input AccountPasswordInfoCollectionInput { totalCount: Int! items: [AccountPasswordInfoInput] } input AccountPasswordInfoInput { accountId: Int! userId: String unlockAccount: Boolean = false passwordInfo: PasswordInfoInput } type AccountSalesRep { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: AccountSalesRep accountId: Int! adminUserId: String } input AccountSalesRepInput { accountId: Int! adminUserId: String } type ActiveDateRange { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ActiveDateRange startDate: DateTime endDate: DateTime } input ActiveDateRangeInput { startDate: DateTime endDate: DateTime } input AddressValidationRequestInput { address: CuAddressInput } type AddressValidationResponse { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: AddressValidationResponse addressCandidates: [CuAddress] } type Adjustment { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Adjustment amount: Float description: String internalComment: String } input AdjustmentInput { amount: Float description: String internalComment: String } """ The `AnyScalar` type allows any scalar value by examining the input and passing the serialize, parseValue, and parseLiteral operations to their respective types. """ scalar AnyScalar type AppliedLineItemProductDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: AppliedLineItemProductDiscount appliesToSalePrice: Boolean discountQuantity: Int! productQuantity: Int impactPerUnit: Float } input AppliedLineItemProductDiscountInput { appliesToSalePrice: Boolean = false discountQuantity: Int! productQuantity: Int impactPerUnit: Float } type AppliedLineItemShippingDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: AppliedLineItemShippingDiscount methodCode: String discount: CrAppliedDiscount discountQuantity: Int! impactPerUnit: Float! } input AppliedLineItemShippingDiscountInput { methodCode: String discount: CrAppliedDiscountInput discountQuantity: Int! impactPerUnit: Float! } type AttributeDetail { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: AttributeDetail valueType: String inputType: String dataType: String usageType: String dataTypeSequence: Int! name: String description: String validation: PrAttributeValidation searchableInStorefront: Boolean searchDisplayValue: Boolean allowFilteringAndSortingInStorefront: Boolean indexValueWithCase: Boolean customWeightInStorefrontSearch: Boolean displayIntention: String } type AttributeVocabularyValueDisplayInfo { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: AttributeVocabularyValueDisplayInfo cmsId: String imageUrl: String colorValue: String } type AuditRecord { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: AuditRecord id: String changes: [AuditRecordChange] auditInfo: CrAuditInfo } type AuditRecordChange { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: AuditRecordChange type: String path: String fields: [AuditRecordChangeField] } type AuditRecordChangeField { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: AuditRecordChangeField name: String oldValue: String newValue: String } input AuditRecordChangeFieldInput { name: String oldValue: String newValue: String } input AuditRecordChangeInput { type: String path: String fields: [AuditRecordChangeFieldInput] } input AuditRecordInput { id: String changes: [AuditRecordChangeInput] auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput } type B2BAccount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: B2BAccount users: [B2BUser] isActive: Boolean priceList: String salesReps: [AccountSalesRep] rootAccountId: Int parentAccountId: Int approvalStatus: String id: Int! customerSet: String commerceSummary: CommerceSummary contacts: [CustomerContact] companyOrOrganization: String notes: [CustomerNote] attributes: [CustomerAttribute] segments: [CustomerSegment] taxId: String externalId: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfo customerSinceDate: DateTime accountType: String } type B2BAccountCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: B2BAccountCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [B2BAccount] } input B2BAccountInput { users: [B2BUserInput] isActive: Boolean = false priceList: String salesReps: [AccountSalesRepInput] rootAccountId: Int parentAccountId: Int approvalStatus: String id: Int! customerSet: String commerceSummary: CommerceSummaryInput contacts: [CustomerContactInput] companyOrOrganization: String notes: [CustomerNoteInput] attributes: [CustomerAttributeInput] segments: [CustomerSegmentInput] taxId: String externalId: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput customerSinceDate: DateTime accountType: String } type B2BUser { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: B2BUser emailAddress: String userName: String firstName: String lastName: String localeCode: String userId: String roles: [UserRole] isLocked: Boolean isActive: Boolean isRemoved: Boolean acceptsMarketing: Boolean hasExternalPassword: Boolean } input B2BUserAndAuthInfoInput { b2BUser: B2BUserInput externalPassword: String isImport: Boolean = false } type B2BUserCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: B2BUserCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [B2BUser] } input B2BUserInput { emailAddress: String userName: String firstName: String lastName: String localeCode: String userId: String roles: [UserRoleInput] isLocked: Boolean = false isActive: Boolean = false isRemoved: Boolean = false acceptsMarketing: Boolean = false hasExternalPassword: Boolean = false } type BillingInfo { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: BillingInfo paymentType: String paymentWorkflow: String billingContact: Contact isSameBillingShippingAddress: Boolean card: PaymentCard token: PaymentToken purchaseOrder: PurchaseOrderPayment check: CheckPayment auditInfo: CrAuditInfo storeCreditCode: String storeCreditType: String customCreditType: String externalTransactionId: String data: Object } input BillingInfoInput { paymentType: String paymentWorkflow: String billingContact: ContactInput isSameBillingShippingAddress: Boolean = false card: PaymentCardInput token: PaymentTokenInput purchaseOrder: PurchaseOrderPaymentInput check: CheckPaymentInput auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput storeCreditCode: String storeCreditType: String customCreditType: String externalTransactionId: String data: Object } type BoxType { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: BoxType name: String height: Float width: Float length: Float } type BpmConfiguration { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: BpmConfiguration shipmentType: String workflowContainerId: String workflowProcessId: String } type BundledProductSummary { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: BundledProductSummary productShortDescription: String productName: String productCode: String goodsType: String quantity: Int! measurements: PrPackageMeasurements isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean inventoryInfo: ProductInventoryInfo optionAttributeFQN: String optionValue: Object creditValue: Float productType: String } enum BundlingStrategyEnum { ITEM_DEPENDENCY } type CancelReasonCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CancelReasonCollection totalCount: Int! items: [CancelReasonItem] } type CancelReasonItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CancelReasonItem reasonCode: String name: String needsMoreInfo: Boolean } type CanceledItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CanceledItem canceledReason: CanceledReason auditInfo: CrAuditInfo lineId: Int! originalOrderItemId: String parentId: String productCode: String variationProductCode: String optionAttributeFQN: String name: String fulfillmentLocationCode: String imageUrl: String isTaxable: Boolean quantity: Int! unitPrice: Float! actualPrice: Float! overridePrice: Float itemDiscount: Float! lineItemCost: Float! itemTax: Float! shipping: Float! shippingDiscount: Float! shippingTax: Float! handling: Float! handlingDiscount: Float! handlingTax: Float! duty: Float! isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean readyForPickupQuantity: Int backorderReleaseDate: DateTime measurements: CrPackageMeasurements options: [CrProductOption] data: Object taxData: Object weightedShipmentAdjustment: Float! weightedLineItemTaxAdjustment: Float! weightedShippingAdjustment: Float! weightedShippingTaxAdjustment: Float! weightedHandlingAdjustment: Float! weightedHandlingTaxAdjustment: Float! weightedDutyAdjustment: Float! taxableShipping: Float! taxableLineItemCost: Float! taxableHandling: Float! fulfillmentFields: [FulfillmentField] isAssemblyRequired: Boolean parentItemId: String childItemIds: [String!] giftCards: [GiftCard] } input CanceledItemInput { canceledReason: CanceledReasonInput auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput lineId: Int! originalOrderItemId: String parentId: String productCode: String variationProductCode: String optionAttributeFQN: String name: String fulfillmentLocationCode: String imageUrl: String isTaxable: Boolean = false quantity: Int! unitPrice: Float! actualPrice: Float! overridePrice: Float itemDiscount: Float! lineItemCost: Float! itemTax: Float! shipping: Float! shippingDiscount: Float! shippingTax: Float! handling: Float! handlingDiscount: Float! handlingTax: Float! duty: Float! isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean = false readyForPickupQuantity: Int backorderReleaseDate: DateTime measurements: CrPackageMeasurementsInput options: [CrProductOptionInput] data: Object taxData: Object weightedShipmentAdjustment: Float! weightedLineItemTaxAdjustment: Float! weightedShippingAdjustment: Float! weightedShippingTaxAdjustment: Float! weightedHandlingAdjustment: Float! weightedHandlingTaxAdjustment: Float! weightedDutyAdjustment: Float! taxableShipping: Float! taxableLineItemCost: Float! taxableHandling: Float! fulfillmentFields: [FulfillmentFieldInput] isAssemblyRequired: Boolean = false parentItemId: String childItemIds: [String!] giftCards: [GiftCardInput] } type CanceledReason { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CanceledReason reasonCode: String description: String moreInfo: String } input CanceledReasonInput { reasonCode: String description: String moreInfo: String } type CapturableShipmentSummary { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CapturableShipmentSummary shipmentNumber: Int! shipmentTotal: Float! amountApplied: Float! } input CapturableShipmentSummaryInput { shipmentNumber: Int! shipmentTotal: Float! amountApplied: Float! } type Card { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Card id: String nameOnCard: String cardType: String expireMonth: Int expireYear: Int cardNumberPart: String contactId: Int! isDefaultPayMethod: Boolean } type CardCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CardCollection totalCount: Int! items: [Card] } input CardInput { id: String nameOnCard: String cardType: String expireMonth: Int expireYear: Int cardNumberPart: String contactId: Int! isDefaultPayMethod: Boolean = false } type Carrier { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Carrier carrierType: String isEnabled: Boolean shippingMethodMappings: ShippingMethodMappings } type CarrierServiceGenerateLabelResponse { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CarrierServiceGenerateLabelResponse imageURL: String integratorId: String price: Float trackingNumber: String } type Cart { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Cart items: [CartItem] couponCodes: [String!] invalidCoupons: [InvalidCoupon] priceListCode: String cartMessage: CartMessage cartMessages: [CartMessage] handlingAmount: Float handlingSubTotal: Float handlingTotal: Float userId: String id: String tenantId: Int siteId: Int channelCode: String currencyCode: String visitId: String webSessionId: String customerInteractionType: String fulfillmentInfo: FulfillmentInfo orderDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscount] suggestedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscount] rejectedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscount] data: Object taxData: Object subtotal: Float discountedSubtotal: Float discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float shippingTotal: Float shippingSubTotal: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float handlingTaxTotal: Float itemTaxTotal: Float taxTotal: Float feeTotal: Float total: Float lineItemSubtotalWithOrderAdjustments: Float shippingAmountBeforeDiscountsAndAdjustments: Float lastValidationDate: DateTime expirationDate: DateTime changeMessages: [ChangeMessage] extendedProperties: [ExtendedProperty] discountThresholdMessages: [ThresholdMessage] auditInfo: CrAuditInfo } type CartChangeMessageCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CartChangeMessageCollection