Table of Contents ================= * [BigCommerce Storefront Data Hooks](#bigcommerce-storefront-data-hooks) * [Installation](#installation) * [General Usage](#general-usage) * [CommerceProvider](#commerceprovider) * [useLogin hook](#uselogin-hook) * [useLogout](#uselogout) * [useCustomer](#usecustomer) * [useSignup](#usesignup) * [usePrice](#useprice) * [Cart Hooks](#cart-hooks) * [useCart](#usecart) * [useAddItem](#useadditem) * [useUpdateItem](#useupdateitem) * [useRemoveItem](#useremoveitem) * [Wishlist Hooks](#wishlist-hooks) * [Product Hooks and API](#product-hooks-and-api) * [useSearch](#usesearch) * [getAllProducts](#getallproducts) * [getProduct](#getproduct) * [More](#more) # BigCommerce Storefront Data Hooks > This project is under active development, new features and updates will be continuously added over time UI hooks and data fetching methods built from the ground up for e-commerce applications written in React, that use BigCommerce as a headless e-commerce platform. The package provides: - Code splitted hooks for data fetching using [SWR](, and to handle common user actions - Code splitted data fetching methods for initial data population and static generation of content - Helpers to create the API endpoints that connect to the hooks, very well suited for Next.js applications ## Installation To install: ``` yarn add storefront-data-hooks ``` After install, the first thing you do is: set your environment variables in `.env.local` ```sh BIGCOMMERCE_STOREFRONT_API_URL=<> BIGCOMMERCE_STOREFRONT_API_TOKEN=<> BIGCOMMERCE_STORE_API_URL=<> BIGCOMMERCE_STORE_API_TOKEN=<> BIGCOMMERCE_STORE_API_CLIENT_ID=<> ``` ## General Usage ### CommerceProvider This component is a provider pattern component that creates commerce context for it's children. It takes config values for the locale and an optional `fetcherRef` object for data fetching. ```jsx ... import { CommerceProvider } from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks' const App = ({ locale = 'en-US', children }) => { return ( {children} ) } ... ``` ### useLogin hook Hook for bigcommerce user login functionality, returns `login` function to handle user login. ```jsx ... import useLogin from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/use-login' const LoginView = () => { const login = useLogin() const handleLogin = async () => { await login({ email, password, }) } return (
) } ... ``` ### useLogout Hook to logout user. ```jsx ... import useLogout from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/use-logout' const LogoutLink = () => { const logout = useLogout() return ( logout()}> Logout ) } ``` ### useCustomer Hook for getting logged in customer data, and fetching customer info. ```jsx ... import useCustomer from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/use-customer' ... const Profile = () => { const { data } = useCustomer() if (!data) { return null } return (
Hello, {data.firstName}
) } ``` ### useSignup Hook for bigcommerce user signup, returns `signup` function to handle user signups. ```jsx ... import useSignup from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/use-login' const SignupView = () => { const signup = useSignup() const handleSignup = async () => { await signup({ email, firstName, lastName, password, }) } return (
) } ... ``` ### usePrice Helper hook to format price according to commerce locale, and return discount if available. ```jsx import usePrice from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/use-price' ... const { price, discount, basePrice } = usePrice( data && { amount: data.cart_amount, currencyCode: data.currency.code, } ) ... ``` ## Cart Hooks ### useCart Returns the current cart data for use ```jsx ... import useCart from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/cart/use-cart' const countItem = (count: number, item: any) => count + item.quantity const countItems = (count: number, items: any[]) => items.reduce(countItem, count) const CartNumber = () => { const { data } = useCart() const itemsCount = Object.values(data?.line_items ?? {}).reduce(countItems, 0) return itemsCount > 0 ? {itemsCount} : null } ``` ### useAddItem ```jsx ... import useAddItem from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/cart/use-add-item' const AddToCartButton = ({ productId, variantId }) => { const addItem = useAddItem() const addToCart = async () => { await addItem({ productId, variantId, }) } return } ... ``` ### useUpdateItem ```jsx ... import useUpdateItem from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/cart/use-update-item' const CartItem = ({ item }) => { const [quantity, setQuantity] = useState(item.quantity) const updateItem = useUpdateItem(item) const updateQuantity = async (e) => { const val = await updateItem({ quantity: val }) } return ( ) } ... ``` ### useRemoveItem Provided with a cartItemId, will remove an item from the cart: ```jsx ... import useRemoveItem from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/cart/use-remove-item' const RemoveButton = ({ item }) => { const removeItem = useRemoveItem() const handleRemove = async () => { await removeItem({ id: }) } return } ... ``` ## Wishlist Hooks Wishlist hooks are similar to cart hooks. See the below example for how to use `useWishlist`, `useAddItem`, and `useRemoveItem`. ```jsx import useAddItem from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/wishlist/use-add-item' import useRemoveItem from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/wishlist/use-remove-item' import useWishlist from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/wishlist/use-wishlist' const WishlistButton = ({ productId, variant }) => { const addItem = useAddItem() const removeItem = useRemoveItem() const { data } = useWishlist() const { data: customer } = useCustomer() const itemInWishlist = data?.items?.find( (item) => item.product_id === productId && item.variant_id === variant?.node.entityId ) const handleWishlistChange = async (e) => { e.preventDefault() if (!customer) { return } if (itemInWishlist) { await removeItem({ id:! }) } else { await addItem({ productId, variantId: variant?.node.entityId!, }) } } return ( ) } ``` ## Product Hooks and API ### useSearch `useSearch` handles searching the bigcommerce storefront product catalog by catalog, brand, and query string. ```jsx ... import useSearch from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/products/use-search' const SearchPage = ({ searchString, category, brand, sortStr }) => { const { data } = useSearch({ search: searchString || '', categoryId: category?.entityId, brandId: brand?.entityId, sort: sortStr || '', }) return ( {{ node }) => ( ))} ) } ``` ### getAllProducts API function to retrieve a product list. ```js import { getConfig } from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/api' import getAllProducts from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/api/operations/get-all-products' const { products } = await getAllProducts({ variables: { field: 'featuredProducts', first: 6 }, config, preview, }) ``` ### getProduct API product to retrieve a single product when provided with the product slug string. ```js import { getConfig } from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/api' import getProduct from '@bigcommerce/storefront-data-hooks/api/operations/get-product' const { product } = await getProduct({ variables: { slug }, config, preview, }) ``` ## More Feel free to read through the source for more usage, and check the commerce vercel demo and commerce repo for usage examples: ([]( ([repo](