import { CommerceAPI, CommerceAPIConfig, getCommerceApi as commerceApi, } from '@commerce/api' import { API_URL, API_TOKEN, SHOPIFY_CUSTOMER_TOKEN_COOKIE, SHOPIFY_CHECKOUT_ID_COOKIE, } from '../const' import fetchGraphqlApi from './utils/fetch-graphql-api' import * as operations from './operations' if (!API_URL) { throw new Error( `The environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_SHOPIFY_STORE_DOMAIN is missing and it's required to access your store` ) } if (!API_TOKEN) { throw new Error( `The environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_SHOPIFY_STOREFRONT_ACCESS_TOKEN is missing and it's required to access your store` ) } export interface ShopifyConfig extends CommerceAPIConfig {} const ONE_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24 const config: ShopifyConfig = { commerceUrl: API_URL, apiToken: API_TOKEN, customerCookie: SHOPIFY_CUSTOMER_TOKEN_COOKIE, cartCookie: SHOPIFY_CHECKOUT_ID_COOKIE, cartCookieMaxAge: ONE_DAY * 30, fetch: fetchGraphqlApi, } export const provider = { config, operations, } export type Provider = typeof provider export type ShopifyAPI

= CommerceAPI

export function getCommerceApi

( customProvider: P = provider as any ): ShopifyAPI

{ return commerceApi(customProvider) }