totalCount: Int! items: [ChangeMessage] } input CartInput { items: [CartItemInput] couponCodes: [String!] invalidCoupons: [InvalidCouponInput] priceListCode: String cartMessage: CartMessageInput cartMessages: [CartMessageInput] handlingAmount: Float handlingSubTotal: Float handlingTotal: Float userId: String id: String tenantId: Int siteId: Int channelCode: String currencyCode: String visitId: String webSessionId: String customerInteractionType: String fulfillmentInfo: FulfillmentInfoInput orderDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscountInput] suggestedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscountInput] rejectedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscountInput] data: Object taxData: Object subtotal: Float discountedSubtotal: Float discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float shippingTotal: Float shippingSubTotal: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float handlingTaxTotal: Float itemTaxTotal: Float taxTotal: Float feeTotal: Float total: Float lineItemSubtotalWithOrderAdjustments: Float shippingAmountBeforeDiscountsAndAdjustments: Float lastValidationDate: DateTime expirationDate: DateTime changeMessages: [ChangeMessageInput] extendedProperties: [ExtendedPropertyInput] discountThresholdMessages: [ThresholdMessageInput] auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput } type CartItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CartItem id: String fulfillmentLocationCode: String fulfillmentMethod: String localeCode: String purchaseLocation: String lineId: Int product: CrProduct quantity: Int! isRecurring: Boolean isTaxable: Boolean subtotal: Float extendedTotal: Float taxableTotal: Float discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float itemTaxTotal: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float shippingTotal: Float handlingAmount: Float feeTotal: Float total: Float unitPrice: CommerceUnitPrice productDiscount: AppliedLineItemProductDiscount productDiscounts: [AppliedLineItemProductDiscount] shippingDiscounts: [AppliedLineItemShippingDiscount] data: Object taxData: Object auditInfo: CrAuditInfo shippingAmountBeforeDiscountsAndAdjustments: Float weightedOrderAdjustment: Float weightedOrderDiscount: Float adjustedLineItemSubtotal: Float totalWithoutWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float weightedOrderTax: Float weightedOrderShipping: Float weightedOrderShippingDiscount: Float weightedOrderShippingManualAdjustment: Float weightedOrderShippingTax: Float weightedOrderHandlingFee: Float weightedOrderHandlingFeeTax: Float weightedOrderHandlingFeeDiscount: Float weightedOrderDuty: Float totalWithWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float weightedOrderHandlingAdjustment: Float autoAddDiscountId: Int isAssemblyRequired: Boolean childItemIds: [String!] parentItemId: String } type CartItemCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CartItemCollection totalCount: Int! items: [CartItem] } input CartItemInput { id: String fulfillmentLocationCode: String fulfillmentMethod: String localeCode: String purchaseLocation: String lineId: Int product: CrProductInput quantity: Int! isRecurring: Boolean = false isTaxable: Boolean = false subtotal: Float extendedTotal: Float taxableTotal: Float discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float itemTaxTotal: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float shippingTotal: Float handlingAmount: Float feeTotal: Float total: Float unitPrice: CommerceUnitPriceInput productDiscount: AppliedLineItemProductDiscountInput productDiscounts: [AppliedLineItemProductDiscountInput] shippingDiscounts: [AppliedLineItemShippingDiscountInput] data: Object taxData: Object auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput shippingAmountBeforeDiscountsAndAdjustments: Float weightedOrderAdjustment: Float weightedOrderDiscount: Float adjustedLineItemSubtotal: Float totalWithoutWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float weightedOrderTax: Float weightedOrderShipping: Float weightedOrderShippingDiscount: Float weightedOrderShippingManualAdjustment: Float weightedOrderShippingTax: Float weightedOrderHandlingFee: Float weightedOrderHandlingFeeTax: Float weightedOrderHandlingFeeDiscount: Float weightedOrderDuty: Float totalWithWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float weightedOrderHandlingAdjustment: Float autoAddDiscountId: Int isAssemblyRequired: Boolean = false childItemIds: [String!] parentItemId: String } type CartMessage { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CartMessage message: String messageType: String productsRemoved: [CrProduct] } input CartMessageInput { message: String messageType: String productsRemoved: [CrProductInput] } type CartSummary { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CartSummary itemCount: Int totalQuantity: Int total: Float isExpired: Boolean hasActiveCart: Boolean } type CategoryCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CategoryCollection totalCount: Int! items: [PrCategory] } type CategoryContent { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CategoryContent categoryImages: [CategoryImage] name: String description: String pageTitle: String metaTagTitle: String metaTagDescription: String metaTagKeywords: String slug: String } type CategoryImage { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CategoryImage imageLabel: String altText: String imageUrl: String cmsId: String videoUrl: String mediaType: String sequence: Int } type CategoryPagedCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CategoryPagedCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [PrCategory] } type ChangeMessage { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ChangeMessage id: String correlationId: String userId: String userFirstName: String userLastName: String userScopeType: String appId: String appKey: String appName: String subjectType: String success: Boolean identifier: String subject: String verb: String message: String metadata: Object oldValue: String newValue: String amount: Float createDate: DateTime } input ChangeMessageInput { id: String correlationId: String userId: String userFirstName: String userLastName: String userScopeType: String appId: String appKey: String appName: String subjectType: String success: Boolean = false identifier: String subject: String verb: String message: String metadata: Object oldValue: String newValue: String amount: Float createDate: DateTime } type ChangePasswordResult { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ChangePasswordResult accountId: Int! succeeded: Boolean errorMessage: String } type ChangePasswordResultCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ChangePasswordResultCollection totalCount: Int! items: [ChangePasswordResult] } type Channel { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Channel tenantId: Int! code: String name: String region: String countryCode: String groupCode: String siteIds: [Int!] auditInfo: CrAuditInfo } type ChannelCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ChannelCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [Channel] } type ChannelGroup { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ChannelGroup tenantId: Int! code: String name: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfo } type ChannelGroupCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ChannelGroupCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [ChannelGroup] } input ChannelGroupInput { tenantId: Int! code: String name: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput } input ChannelInput { tenantId: Int! code: String name: String region: String countryCode: String groupCode: String siteIds: [Int!] auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput } type CheckPayment { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CheckPayment checkNumber: String } input CheckPaymentInput { checkNumber: String } type Checkout { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Checkout id: String siteId: Int! tenantId: Int! number: Int originalCartId: String submittedDate: DateTime type: String items: [CrOrderItem] groupings: [CheckoutGrouping] auditInfo: CrAuditInfo destinations: [Destination] payments: [Payment] amountRemainingForPayment: Float! acceptsMarketing: Boolean customerAccountId: Int email: String customerTaxId: String isTaxExempt: Boolean currencyCode: String priceListCode: String attributes: [OrderAttribute] shopperNotes: ShopperNotes availableActions: [String!] data: Object taxData: Object channelCode: String locationCode: String ipAddress: String sourceDevice: String visitId: String webSessionId: String customerInteractionType: String orderDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscount] couponCodes: [String!] invalidCoupons: [InvalidCoupon] suggestedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscount] discountThresholdMessages: [ThresholdMessage] dutyTotal: Float feeTotal: Float! subTotal: Float! itemLevelProductDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelProductDiscountTotal: Float! itemTaxTotal: Float! itemTotal: Float! shippingSubTotal: Float! itemLevelShippingDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelShippingDiscountTotal: Float! shippingTaxTotal: Float! shippingTotal: Float! handlingSubTotal: Float! itemLevelHandlingDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelHandlingDiscountTotal: Float! handlingTaxTotal: Float! handlingTotal: Float! total: Float! } input CheckoutActionInput { actionName: String } type CheckoutCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CheckoutCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [Checkout] } type CheckoutGroupRates { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CheckoutGroupRates groupingId: String shippingRates: [ShippingRate] } input CheckoutGroupShippingMethodInput { groupingId: String shippingRate: ShippingRateInput } type CheckoutGrouping { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CheckoutGrouping id: String destinationId: String fulfillmentMethod: String orderItemIds: [String!] shippingMethodCode: String shippingMethodName: String standaloneGroup: Boolean shippingDiscounts: [ShippingDiscount] handlingDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscount] dutyAmount: Float dutyTotal: Float! shippingAmount: Float shippingSubTotal: Float! itemLevelShippingDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelShippingDiscountTotal: Float! shippingTax: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float! shippingTotal: Float! handlingAmount: Float handlingSubTotal: Float! itemLevelHandlingDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelHandlingDiscountTotal: Float! handlingTax: Float handlingTaxTotal: Float! handlingTotal: Float! taxData: Object } input CheckoutGroupingInput { id: String destinationId: String fulfillmentMethod: String orderItemIds: [String!] shippingMethodCode: String shippingMethodName: String standaloneGroup: Boolean = false shippingDiscounts: [ShippingDiscountInput] handlingDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscountInput] dutyAmount: Float dutyTotal: Float! shippingAmount: Float shippingSubTotal: Float! itemLevelShippingDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelShippingDiscountTotal: Float! shippingTax: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float! shippingTotal: Float! handlingAmount: Float handlingSubTotal: Float! itemLevelHandlingDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelHandlingDiscountTotal: Float! handlingTax: Float handlingTaxTotal: Float! handlingTotal: Float! taxData: Object } input CheckoutInput { id: String siteId: Int! tenantId: Int! number: Int originalCartId: String submittedDate: DateTime type: String items: [CrOrderItemInput] groupings: [CheckoutGroupingInput] auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput destinations: [DestinationInput] payments: [PaymentInput] amountRemainingForPayment: Float! acceptsMarketing: Boolean = false customerAccountId: Int email: String customerTaxId: String isTaxExempt: Boolean = false currencyCode: String priceListCode: String attributes: [OrderAttributeInput] shopperNotes: ShopperNotesInput availableActions: [String!] data: Object taxData: Object channelCode: String locationCode: String ipAddress: String sourceDevice: String visitId: String webSessionId: String customerInteractionType: String orderDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscountInput] couponCodes: [String!] invalidCoupons: [InvalidCouponInput] suggestedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscountInput] discountThresholdMessages: [ThresholdMessageInput] dutyTotal: Float feeTotal: Float! subTotal: