import { HookFetcher } from '@commerce/utils/types' import { SwrOptions } from '@commerce/utils/use-data' import useCommerceWishlist from '@commerce/wishlist/use-wishlist' import type { Wishlist } from '../api/wishlist' import useCustomer from '../customer/use-customer' const defaultOpts = { url: '/api/bigcommerce/wishlist', method: 'GET', } export type { Wishlist } export interface UseWishlistOptions { includeProducts?: boolean } export interface UseWishlistInput extends UseWishlistOptions { customerId?: number } export const fetcher: HookFetcher = ( options, { customerId, includeProducts }, fetch ) => { if (!customerId) return null // Use a dummy base as we only care about the relative path const url = new URL(options?.url ?? defaultOpts.url, 'http://a') if (includeProducts) url.searchParams.set('products', '1') return fetch({ url: url.pathname +, method: options?.method ?? defaultOpts.method, }) } export function extendHook( customFetcher: typeof fetcher, swrOptions?: SwrOptions ) { const useWishlist = ({ includeProducts }: UseWishlistOptions = {}) => { const { data: customer } = useCustomer() const response = useCommerceWishlist( defaultOpts, [ ['customerId', customer?.entityId], ['includeProducts', includeProducts], ], customFetcher, { revalidateOnFocus: false, ...swrOptions, } ) // Uses a getter to only calculate the prop when required // is also a getter and it's better to not trigger it early Object.defineProperty(response, 'isEmpty', { get() { return ( || 0) <= 0 }, set: (x) => x, }) return response } useWishlist.extend = extendHook return useWishlist } export default extendHook(fetcher)