import type { GetAllProductsQuery, GetAllProductsQueryVariables, } from '@lib/bigcommerce/schema' import type { RecursivePartial, RecursiveRequired } from '../utils/types' import filterEdges from '../utils/filter-edges' import { productConnectionFragment } from '../fragments/product' import { BigcommerceConfig, getConfig, Images, ProductImageVariables } from '..' export const getAllProductsQuery = /* GraphQL */ ` query getAllProducts( $entityIds: [Int!] $first: Int = 10 $imgSmallWidth: Int = 320 $imgSmallHeight: Int $imgMediumWidth: Int = 640 $imgMediumHeight: Int $imgLargeWidth: Int = 960 $imgLargeHeight: Int $imgXLWidth: Int = 1280 $imgXLHeight: Int $products: Boolean = false $featuredProducts: Boolean = false $bestSellingProducts: Boolean = false $newestProducts: Boolean = false ) { site { products(first: $first, entityIds: $entityIds) @include(if: $products) { ...productConnnection } featuredProducts(first: $first) @include(if: $featuredProducts) { ...productConnnection } bestSellingProducts(first: $first) @include(if: $bestSellingProducts) { ...productConnnection } newestProducts(first: $first) @include(if: $newestProducts) { ...productConnnection } } } ${productConnectionFragment} ` export type ProductEdge = NonNullable< NonNullable[0] > export type ProductNode = ProductEdge['node'] export type GetAllProductsResult< T extends Record = { products: ProductEdge[] } > = T const FIELDS = [ 'products', 'featuredProducts', 'bestSellingProducts', 'newestProducts', ] export type ProductTypes = | 'products' | 'featuredProducts' | 'bestSellingProducts' | 'newestProducts' export type ProductVariables = { field?: ProductTypes } & Images & Omit async function getAllProducts(opts?: { variables?: ProductVariables config?: BigcommerceConfig }): Promise async function getAllProducts< T extends Record, V = any >(opts: { query: string variables?: V config?: BigcommerceConfig }): Promise> async function getAllProducts({ query = getAllProductsQuery, variables: { field = 'products', ...vars } = {}, config, }: { query?: string variables?: ProductVariables config?: BigcommerceConfig } = {}): Promise { config = getConfig(config) const variables: GetAllProductsQueryVariables = { ...config.imageVariables, ...vars, } if (!FIELDS.includes(field)) { throw new Error( `The field variable has to match one of ${FIELDS.join(', ')}` ) } variables[field] = true // RecursivePartial forces the method to check for every prop in the data, which is // required in case there's a custom `query` const { data } = await config.fetch>( query, { variables } ) const products =[field]?.edges return { products: filterEdges(products as RecursiveRequired), } } export default getAllProducts