Float! itemLevelProductDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelProductDiscountTotal: Float! itemTaxTotal: Float! itemTotal: Float! shippingSubTotal: Float! itemLevelShippingDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelShippingDiscountTotal: Float! shippingTaxTotal: Float! shippingTotal: Float! handlingSubTotal: Float! itemLevelHandlingDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelHandlingDiscountTotal: Float! handlingTaxTotal: Float! handlingTotal: Float! total: Float! } input CoHttpContentInput { headers: [KeyValuePair2Input] } input CoHttpMethodInput { method: String } input CoHttpRequestMessageInput { version: String content: CoHttpContentInput method: CoHttpMethodInput requestUri: DateTime headers: [KeyValuePair2Input] properties: Object } type CommerceSummary { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CommerceSummary totalOrderAmount: CurrencyAmount orderCount: Int! lastOrderDate: DateTime wishlistCount: Int! visitsCount: Int! } input CommerceSummaryInput { totalOrderAmount: CurrencyAmountInput orderCount: Int! lastOrderDate: DateTime wishlistCount: Int! visitsCount: Int! } type CommerceUnitPrice { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CommerceUnitPrice extendedAmount: Float listAmount: Float saleAmount: Float overrideAmount: Float } input CommerceUnitPriceInput { extendedAmount: Float listAmount: Float saleAmount: Float overrideAmount: Float } type ConfiguredProduct { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ConfiguredProduct productCode: String purchaseLocation: String fulfillmentTypesSupported: [String!] variationProductCode: String upc: String mfgPartNumber: String purchasableState: ProductPurchasableState priceRange: ProductPriceRange volumePriceBands: [ProductVolumePrice] volumePriceRange: ProductPriceRange price: ProductPrice availableShippingDiscounts: [PrDiscount] measurements: PrPackageMeasurements inventoryInfo: ProductInventoryInfo options: [ProductOption] properties: [ProductProperty] priceListEntryTypeProperty: ProductProperty productImages: [ProductImage] } type Contact { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Contact id: Int email: String firstName: String middleNameOrInitial: String lastNameOrSurname: String companyOrOrganization: String phoneNumbers: CrPhone address: CrAddress } input ContactInput { id: Int email: String firstName: String middleNameOrInitial: String lastNameOrSurname: String companyOrOrganization: String phoneNumbers: CrPhoneInput address: CrAddressInput } type ContactType { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ContactType name: String isPrimary: Boolean } input ContactTypeInput { name: String isPrimary: Boolean = false } type Coordinates { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Coordinates lat: Float! lng: Float! } input CoordinatesInput { lat: Float! lng: Float! } type CrAddress { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrAddress address1: String address2: String address3: String address4: String cityOrTown: String stateOrProvince: String postalOrZipCode: String countryCode: String addressType: String isValidated: Boolean } input CrAddressInput { address1: String address2: String address3: String address4: String cityOrTown: String stateOrProvince: String postalOrZipCode: String countryCode: String addressType: String isValidated: Boolean = false } type CrAppliedDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrAppliedDiscount impact: Float discount: CrDiscount couponCode: String excluded: Boolean } input CrAppliedDiscountInput { impact: Float discount: CrDiscountInput couponCode: String excluded: Boolean = false } type CrAuditInfo { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrAuditInfo updateDate: DateTime createDate: DateTime updateBy: String createBy: String } input CrAuditInfoInput { updateDate: DateTime createDate: DateTime updateBy: String createBy: String } type CrBundledProduct { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrBundledProduct quantity: Int! optionAttributeFQN: String optionValue: Object creditValue: Float deltaPrice: Float productCode: String name: String description: String goodsType: String isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean stock: ProductStock productReservationId: Int allocationId: Int allocationExpiration: DateTime measurements: CrPackageMeasurements fulfillmentStatus: String } input CrBundledProductInput { quantity: Int! optionAttributeFQN: String optionValue: Object creditValue: Float deltaPrice: Float productCode: String name: String description: String goodsType: String isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean = false stock: ProductStockInput productReservationId: Int allocationId: Int allocationExpiration: DateTime measurements: CrPackageMeasurementsInput fulfillmentStatus: String } type CrCategory { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrCategory id: Int parent: CrCategory } input CrCategoryInput { id: Int parent: CrCategoryInput } type CrDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrDiscount id: Int! name: String itemIds: [String!] expirationDate: DateTime hasMultipleTargetProducts: Boolean } input CrDiscountInput { id: Int! name: String itemIds: [String!] expirationDate: DateTime hasMultipleTargetProducts: Boolean = false } type CrMeasurement { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrMeasurement unit: String value: Float } input CrMeasurementInput { unit: String value: Float } type CrOrderItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrOrderItem id: String destinationId: String originalCartItemId: String fulfillmentLocationCode: String fulfillmentMethod: String dutyAmount: Float expectedDeliveryDate: DateTime localeCode: String purchaseLocation: String lineId: Int product: CrProduct quantity: Int! isRecurring: Boolean isTaxable: Boolean subtotal: Float extendedTotal: Float taxableTotal: Float discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float itemTaxTotal: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float shippingTotal: Float handlingAmount: Float feeTotal: Float total: Float unitPrice: CommerceUnitPrice productDiscount: AppliedLineItemProductDiscount productDiscounts: [AppliedLineItemProductDiscount] shippingDiscounts: [AppliedLineItemShippingDiscount] data: Object taxData: Object auditInfo: CrAuditInfo shippingAmountBeforeDiscountsAndAdjustments: Float weightedOrderAdjustment: Float weightedOrderDiscount: Float adjustedLineItemSubtotal: Float totalWithoutWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float weightedOrderTax: Float weightedOrderShipping: Float weightedOrderShippingDiscount: Float weightedOrderShippingManualAdjustment: Float weightedOrderShippingTax: Float weightedOrderHandlingFee: Float weightedOrderHandlingFeeTax: Float weightedOrderHandlingFeeDiscount: Float weightedOrderDuty: Float totalWithWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float weightedOrderHandlingAdjustment: Float autoAddDiscountId: Int isAssemblyRequired: Boolean childItemIds: [String!] parentItemId: String } input CrOrderItemInput { id: String destinationId: String originalCartItemId: String fulfillmentLocationCode: String fulfillmentMethod: String dutyAmount: Float expectedDeliveryDate: DateTime localeCode: String purchaseLocation: String lineId: Int product: CrProductInput quantity: Int! isRecurring: Boolean = false isTaxable: Boolean = false subtotal: Float extendedTotal: Float taxableTotal: Float discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float itemTaxTotal: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float shippingTotal: Float handlingAmount: Float feeTotal: Float total: Float unitPrice: CommerceUnitPriceInput productDiscount: AppliedLineItemProductDiscountInput productDiscounts: [AppliedLineItemProductDiscountInput] shippingDiscounts: [AppliedLineItemShippingDiscountInput] data: Object taxData: Object auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput shippingAmountBeforeDiscountsAndAdjustments: Float weightedOrderAdjustment: Float weightedOrderDiscount: Float adjustedLineItemSubtotal: Float totalWithoutWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float weightedOrderTax: Float weightedOrderShipping: Float weightedOrderShippingDiscount: Float weightedOrderShippingManualAdjustment: Float weightedOrderShippingTax: Float weightedOrderHandlingFee: Float weightedOrderHandlingFeeTax: Float weightedOrderHandlingFeeDiscount: Float weightedOrderDuty: Float totalWithWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float weightedOrderHandlingAdjustment: Float autoAddDiscountId: Int isAssemblyRequired: Boolean = false childItemIds: [String!] parentItemId: String } type CrPackageMeasurements { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrPackageMeasurements height: CrMeasurement width: CrMeasurement length: CrMeasurement weight: CrMeasurement } input CrPackageMeasurementsInput { height: CrMeasurementInput width: CrMeasurementInput length: CrMeasurementInput weight: CrMeasurementInput } type CrPhone { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrPhone home: String mobile: String work: String } input CrPhoneInput { home: String mobile: String work: String } type CrProduct { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrProduct mfgPartNumber: String upc: String sku: String fulfillmentTypesSupported: [String!] imageAlternateText: String imageUrl: String variationProductCode: String options: [CrProductOption] properties: [CrProductProperty] categories: [CrCategory] price: CrProductPrice discountsRestricted: Boolean discountsRestrictedStartDate: DateTime discountsRestrictedEndDate: DateTime isRecurring: Boolean isTaxable: Boolean productType: String productUsage: String bundledProducts: [CrBundledProduct] fulfillmentFields: [FulfillmentField] productCode: String name: String description: String goodsType: String isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean stock: ProductStock productReservationId: Int allocationId: Int allocationExpiration: DateTime measurements: CrPackageMeasurements fulfillmentStatus: String } input CrProductInput { mfgPartNumber: String upc: String sku: String fulfillmentTypesSupported: [String!] imageAlternateText: String imageUrl: String variationProductCode: String options: [CrProductOptionInput] properties: [CrProductPropertyInput] categories: [CrCategoryInput] price: CrProductPriceInput discountsRestricted: Boolean = false discountsRestrictedStartDate: DateTime discountsRestrictedEndDate: DateTime isRecurring: Boolean = false isTaxable: Boolean = false productType: String productUsage: String bundledProducts: [CrBundledProductInput] fulfillmentFields: [FulfillmentFieldInput] productCode: String name: String description: String goodsType: String isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean = false stock: ProductStockInput productReservationId: Int allocationId: Int allocationExpiration: DateTime measurements: CrPackageMeasurementsInput fulfillmentStatus: String } type CrProductOption { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrProductOption name: String value: Object shopperEnteredValue: Object attributeFQN: String dataType: String stringValue: String } input CrProductOptionInput { name: String value: Object shopperEnteredValue: Object attributeFQN: String dataType: String stringValue: String } type CrProductPrice { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrProductPrice price: Float salePrice: Float tenantOverridePrice: Float msrp: Float creditValue: Float priceListCode: String priceListEntryMode: String } input CrProductPriceInput { price: Float salePrice: Float tenantOverridePrice: Float msrp: Float creditValue: Float priceListCode: String priceListEntryMode: String } type CrProductProperty { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrProductProperty attributeFQN: String name: String dataType: String isMultiValue: Boolean values: [CrProductPropertyValue] } input CrProductPropertyInput { attributeFQN: String name: String dataType: String isMultiValue: Boolean = false values: [CrProductPropertyValueInput] } type CrProductPropertyValue { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CrProductPropertyValue stringValue: String value: Object } input CrProductPropertyValueInput { stringValue: String value: Object } type Credit { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Credit code: String activationDate: DateTime creditType: String customCreditType: String currencyCode: String initialBalance: Float currentBalance: Float expirationDate: DateTime customerId: Int auditInfo: CuAuditInfo creditTypeId: Int! } type CreditAuditEntry { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CreditAuditEntry activityType: String details: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfo activityTypeId: Int! } type CreditAuditEntryCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CreditAuditEntryCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [CreditAuditEntry] } type CreditCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CreditCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [Credit] } input CreditInput { code: String activationDate: DateTime creditType: String customCreditType: String currencyCode: String initialBalance: Float currentBalance: Float expirationDate: DateTime customerId: Int auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput creditTypeId: Int! } type CreditTransaction { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CreditTransaction id: Int transactionType: String comments: String impactAmount: Float auditInfo: CuAuditInfo orderId: String data: Object } type CreditTransactionCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CreditTransactionCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [CreditTransaction] } input CreditTransactionInput { id: Int transactionType: String comments: String impactAmount: Float auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput orderId: String data: Object } type CuAddress { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CuAddress address1: String address2: String address3: String address4: String cityOrTown: String stateOrProvince: String postalOrZipCode: String countryCode: String addressType: String isValidated: Boolean } input CuAddressInput { address1: String address2: String address3: String address4: String cityOrTown: String stateOrProvince: String postalOrZipCode: String countryCode: String addressType: String isValidated: Boolean = false } type CuAttribute { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CuAttribute id: Int adminName: String namespace: String attributeCode: String! inputType: String valueType: String! dataType: String attributeMetadata: [CuAttributeMetadataItem] attributeFQN: String content: CuAttributeLocalizedContent validation: CuAttributeValidation vocabularyValues: [CuAttributeVocabularyValue] auditInfo: CuAuditInfo isActive: Boolean isRequired: Boolean isReadOnly: Boolean isMultiValued: Boolean isVisible: Boolean order: Int displayGroup: String! } type CuAttributeCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CuAttributeCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [CuAttribute] } input CuAttributeInput { id: Int adminName: String namespace: String attributeCode: String! inputType: String valueType: String! dataType: String attributeMetadata: [CuAttributeMetadataItemInput] attributeFQN: String content: CuAttributeLocalizedContentInput validation: CuAttributeValidationInput vocabularyValues: [CuAttributeVocabularyValueInput] auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput isActive: Boolean = false isRequired: Boolean = false isReadOnly: Boolean = false isMultiValued: Boolean = false isVisible: Boolean = false order: Int displayGroup: String! } type CuAttributeLocalizedContent { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CuAttributeLocalizedContent localeCode: String value: String } input CuAttributeLocalizedContentInput { localeCode: String value: String } type CuAttributeMetadataItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CuAttributeMetadataItem key: String! value: String! } input CuAttributeMetadataItemInput { key: String! value: String! } type CuAttributeValidation { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CuAttributeValidation regularExpression: String minStringLength: Int maxStringLength: Int minNumericValue: Float maxNumericValue: Float minDateTime: DateTime maxDateTime: DateTime } input CuAttributeValidationInput { regularExpression: String minStringLength: Int maxStringLength: Int minNumericValue: Float maxNumericValue: Float minDateTime: DateTime maxDateTime: DateTime } type CuAttributeValueLocalizedContent { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CuAttributeValueLocalizedContent localeCode: String! value: String! } input CuAttributeValueLocalizedContentInput { localeCode: String! value: String! } type CuAttributeVocabularyValue { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CuAttributeVocabularyValue value: String! sequence: Int isHidden: Boolean content: CuAttributeValueLocalizedContent } input CuAttributeVocabularyValueInput { value: String! sequence: Int isHidden: Boolean = false content: CuAttributeValueLocalizedContentInput } type CuAuditInfo { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CuAuditInfo updateDate: DateTime createDate: DateTime updateBy: String createBy: String } input CuAuditInfoInput { updateDate: DateTime createDate: DateTime updateBy: String createBy: String } type CuPhone { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CuPhone home: String mobile: String work: String } input CuPhoneInput { home: String mobile: String work: String } type CurrencyAmount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CurrencyAmount currencyCode: String amount: Float! } input CurrencyAmountInput { currencyCode: String amount: Float! } type CurrencyExchangeRate { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CurrencyExchangeRate fromCurrencyCode: String toCurrencyCode: String rate: Float multiplier: Float decimalPlaces: Int roundingStrategy: Int referenceData: String } type Customer { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Customer customerContact: Contact data: Object isDestinationCommercial: Boolean } type CustomerAccount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerAccount emailAddress: String userName: String firstName: String lastName: String localeCode: String userId: String isAnonymous: Boolean isLocked: Boolean isActive: Boolean acceptsMarketing: Boolean hasExternalPassword: Boolean id: Int! customerSet: String commerceSummary: CommerceSummary contacts: [CustomerContact] companyOrOrganization: String notes: [CustomerNote] attributes: [CustomerAttribute] segments: [CustomerSegment] taxId: String externalId: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfo customerSinceDate: DateTime accountType: String } input CustomerAccountAndAuthInfoInput { account: CustomerAccountInput password: String externalPassword: String isImport: Boolean = false } type CustomerAccountCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerAccountCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [CustomerAccount] } input CustomerAccountInput { emailAddress: String userName: String firstName: String lastName: String localeCode: String userId: String isAnonymous: Boolean = false isLocked: Boolean = false isActive: Boolean = false acceptsMarketing: Boolean = false hasExternalPassword: Boolean = false id: Int! customerSet: String commerceSummary: CommerceSummaryInput contacts: [CustomerContactInput] companyOrOrganization: String notes: [CustomerNoteInput] attributes: [CustomerAttributeInput] segments: [CustomerSegmentInput] taxId: String externalId: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput customerSinceDate: DateTime accountType: String } type CustomerAttribute { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerAttribute auditInfo: CuAuditInfo fullyQualifiedName: String attributeDefinitionId: Int values: [Object!] } type CustomerAttributeCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerAttributeCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [CustomerAttribute] } input CustomerAttributeInput { auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput fullyQualifiedName: String attributeDefinitionId: Int values: [Object!] } type CustomerAuditEntry { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerAuditEntry customerAccountId: Int! customerAuditEntryId: Int! entryDate: DateTime! entryUser: String application: String site: String description: String fieldPath: String oldValue: String newValue: String } type CustomerAuditEntryCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerAuditEntryCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [CustomerAuditEntry] } type CustomerAuthTicket { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerAuthTicket customerAccount: CustomerAccount accessToken: String accessTokenExpiration: DateTime! refreshToken: String refreshTokenExpiration: DateTime! userId: String jwtAccessToken: String } type CustomerContact { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerContact accountId: Int! types: [ContactType] auditInfo: CuAuditInfo faxNumber: String label: String id: Int email: String firstName: String middleNameOrInitial: String lastNameOrSurname: String companyOrOrganization: String phoneNumbers: CuPhone address: CuAddress } type CustomerContactCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerContactCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [CustomerContact] } input CustomerContactInput { accountId: Int! types: [ContactTypeInput] auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput faxNumber: String label: String id: Int email: String firstName: String middleNameOrInitial: String lastNameOrSurname: String companyOrOrganization: String phoneNumbers: CuPhoneInput address: CuAddressInput } input CustomerInput { customerContact: ContactInput data: Object isDestinationCommercial: Boolean = false } input CustomerLoginInfoInput { emailAddress: String username: String password: String externalPassword: String isImport: Boolean = false } type CustomerNote { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerNote id: Int! content: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfo } type CustomerNoteCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerNoteCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [CustomerNote] } input CustomerNoteInput { id: Int! content: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput } type CustomerPurchaseOrderAccount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerPurchaseOrderAccount id: Int! accountId: Int! isEnabled: Boolean creditLimit: Float! availableBalance: Float! totalAvailableBalance: Float! overdraftAllowance: Float overdraftAllowanceType: String customerPurchaseOrderPaymentTerms: [CustomerPurchaseOrderPaymentTerm] auditInfo: CuAuditInfo } type CustomerPurchaseOrderAccountCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerPurchaseOrderAccountCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [CustomerPurchaseOrderAccount] } input CustomerPurchaseOrderAccountInput { id: Int! accountId: Int! isEnabled: Boolean = false creditLimit: Float! availableBalance: Float! totalAvailableBalance: Float! overdraftAllowance: Float overdraftAllowanceType: String customerPurchaseOrderPaymentTerms: [CustomerPurchaseOrderPaymentTermInput] auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput } type CustomerPurchaseOrderPaymentTerm { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerPurchaseOrderPaymentTerm siteId: Int! code: String description: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfo } input CustomerPurchaseOrderPaymentTermInput { siteId: Int! code: String description: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput } type CustomerSegment { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerSegment id: Int! code: String name: String description: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfo } type CustomerSegmentCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerSegmentCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [CustomerSegment] } input CustomerSegmentInput { id: Int! code: String name: String description: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput } type CustomerSet { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerSet code: String name: String description: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfo sites: [CustomerSetSite] isDefault: Boolean aggregateInfo: CustomerSetAggregateInfo } type CustomerSetAggregateInfo { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerSetAggregateInfo customerCount: Int! } type CustomerSetCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerSetCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [CustomerSet] } type CustomerSetSite { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: CustomerSetSite siteId: Int! customerSetCode: String name: String } input CustomerUserAuthInfoInput { username: String password: String } """ DateTime custom scalar type """ scalar DateTime type Destination { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Destination id: String destinationContact: Contact isDestinationCommercial: Boolean data: Object } input DestinationInput { id: String destinationContact: ContactInput isDestinationCommercial: Boolean = false data: Object } type DigitalPackage { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DigitalPackage id: String code: String status: String items: [DigitalPackageItem] fulfillmentDate: DateTime