: V config?: BigcommerceConfig preview?: boolean }): Promise> async function getSiteInfo({ query = getSiteInfoQuery, variables, config, }: { query?: string variables?: GetSiteInfoQueryVariables config?: BigcommerceConfig preview?: boolean } = {}): Promise { config = getConfig(config) // RecursivePartial forces the method to check for every prop in the data, which is // required in case there's a custom `query` const { data } = await config.fetch>( query, { variables } ) const categories = const brands = return { categories: (categories as RecursiveRequired) ?? [], brands: filterEdges(brands as RecursiveRequired), } } export default getSiteInfo