fulfillmentLocationCode: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfo availableActions: [String!] changeMessages: [ChangeMessage] } input DigitalPackageInput { id: String code: String status: String items: [DigitalPackageItemInput] fulfillmentDate: DateTime fulfillmentLocationCode: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput availableActions: [String!] changeMessages: [ChangeMessageInput] } type DigitalPackageItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DigitalPackageItem giftCardCode: String productCode: String quantity: Int! fulfillmentItemType: String lineId: Int optionAttributeFQN: String } input DigitalPackageItemInput { giftCardCode: String productCode: String quantity: Int! fulfillmentItemType: String lineId: Int optionAttributeFQN: String } input DigitalWalletInput { digitalWalletData: String cartId: String } input DiscountSelectionsInput { discountIds: [Int!] } type DiscountValidationSummary { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DiscountValidationSummary applicableDiscounts: [PrDiscount] } type Document { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Document id: String name: String path: String publishSetCode: String extension: String documentTypeFQN: String listFQN: String contentLength: Int contentMimeType: String contentUpdateDate: DateTime publishState: String properties: Object insertDate: DateTime updateDate: DateTime activeDateRange: ActiveDateRange } type DocumentCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DocumentCollection subPaths: [String!] startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [Document] } type DocumentDraftSummary { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DocumentDraftSummary id: String name: String documentTypeFQN: String listFQN: String activeUpdateDate: DateTime draftUpdateDate: DateTime! updatedBy: String activeUpdatedBy: String publishType: String publishSetCode: String masterCatalogId: Int catalogId: Int siteId: Int } type DocumentDraftSummaryPagedCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DocumentDraftSummaryPagedCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [DocumentDraftSummary] } input DocumentInput { id: String name: String path: String publishSetCode: String extension: String documentTypeFQN: String listFQN: String contentLength: Int contentMimeType: String contentUpdateDate: DateTime publishState: String properties: Object insertDate: DateTime updateDate: DateTime activeDateRange: ActiveDateRangeInput } type DocumentInstallation { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DocumentInstallation name: String documentTypeFQN: String properties: Object locale: String } input DocumentInstallationInput { name: String documentTypeFQN: String properties: Object locale: String } type DocumentList { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DocumentList name: String namespace: String listFQN: String documentTypes: [String!] supportsPublishing: Boolean enablePublishing: Boolean supportsActiveDateRanges: Boolean enableActiveDateRanges: Boolean views: [View] usages: [String!] security: String scopeId: Int scopeType: String documentListType: String metadata: Object } type DocumentListCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DocumentListCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [DocumentList] } input DocumentListInput { name: String namespace: String listFQN: String documentTypes: [String!] supportsPublishing: Boolean = false enablePublishing: Boolean = false supportsActiveDateRanges: Boolean = false enableActiveDateRanges: Boolean = false views: [ViewInput] usages: [String!] security: String scopeId: Int scopeType: String documentListType: String metadata: Object } type DocumentListType { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DocumentListType name: String namespace: String documentListTypeFQN: String scopeType: String installationPackage: String version: String defaultDocuments: [DocumentInstallation] documentTypeFQNs: [String!] supportsPublishing: Boolean enablePublishing: Boolean supportsActiveDateRanges: Boolean enableActiveDateRanges: Boolean views: [View] usages: [String!] metadata: Object } type DocumentListTypeCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DocumentListTypeCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [DocumentListType] } input DocumentListTypeInput { name: String namespace: String documentListTypeFQN: String scopeType: String installationPackage: String version: String defaultDocuments: [DocumentInstallationInput] documentTypeFQNs: [String!] supportsPublishing: Boolean = false enablePublishing: Boolean = false supportsActiveDateRanges: Boolean = false enableActiveDateRanges: Boolean = false views: [ViewInput] usages: [String!] metadata: Object } type DocumentType { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DocumentType name: String namespace: String documentTypeFQN: String adminName: String installationPackage: String version: String metadata: Object properties: [Property] } type DocumentTypeCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: DocumentTypeCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [DocumentType] } input DocumentTypeInput { name: String namespace: String documentTypeFQN: String adminName: String installationPackage: String version: String metadata: Object properties: [PropertyInput] } type EntityCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: EntityCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [Object!] } type EntityContainer { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: EntityContainer tenantId: Int! siteId: Int masterCatalogId: Int catalogId: Int localeCode: String listFullName: String userId: String id: String item: Object createBy: String createDate: DateTime! updateBy: String updateDate: DateTime! } type EntityContainerCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: EntityContainerCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [EntityContainer] } type EntityList { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: EntityList tenantId: Int! nameSpace: String name: String contextLevel: String useSystemAssignedId: Boolean idProperty: IndexedProperty indexA: IndexedProperty indexB: IndexedProperty indexC: IndexedProperty indexD: IndexedProperty isVisibleInStorefront: Boolean isLocaleSpecific: Boolean isShopperSpecific: Boolean isSandboxDataCloningSupported: Boolean views: [ListView] usages: [String!] metadata: Object createDate: DateTime! updateDate: DateTime! } type EntityListCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: EntityListCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [EntityList] } input EntityListInput { tenantId: Int! nameSpace: String name: String contextLevel: String useSystemAssignedId: Boolean = false idProperty: IndexedPropertyInput indexA: IndexedPropertyInput indexB: IndexedPropertyInput indexC: IndexedPropertyInput indexD: IndexedPropertyInput isVisibleInStorefront: Boolean = false isLocaleSpecific: Boolean = false isShopperSpecific: Boolean = false isSandboxDataCloningSupported: Boolean = false views: [ListViewInput] usages: [String!] metadata: Object createDate: DateTime! updateDate: DateTime! } input ExclusionListEntryLocationCodeInput { locationCode: String! orderItemID: Int! } type ExtendedProperty { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ExtendedProperty key: String value: String } input ExtendedPropertyInput { key: String value: String } type Facet { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Facet label: String facetType: String field: String values: [FacetValue] } type FacetValue { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: FacetValue label: String isApplied: Boolean count: Int! value: String filterValue: String rangeQueryValueStart: String rangeQueryValueEnd: String parentFacetValue: String isDisplayed: Boolean childrenFacetValues: [FacetValue] } input FulfillmentActionInput { actionName: String packageIds: [String!] pickupIds: [String!] digitalPackageIds: [String!] } type FulfillmentField { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: FulfillmentField name: String userEnteredValue: Object required: Boolean } input FulfillmentFieldInput { name: String userEnteredValue: Object required: Boolean = false } type FulfillmentInfo { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: FulfillmentInfo fulfillmentContact: Contact isDestinationCommercial: Boolean shippingMethodCode: String shippingMethodName: String data: Object auditInfo: CrAuditInfo } input FulfillmentInfoInput { fulfillmentContact: ContactInput isDestinationCommercial: Boolean = false shippingMethodCode: String shippingMethodName: String data: Object auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput } type FulfillmentShopperNotes { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: FulfillmentShopperNotes comments: String deliveryInstructions: String giftMessage: String } input FulfillmentShopperNotesInput { comments: String deliveryInstructions: String giftMessage: String } type FulfillmentTask { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: FulfillmentTask links: Object active: Boolean attributes: Object completed: Boolean completedDate: DateTime description: String inputs: [TaskInput] name: String skippable: Boolean subject: String taskId: String } input FulfillmentTaskInput { links: Object active: Boolean = false attributes: Object completed: Boolean = false completedDate: DateTime description: String inputs: [TaskInputInput] name: String skippable: Boolean = false subject: String taskId: String } type GatewayGiftCard { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: GatewayGiftCard cardNumber: String amount: Float! currencyCode: String } input GatewayGiftCardInput { cardNumber: String amount: Float! currencyCode: String } type GiftCard { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: GiftCard activationDate: DateTime cardNumber: String code: String creditType: String creditValue: Float currencyCode: String currentBalance: Float customerId: Int expirationDate: DateTime initialBalance: Float } input GiftCardInput { activationDate: DateTime cardNumber: String code: String creditType: String creditValue: Float currencyCode: String currentBalance: Float customerId: Int expirationDate: DateTime initialBalance: Float } type Hours { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Hours label: String openTime: String closeTime: String isClosed: Boolean } input HoursInput { label: String openTime: String closeTime: String isClosed: Boolean = false } type InStockNotificationSubscription { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: InStockNotificationSubscription id: Int email: String customerId: Int productCode: String locationCode: String userId: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfo } type InStockNotificationSubscriptionCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: InStockNotificationSubscriptionCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [InStockNotificationSubscription] } input InStockNotificationSubscriptionInput { id: Int email: String customerId: Int productCode: String locationCode: String userId: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput } type IndexedProperty { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: IndexedProperty propertyName: String dataType: String } input IndexedPropertyInput { propertyName: String dataType: String } type InvalidCoupon { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: InvalidCoupon couponCode: String reasonCode: Int! reason: String createDate: DateTime! discountId: Int! } input InvalidCouponInput { couponCode: String reasonCode: Int! reason: String createDate: DateTime! discountId: Int! } enum InventoryRequestTypeEnum { ALL PARTIAL ANY ALL_STORES } input ItemsForDestinationInput { destinationId: String itemIds: [String!] } type JsonNode { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: JsonNode array: Boolean bigDecimal: Boolean bigInteger: Boolean binary: Boolean boolean: Boolean containerNode: Boolean double: Boolean float: Boolean floatingPointNumber: Boolean int: Boolean integralNumber: Boolean long: Boolean missingNode: Boolean nodeType: NodeTypeEnum null: Boolean number: Boolean object: Boolean pojo: Boolean short: Boolean textual: Boolean valueNode: Boolean } input KeyValuePair2Input { key: String value: [String!] } type ListView { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ListView name: String usages: [String!] metaData: Object security: String filter: String defaultSort: String fields: [ListViewField] } type ListViewCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ListViewCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [ListView] } type ListViewField { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ListViewField name: String type: String target: String } input ListViewFieldInput { name: String type: String target: String } input ListViewInput { name: String usages: [String!] metaData: Object security: String filter: String defaultSort: String fields: [ListViewFieldInput] } type LoAddress { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LoAddress address1: String address2: String address3: String address4: String cityOrTown: String stateOrProvince: String postalOrZipCode: String countryCode: String addressType: String isValidated: Boolean } input LoAddressInput { address1: String address2: String address3: String address4: String cityOrTown: String stateOrProvince: String postalOrZipCode: String countryCode: String addressType: String isValidated: Boolean = false } type LoAttribute { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LoAttribute id: Int adminName: String namespace: String attributeCode: String! inputType: String valueType: String! dataType: String attributeMetadata: [LoAttributeMetadataItem] attributeFQN: String content: LoAttributeLocalizedContent validation: LoAttributeValidation vocabularyValues: [LoAttributeVocabularyValue] auditInfo: LoAuditInfo isActive: Boolean isRequired: Boolean isReadOnly: Boolean isMultiValued: Boolean isVisible: Boolean order: Int displayGroup: String! } type LoAttributeCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LoAttributeCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [LoAttribute] } input LoAttributeInput { id: Int adminName: String namespace: String attributeCode: String! inputType: String valueType: String! dataType: String attributeMetadata: [LoAttributeMetadataItemInput] attributeFQN: String content: LoAttributeLocalizedContentInput validation: LoAttributeValidationInput vocabularyValues: [LoAttributeVocabularyValueInput] auditInfo: LoAuditInfoInput isActive: Boolean = false isRequired: Boolean = false isReadOnly: Boolean = false isMultiValued: Boolean = false isVisible: Boolean = false order: Int displayGroup: String! } type LoAttributeLocalizedContent { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LoAttributeLocalizedContent localeCode: String value: String } input LoAttributeLocalizedContentInput { localeCode: String value: String } type LoAttributeMetadataItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LoAttributeMetadataItem key: String! value: String! } input LoAttributeMetadataItemInput { key: String! value: String! } type LoAttributeValidation { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LoAttributeValidation regularExpression: String minStringLength: Int maxStringLength: Int minNumericValue: Float maxNumericValue: Float minDateTime: DateTime maxDateTime: DateTime } input LoAttributeValidationInput { regularExpression: String minStringLength: Int maxStringLength: Int minNumericValue: Float maxNumericValue: Float minDateTime: DateTime maxDateTime: DateTime } type LoAttributeValueLocalizedContent { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LoAttributeValueLocalizedContent localeCode: String! value: String! } input LoAttributeValueLocalizedContentInput { localeCode: String! value: String! } type LoAttributeVocabularyValue { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LoAttributeVocabularyValue value: String! sequence: Int isHidden: Boolean content: LoAttributeValueLocalizedContent } input LoAttributeVocabularyValueInput { value: String! sequence: Int isHidden: Boolean = false content: LoAttributeValueLocalizedContentInput } type LoAuditInfo { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LoAuditInfo updateDate: DateTime createDate: DateTime updateBy: String createBy: String } input LoAuditInfoInput { updateDate: DateTime createDate: DateTime updateBy: String createBy: String } type LoFulfillmentType { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LoFulfillmentType code: String name: String } input LoFulfillmentTypeInput { code: String name: String } type Location { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Location code: String locationTypes: [LocationType] name: String description: String address: LoAddress geo: Coordinates phone: String fax: String supportsInventory: Boolean fulfillmentTypes: [LoFulfillmentType] regularHours: RegularHours shippingOriginContact: ShippingOriginContact note: String tags: [String!] attributes: [LocationAttribute] auditInfo: LoAuditInfo allowFulfillmentWithNoStock: Boolean isDisabled: Boolean express: Boolean transferEnabled: Boolean includeInInventoryAggregrate: Boolean includeInLocationExport: Boolean warehouseEnabled: Boolean requiresManifest: Boolean } type LocationAttribute { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LocationAttribute attributeDefinition: LoAttribute auditInfo: LoAuditInfo fullyQualifiedName: String attributeDefinitionId: Int values: [Object!] } input LocationAttributeInput { attributeDefinition: LoAttributeInput auditInfo: LoAuditInfoInput fullyQualifiedName: String attributeDefinitionId: Int values: [Object!] } type LocationCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LocationCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [Location] } type LocationGroup { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LocationGroup locationGroupId: Int! locationGroupCode: String siteIds: [Int!] name: String locationCodes: [String!] auditInfo: LoAuditInfo } type LocationGroupCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LocationGroupCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [LocationGroup] } type LocationGroupConfiguration { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LocationGroupConfiguration tenantId: Int! siteId: Int! locationGroupId: Int! locationGroupCode: String customerFailedToPickupAfterAction: String customerFailedToPickupDeadline: Int sendCustomerPickupReminder: Int enableForSTH: Boolean enableForISPU: Boolean enableAdvancedOptionForPickWaveCreation: Boolean maximumNumberOfOrdersInPickWave: Int defaultNumberOfOrdersInPickWave: Int pickWavePrintFormat: String closePickWavePermissions: [String!] wmsEnabled: Boolean enableScanningOfUpcForShipToHome: Boolean allowReturns: Boolean returnRefundReduction: Boolean defaultReturnRefundReductionAmount: Int maximumReturnRefundReductionAmount: Int defaultCarrier: String carriers: [Carrier] printReturnLabel: Boolean defaultPrinterType: String boxTypes: [BoxType] attributes: [LocationAttribute] bpmConfigurations: [BpmConfiguration] auditInfo: LoAuditInfo autoPackingListPopup: Boolean blockPartialStock: Boolean defaultMaxNumberOfShipmentsInPickWave: Int displayProductImagesInPickWaveDetails: Boolean enablePnpForSTH: Boolean enablePnpForBOPIS: Boolean blockPartialCancel: Boolean packageSettings: PackageSettings } input LocationGroupInput { locationGroupId: Int! locationGroupCode: String siteIds: [Int!] name: String locationCodes: [String!] auditInfo: LoAuditInfoInput } input LocationInput { code: String locationTypes: [LocationTypeInput] name: String description: String address: LoAddressInput geo: CoordinatesInput phone: String fax: String supportsInventory: Boolean = false fulfillmentTypes: [LoFulfillmentTypeInput] regularHours: RegularHoursInput shippingOriginContact: ShippingOriginContactInput note: String tags: [String!] attributes: [LocationAttributeInput] auditInfo: LoAuditInfoInput allowFulfillmentWithNoStock: Boolean = false isDisabled: Boolean = false express: Boolean = false transferEnabled: Boolean = false includeInInventoryAggregrate: Boolean = false includeInLocationExport: Boolean = false warehouseEnabled: Boolean = false requiresManifest: Boolean = false } type LocationInventory { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LocationInventory productCode: String locationCode: String stockAvailable: Int softStockAvailable: Int sku: String mfgPartNumber: String } type LocationInventoryCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LocationInventoryCollection totalCount: Int! items: [LocationInventory] } input LocationInventoryQueryInput { locationCodes: [String!] productCodes: [String!] } type LocationType { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LocationType code: String name: String auditInfo: LoAuditInfo } input LocationTypeInput { code: String name: String auditInfo: LoAuditInfoInput } type LocationUsage { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LocationUsage locationUsageTypeCode: String locationTypeCodes: [String!] locationCodes: [String!] auditInfo: LoAuditInfo } type LocationUsageCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LocationUsageCollection totalCount: Int! items: [LocationUsage] } input LocationUsageInput { locationUsageTypeCode: String locationTypeCodes: [String!] locationCodes: [String!] auditInfo: LoAuditInfoInput } type LoginState { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: LoginState isPasswordChangeRequired: Boolean lastPasswordChangeOn: DateTime isLocked: Boolean lastLockedOn: DateTime failedLoginAttemptCount: Int! remainingLoginAttempts: Int! firstFailedLoginAttemptOn: DateTime lastLoginOn: DateTime createdOn: DateTime updatedOn: DateTime } input MZDBHttpContentInput { headers: [MZDBStringStringIEnumerableKeyValuePairInput] } input MZDBHttpMethodInput { method: String } input MZDBHttpRequestMessageInput { version: String content: MZDBHttpContentInput method: MZDBHttpMethodInput requestUri: DateTime headers: [MZDBStringStringIEnumerableKeyValuePairInput] properties: Object } input MZDBStringStringIEnumerableKeyValuePairInput { key: String value: [String!] } type Mutation { createCustomerAccountAttributeDefinition( attributeInput: CuAttributeInput ): CuAttribute updateCustomerAccountAttributeDefinition( attributeFQN: String! attributeInput: CuAttributeInput ): CuAttribute validateCustomerAddress( addressValidationRequestInput: AddressValidationRequestInput ): AddressValidationResponse validateAddress(addressInput: CuAddressInput): [CuAddress] createCustomerAuthTicket( customerUserAuthInfoInput: CustomerUserAuthInfoInput ): CustomerAuthTicket refreshCustomerAuthTickets(refreshToken: String): CustomerAuthTicket createCustomerB2bAccountAttribute( accountId: Int! customerAttributeInput: CustomerAttributeInput ): CustomerAttribute deleteB2bAccountAttribute(accountId: Int!, attributeFQN: String!): Boolean updateCustomerB2bAccountAttribute( accountId: Int! attributeFQN: String! customerAttributeInput: CustomerAttributeInput ): CustomerAttribute createCustomerB2bAccount(b2BAccountInput: B2BAccountInput): B2BAccount updateCustomerB2bAccount( accountId: Int! b2BAccountInput: B2BAccountInput ): B2BAccount createCustomerB2bAccountUser( accountId: Int! b2BUserAndAuthInfoInput: B2BUserAndAuthInfoInput ): B2BUser updateCustomerB2bAccountUser( accountId: Int! userId: String! b2BUserInput: B2BUserInput ): B2BUser removeCustomerB2bAccountUser(accountId: Int!, userId: String!): Boolean addRoleToCustomerB2bAccount( accountId: Int! userId: String! roleId: Int! ): Boolean deleteB2bAccountRole(accountId: Int!, userId: String!, roleId: Int!): Boolean createCustomerCredit(userId: String, creditInput: CreditInput): Credit updateCustomerCredit(code: String!, creditInput: CreditInput): Credit deleteCustomerCredit(code: String!): Boolean updateCustomerCreditAssociateToShopper(code: String!): Credit resendCustomerCreditEmail(code: String!, userId: String): Boolean createCustomerCreditTransaction( code: String! creditTransactionInput: CreditTransactionInput ): CreditTransaction createCustomerAccountAttribute( accountId: Int! userId: String customerAttributeInput: CustomerAttributeInput ): CustomerAttribute deleteCustomerAccountAttribute( accountId: Int! attributeFQN: String! userId: String ): Boolean updateCustomerAccountAttribute( accountId: Int! attributeFQN: String! userId: String customerAttributeInput: CustomerAttributeInput ): CustomerAttribute createCustomerAccountCard(accountId: Int!, cardInput: CardInput): Card updateCustomerAccountCard( accountId: Int! cardId: String! cardInput: CardInput ): Card deleteCustomerAccountCard(accountId: Int!, cardId: String!): Boolean createCustomerAccountContact( accountId: Int! customerContactInput: CustomerContactInput ): CustomerContact updateCustomerAccountContacts( accountId: Int! customerContactInput: CustomerContactInput ): CustomerContactCollection updateCustomerAccountContact( accountId: Int! contactId: Int! userId: String customerContactInput: CustomerContactInput ): CustomerContact deleteCustomerAccountContact(accountId: Int!, contactId: Int!): Boolean createCustomerAccount( customerAccountInput: CustomerAccountInput ): CustomerAccount updateCustomerAccount( accountId: Int! customerAccountInput: CustomerAccountInput ): CustomerAccount deleteCustomerAccount(accountId: Int!): Boolean createCustomerAccountTransaction( accountId: Int! transactionInput: TransactionInput ): Transaction deleteCustomerAccountTransaction( accountId: Int! transactionId: String! ): Boolean recomputeCustomerAccountLifetimeValue(accountId: Int!): Boolean createCustomerAccountNote( accountId: Int! customerNoteInput: CustomerNoteInput ): CustomerNote updateCustomerAccountNote( accountId: Int! noteId: Int! customerNoteInput: CustomerNoteInput ): CustomerNote deleteCustomerAccountNote(accountId: Int!, noteId: Int!): Boolean createCustomerAccountPurchaseOrderAccount( accountId: Int! customerPurchaseOrderAccountInput: CustomerPurchaseOrderAccountInput ): CustomerPurchaseOrderAccount updateCustomerPurchaseOrderAccount( accountId: Int! customerPurchaseOrderAccountInput: CustomerPurchaseOrderAccountInput ): CustomerPurchaseOrderAccount createCustomerAccountPurchaseOrderAccountTransaction( accountId: Int! purchaseOrderTransactionInput: PurchaseOrderTransactionInput ): PurchaseOrderTransaction createPurchaseOrderAccount( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String accountType: String ): CustomerPurchaseOrderAccountCollection changeCustomerAccountPassword( accountId: Int! unlockAccount: Boolean userId: String passwordInfoInput: PasswordInfoInput ): Boolean updateCustomerAccountPasswords( accountPasswordInfoCollectionInput: AccountPasswordInfoCollectionInput ): ChangePasswordResultCollection resetCustomerAccountPassword( resetPasswordInfoInput: ResetPasswordInfoInput ): Boolean createCustomerAccountLogin( accountId: Int! customerLoginInfoInput: CustomerLoginInfoInput ): CustomerAuthTicket createCustomerAccountAndLogin( customerAccountAndAuthInfoInput: CustomerAccountAndAuthInfoInput ): CustomerAuthTicket setCustomerAccountLoginLocked( accountId: Int! userId: String graphQLBoolean: Boolean ): Boolean setCustomerAccountPasswordChangeRequired( accountId: Int! userId: String graphQLBoolean: Boolean ): Boolean createCustomerAccounts( customerAccountAndAuthInfoInput: CustomerAccountAndAuthInfoInput ): CustomerAccountCollection createCustomerSegment( customerSegmentInput: CustomerSegmentInput ): CustomerSegment updateCustomerSegment( id: Int! customerSegmentInput: CustomerSegmentInput ): CustomerSegment deleteCustomerSegment(id: Int!): Boolean createCustomerSegmentAccount(id: Int!, graphQLInt: Int): Boolean deleteCustomerSegmentAccount(id: Int!, accountId: Int!): Boolean createInStockNotification( inStockNotificationSubscriptionInput: InStockNotificationSubscriptionInput ): InStockNotificationSubscription deleteInStockNotification(id: Int!): Boolean createResolvedPriceList(object: Object): ResolvedPriceList configureProduct( productCode: String! includeOptionDetails: Boolean skipInventoryCheck: Boolean quantity: Int purchaseLocation: String variationProductCodeFilter: String productOptionSelectionsInput: ProductOptionSelectionsInput ): ConfiguredProduct validateProduct( productCode: String! skipInventoryCheck: Boolean quantity: Int skipDefaults: Boolean purchaseLocation: String productOptionSelectionsInput: ProductOptionSelectionsInput ): ProductValidationSummary validateProductDiscounts( productCode: String! variationProductCode: String customerAccountId: Int allowInactive: Boolean skipInventoryCheck: Boolean discountSelectionsInput: DiscountSelectionsInput ): DiscountValidationSummary manageLocationProductInventory( locationInventoryQueryInput: LocationInventoryQueryInput ): LocationInventoryCollection createProductCost( productCostQueryInput: ProductCostQueryInput ): ProductCostCollection createCartForUser(userId: String!): Cart updateUserCart(userId: String!, cartInput: CartInput): Cart updateCurrentCart(cartInput: CartInput): Cart deleteCurrentCart: Boolean updateCart(cartId: String!, cartInput: CartInput): Cart deleteCart(cartId: String!): Boolean deleteUserCart(userId: String!): Boolean rejectCartDiscount(cartId: String!, discountId: Int!): Cart updateCartCoupon(cartId: String!, couponCode: String!): Cart deleteCartCoupons(cartId: String!): Cart deleteCartCoupon(cartId: String!, couponCode: String!): Cart addExtendedPropertyToCurrentCart( extendedPropertyInput: ExtendedPropertyInput ): [ExtendedProperty] updateCurrentCartExtendedProperties( upsert: Boolean extendedPropertyInput: ExtendedPropertyInput ): [ExtendedProperty] deleteCurrentCartExtendedProperties(graphQLString: String): Boolean updateCurrentCartExtendedProperty( key: String! upsert: Boolean extendedPropertyInput: ExtendedPropertyInput ): ExtendedProperty deleteCurrentCartExtendedProperty(key: String!): Boolean deleteCurrentCartItems: Cart addItemToCurrentCart(cartItemInput: CartItemInput): CartItem deleteCartItems(cartId: String!): Cart addItemToCart(cartId: String!, cartItemInput: CartItemInput): CartItem updateCurrentCartItem( cartItemId: String! cartItemInput: CartItemInput ): CartItem deleteCurrentCartItem(cartItemId: String!): Boolean updateCartItem( cartId: String! cartItemId: String! cartItemInput: CartItemInput ): CartItem deleteCartItem(cartId: String!, cartItemId: String!): Boolean addItemsToCurrentCart( throwErrorOnInvalidItems: Boolean cartItemInput: CartItemInput ): Boolean addItemsToCart( cartId: String! throwErrorOnInvalidItems: Boolean cartItemInput: CartItemInput ): Boolean updateCurrentCartItemQuantity(cartItemId: String!, quantity: Int!): CartItem updateCartItemQuantity( cartId: String! cartItemId: String! quantity: Int! ): CartItem deleteCurrentCartMessages: Boolean deleteCurrentCartMessage(messageId: String!): Boolean createCommerceChannel(channelInput: ChannelInput): Channel updateChannel(code: String!, channelInput: ChannelInput): Channel deleteCommerceChannel(code: String!): Boolean createCommerceChannelGroup(channelGroupInput: ChannelGroupInput): ChannelGroup updateChannelGroup( code: String! channelGroupInput: ChannelGroupInput ): ChannelGroup deleteCommerceChannelGroup(code: String!): Boolean createCheckoutAttribute( checkoutId: String! orderAttributeInput: OrderAttributeInput ): [OrderAttribute] updateCheckoutAttributes( checkoutId: String! removeMissing: Boolean orderAttributeInput: OrderAttributeInput ): [OrderAttribute] updateCheckout(checkoutId: String!, checkoutInput: CheckoutInput): Checkout createCheckout(cartId: String): Checkout createCheckoutShippingMethod( checkoutId: String! checkoutGroupShippingMethodInput: CheckoutGroupShippingMethodInput ): Checkout createCheckoutAction( checkoutId: String! checkoutActionInput: CheckoutActionInput ): Checkout updateCheckoutDigitalWalletType( checkoutId: String! digitalWalletType: String! digitalWalletInput: DigitalWalletInput ): Checkout updateCheckoutPriceList(checkoutId: String!, graphQLString: String): Checkout resendCheckoutEmail(checkoutId: String!): Boolean updateCheckoutCoupon(checkoutId: String!, couponCode: String!): Checkout deleteCheckoutCoupons(checkoutId: String!): Checkout deleteCheckoutCoupon(checkoutId: String!, couponCode: String!): Checkout updateCheckoutDestination( checkoutId: String! destinationId: String! destinationInput: DestinationInput ): Destination deleteCheckoutDestination( checkoutId: String! destinationId: String! ): Boolean createCheckoutDestination( checkoutId: String! destinationInput: DestinationInput ): Destination createCheckoutItem( checkoutId: String! orderItemInput: CrOrderItemInput ): Checkout deleteCheckoutItem(checkoutId: String!, itemId: String!): Checkout updateCheckoutItemDestination( checkoutId: String! itemId: String! destinationId: String! ): Checkout createCheckoutItemDestination( checkoutId: String! itemsForDestinationInput: ItemsForDestinationInput ): Checkout createCheckoutPaymentAction( checkoutId: String! paymentActionInput: PaymentActionInput ): Checkout updateCheckoutPaymentAction( checkoutId: String! paymentId: String! paymentActionInput: PaymentActionInput ): Checkout createOrderPaymentAction( orderId: String! paymentActionInput: PaymentActionInput ): Order createOrderPaymentPaymentAction( orderId: String! paymentId: String! paymentActionInput: PaymentActionInput ): Order createOrderAutoCapture(orderId: String!, forceCapture: Boolean): Order createOrderPickup(orderId: String!, pickupInput: PickupInput): Pickup updateOrderPickup( orderId: String! pickupId: String! pickupInput: PickupInput ): Pickup deleteOrderPickup(orderId: String!, pickupId: String!): Boolean createOrderRefund(orderId: String!, refundInput: RefundInput): Refund updateOrderRefund(orderId: String!, refundId: String!): Boolean createOrderShipment(orderId: String!, graphQLString: String): [PackageObj] deleteOrderShipment(orderId: String!, shipmentId: String!): Boolean repriceOrderShipment( shipmentNumber: Int! orderId: String! repriceShipmentObjectInput: RepriceShipmentObjectInput ): Shipment createOrderShipmentAdjustment( orderId: String! shipmentNumber: Int! shipmentAdjustmentInput: ShipmentAdjustmentInput ): Shipment createOrderShipmentItemAdjustment( shipmentNumber: Int! itemId: Int! orderId: String! shipmentItemAdjustmentInput: ShipmentItemAdjustmentInput ): Shipment splitOrderShipment( orderId: String! shipmentNumber: String! splitShipmentsObjectInput: SplitShipmentsObjectInput ): [Shipment] updateOrderValidationResults( orderId: String! orderValidationResultInput: OrderValidationResultInput ): OrderValidationResult updateOrderAdjustment( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String adjustmentInput: AdjustmentInput ): Order deleteOrderAdjustment( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String ): Order updateOrderShippingAdjustment( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String adjustmentInput: AdjustmentInput ): Order deleteOrderAdjustmentShipping( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String ): Order updateOrderHandlingAdjustment( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String adjustmentInput: AdjustmentInput ): Order deleteOrderAdjustmentHandling( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String ): Order createOrderAttribute( orderId: String! orderAttributeInput: OrderAttributeInput ): [OrderAttribute] updateOrderAttributes( orderId: String! removeMissing: Boolean orderAttributeInput: OrderAttributeInput ): [OrderAttribute] updateOrderBillingInfo( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String billingInfoInput: BillingInfoInput ): BillingInfo cancelOrder(orderId: String!, canceledReasonInput: CanceledReasonInput): Order createOrder(cartId: String, quoteId: String, orderInput: OrderInput): Order updateUserOrder(orderId: String!): Order updateOrderPriceList( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String graphQLString: String ): Order resendOrderEmail( orderId: String! orderActionInput: OrderActionInput ): Boolean updateOrder( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String orderInput: OrderInput ): Order updateOrderDigitalWalletTpe( orderId: String! digitalWalletType: String! digitalWalletInput: DigitalWalletInput ): Order updateOrderDraft(orderId: String!, version: String): Boolean createOrderAction(orderId: String!, orderActionInput: OrderActionInput): Order updateOrderDiscount( orderId: String! discountId: Int! updateMode: String version: String appliedDiscountInput: CrAppliedDiscountInput ): Order updateOrderPrice(refreshShipping: Boolean, orderInput: OrderInput): Order updateOrderCoupon( orderId: String! couponCode: String! updateMode: String version: String ): Order deleteOrderCoupons( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String ): Order deleteOrderCoupon( orderId: String! couponCode: String! updateMode: String version: String ): Order createOrderDigitalPackage( orderId: String! digitalPackageInput: DigitalPackageInput ): DigitalPackage updateOrderDigitalPackage( orderId: String! digitalPackageId: String! digitalPackageInput: DigitalPackageInput ): DigitalPackage deleteOrderDigitalPackage( orderId: String! digitalPackageId: String! ): Boolean createOrderExtendedProperties( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String extendedPropertyInput: ExtendedPropertyInput ): [ExtendedProperty] updateOrderExtendedProperties( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String upsert: Boolean extendedPropertyInput: ExtendedPropertyInput ): [ExtendedProperty] deleteOrderExtendedProperties( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String graphQLString: String ): Boolean updateOrderExtendedProperty( orderId: String! key: String! updateMode: String version: String upsert: Boolean extendedPropertyInput: ExtendedPropertyInput ): ExtendedProperty deleteOrderExtendedProperty( orderId: String! key: String! updateMode: String version: String ): Boolean createOrderFulfillmentAction( orderId: String! fulfillmentActionInput: FulfillmentActionInput ): Order resendOrderFulfillmentEmail( orderId: String! fulfillmentActionInput: FulfillmentActionInput ): Order updateOrderFulfillmentInfo( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String fulfillmentInfoInput: FulfillmentInfoInput ): FulfillmentInfo createOrderItem( orderId: String! updateMode: String version: String skipInventoryCheck: Boolean orderItemInput: CrOrderItemInput ): Order deleteOrderItem( orderId: String! orderItemId: String! updateMode: String version: String ): Order updateOrderItemPrice( orderId: String! orderItemId: String! price: Float! updateMode: String version: String ): Order updateOrderItemQuantity( orderId: String! orderItemId: String! quantity: Int! updateMode: String version: String ): Order updateOrderItemDutyAmount( orderId: String! orderItemId: String! dutyAmount: Float! updateMode: String version: String ): Order updateOrderItemFulfillment( orderId: String! orderItemId: String! updateMode: String version: String orderItemInput: CrOrderItemInput ): Order updateOrderItemDiscount( orderId: String! orderItemId: String! discountId: Int! updateMode: String version: String appliedDiscountInput: CrAppliedDiscountInput ): Order createOrderNote(orderId: String!, orderNoteInput: OrderNoteInput): OrderNote updateOrderNotes( orderId: String! noteId: String! orderNoteInput: OrderNoteInput ): OrderNote deleteOrderNote(orderId: String!, noteId: String!): Boolean createOrderPackage( orderId: String! packageObjInput: PackageObjInput ): PackageObj updateOrderPackage( orderId: String! packageId: String! packageObjInput: PackageObjInput ): PackageObj deleteOrderPackage(orderId: String!, packageId: String!): Boolean validateOrder(orderInput: OrderInput): OrderValidationResult updateQuote( quoteId: String! updateMode: String quoteInput: QuoteInput ): Quote deleteQuote(quoteId: String!, draft: Boolean): Boolean createQuote(quoteInput: QuoteInput): Quote createQuoteItem( quoteId: String! updateMode: String orderItemInput: CrOrderItemInput ): Quote deleteQuoteItem( quoteId: String! quoteItemId: String! updateMode: String ): Boolean createReturn(returnObjInput: ReturnObjInput): ReturnObj resendReturnEmail(returnActionInput: ReturnActionInput): Boolean updateReturn(returnId: String!, returnObjInput: ReturnObjInput): ReturnObj deleteReturn(returnId: String!): Boolean createReturnAction(returnActionInput: ReturnActionInput): ReturnCollection setReturnShip( returnId: String! returnItemSpecifierInput: ReturnItemSpecifierInput ): Order createReturnPaymentAction( returnId: String! paymentActionInput: PaymentActionInput ): ReturnObj createReturnPaymentPaymentAction( returnId: String! paymentId: String! paymentActionInput: PaymentActionInput ): ReturnObj setReturnRestock( returnId: String! restockableReturnItemInput: RestockableReturnItemInput ): ReturnObj createReturnItem( returnId: String! returnItemInput: ReturnItemInput ): ReturnObj deleteReturnItem( returnId: String returnItemId: String orderId: String! orderItemId: String! ): ReturnObj createReturnNote(returnId: String!, orderNoteInput: OrderNoteInput): OrderNote updateReturnNote( returnId: String! noteId: String! orderNoteInput: OrderNoteInput ): OrderNote deleteReturnNote(returnId: String!, noteId: String!): Boolean createReturnPackage( returnId: String! packageObjInput: PackageObjInput ): PackageObj updateReturnPackage( returnId: String! packageId: String! packageObjInput: PackageObjInput ): PackageObj deleteReturnPackage(returnId: String!, packageId: String!): Boolean createReturnShipment(returnId: String!, graphQLString: String): [PackageObj] deleteReturnShipment(returnId: String!, shipmentId: String!): Boolean createWishlist(wishlistInput: WishlistInput): Wishlist updateWishlist(wishlistId: String!, wishlistInput: WishlistInput): Wishlist deleteWishlist(wishlistId: String!): Boolean deleteWishlistItems(wishlistId: String!): Wishlist createWishlistItem( wishlistId: String! wishlistItemInput: WishlistItemInput ): WishlistItem updateWishlistItem( wishlistId: String! wishlistItemId: String! wishlistItemInput: WishlistItemInput ): WishlistItem deleteWishlistItem(wishlistId: String!, wishlistItemId: String!): Boolean updateWishlistItemQuantity( wishlistId: String! wishlistItemId: String! quantity: Int! ): WishlistItem updateDocumentListDocumentContent( documentListName: String! documentId: String! httpRequestMessageInput: CoHttpRequestMessageInput ): Boolean deleteDocumentListDocumentContent( documentListName: String! documentId: String! ): Boolean updateDocumentListDocumentTreeContent( documentListName: String! documentName: String! httpRequestMessageInput: CoHttpRequestMessageInput ): Boolean deleteDocumentListDocumentTreeContent( documentListName: String! documentName: String! httpRequestMessageInput: CoHttpRequestMessageInput ): Boolean createDocumentListDocument( documentListName: String! documentInput: DocumentInput ): Document updateDocumentListDocument( documentListName: String! documentId: String! documentInput: DocumentInput ): Document patchDocumentListDocument( documentListName: String! documentId: String! documentInput: DocumentInput ): Document deleteDocumentListDocument( documentListName: String! documentId: String! ): Boolean createDocumentList(documentListInput: DocumentListInput): DocumentList updateDocumentList( documentListName: String! documentListInput: DocumentListInput ): DocumentList deleteDocumentList(documentListName: String!): Boolean createDocumentListType( documentListTypeInput: DocumentListTypeInput ): DocumentListType updateDocumentListType( documentListTypeFQN: String! documentListTypeInput: DocumentListTypeInput ): DocumentListType createDocumentDraft(documentLists: String, graphQLString: String): Boolean toggleDocumentPublishing( documentLists: String graphQLString: String ): Boolean createDocumentType(documentTypeInput: DocumentTypeInput): DocumentType updateDocumentType( documentTypeName: String! documentTypeInput: DocumentTypeInput ): DocumentType createPropertyType(propertyTypeInput: PropertyTypeInput): PropertyType updatePropertyType( propertyTypeName: String! propertyTypeInput: PropertyTypeInput ): PropertyType deletePropertyType(propertyTypeName: String!): Boolean adminCreateLocation(locationInput: LocationInput): Location adminUpdateLocation( locationCode: String! locationInput: LocationInput ): Location deleteAdminLocation(locationCode: String!): Boolean adminCreateLocationAttribute(attributeInput: LoAttributeInput): LoAttribute adminUpdateLocationAttribute( attributeFQN: String! attributeInput: LoAttributeInput ): LoAttribute adminCreateLocationGroup( locationGroupInput: LocationGroupInput ): LocationGroup updateLocationUsage( code: String! locationUsageInput: LocationUsageInput ): LocationUsage adminCreateLocationType(locationTypeInput: LocationTypeInput): LocationType adminUpdateLocationType( locationTypeCode: String! locationTypeInput: LocationTypeInput ): LocationType deleteAdminLocationType(locationTypeCode: String!): Boolean updateEntityListEntities( entityListFullName: String! id: String! httpRequestMessageInput: MZDBHttpRequestMessageInput ): Boolean deleteEntityListEntity(entityListFullName: String!, id: String!): Boolean createEntityListEntity( entityListFullName: String! httpRequestMessageInput: MZDBHttpRequestMessageInput ): Boolean updateEntityList( entityListFullName: String! entityListInput: EntityListInput ): EntityList deleteEntityList(entityListFullName: String!): Boolean createEntityList(entityListInput: EntityListInput): EntityList createEntityListView( entityListFullName: String! listViewInput: ListViewInput ): ListView updateEntityListView( entityListFullName: String! viewName: String! listViewInput: ListViewInput ): ListView deleteEntityListView(entityListFullName: String!, viewName: String!): Boolean createTargetRule(targetRuleInput: TargetRuleInput): TargetRule updateTargetRule(code: String!, targetRuleInput: TargetRuleInput): TargetRule deleteCommerceTargetRule(code: String!): Boolean validateTargetRule(targetRuleInput: TargetRuleInput): Boolean createOrderRoutingSuggestion( returnSuggestionLog: Boolean suggestionRequestInput: SuggestionRequestInput ): SuggestionResponse } enum NodeTypeEnum { ARRAY BINARY BOOLEAN MISSING NULL NUMBER OBJECT POJO STRING } """ Object custom scalar type """ scalar Object type Order { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Order orderNumber: Int locationCode: String version: String parentOrderId: String parentOrderNumber: Int parentCheckoutId: String parentCheckoutNumber: Int partialOrderNumber: Int partialOrderCount: Int isPartialOrder: Boolean parentReturnId: String parentReturnNumber: Int originalCartId: String originalQuoteId: String originalQuoteNumber: Int priceListCode: String availableActions: [String!] shopperNotes: ShopperNotes customerAccountId: Int customerTaxId: String isTaxExempt: Boolean email: String ipAddress: String sourceDevice: String acceptsMarketing: Boolean status: String type: String paymentStatus: String returnStatus: String isEligibleForReturns: Boolean totalCollected: Float! attributes: [OrderAttribute] adjustment: Adjustment shippingAdjustment: Adjustment handlingAdjustment: Adjustment shippingDiscounts: [ShippingDiscount] handlingDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscount] handlingAmount: Float handlingSubTotal: Float handlingTotal: Float dutyAmount: Float dutyTotal: Float fulfillmentStatus: String submittedDate: DateTime cancelledDate: DateTime closedDate: DateTime acceptedDate: DateTime notes: [OrderNote] items: [CrOrderItem] validationResults: [OrderValidationResult] billingInfo: BillingInfo payments: [Payment] refunds: [Refund] packages: [PackageObj] pickups: [Pickup] digitalPackages: [DigitalPackage] shipments: [Shipment] isDraft: Boolean hasDraft: Boolean isImport: Boolean isHistoricalImport: Boolean importDate: DateTime isUnified: Boolean externalId: String couponCodes: [String!] invalidCoupons: [InvalidCoupon] amountAvailableForRefund: Float! amountRemainingForPayment: Float! amountRefunded: Float! readyToCapture: Boolean isOptInForSms: Boolean userId: String id: String tenantId: Int siteId: Int channelCode: String currencyCode: String visitId: String webSessionId: String customerInteractionType: String fulfillmentInfo: FulfillmentInfo orderDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscount] suggestedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscount] rejectedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscount] data: Object taxData: Object subtotal: Float discountedSubtotal: Float discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float shippingTotal: Float shippingSubTotal: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float handlingTaxTotal: Float itemTaxTotal: Float taxTotal: Float feeTotal: Float total: Float lineItemSubtotalWithOrderAdjustments: Float shippingAmountBeforeDiscountsAndAdjustments: Float lastValidationDate: DateTime expirationDate: DateTime changeMessages: [ChangeMessage] extendedProperties: [ExtendedProperty] discountThresholdMessages: [ThresholdMessage] auditInfo: CrAuditInfo } input OrderActionInput { actionName: String } type OrderAttribute { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: OrderAttribute auditInfo: CrAuditInfo fullyQualifiedName: String attributeDefinitionId: Int values: [Object!] } input OrderAttributeInput { auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput fullyQualifiedName: String attributeDefinitionId: Int values: [Object!] } type OrderCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: OrderCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [Order] } input OrderInput { orderNumber: Int locationCode: String version: String parentOrderId: String parentOrderNumber: Int parentCheckoutId: String parentCheckoutNumber: Int partialOrderNumber: Int partialOrderCount: Int isPartialOrder: Boolean = false parentReturnId: String parentReturnNumber: Int originalCartId: String originalQuoteId: String originalQuoteNumber: Int priceListCode: String availableActions: [String!] shopperNotes: ShopperNotesInput customerAccountId: Int customerTaxId: String isTaxExempt: Boolean = false email: String ipAddress: String sourceDevice: String acceptsMarketing: Boolean = false status: String type: String paymentStatus: String returnStatus: String isEligibleForReturns: Boolean = false totalCollected: Float! attributes: [OrderAttributeInput] adjustment: AdjustmentInput shippingAdjustment: AdjustmentInput handlingAdjustment: AdjustmentInput shippingDiscounts: [ShippingDiscountInput] handlingDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscountInput] handlingAmount: Float handlingSubTotal: Float handlingTotal: Float dutyAmount: Float dutyTotal: Float fulfillmentStatus: String submittedDate: DateTime cancelledDate: DateTime closedDate: DateTime acceptedDate: DateTime notes: [OrderNoteInput] items: [CrOrderItemInput] validationResults: [OrderValidationResultInput] billingInfo: BillingInfoInput payments: [PaymentInput] refunds: [RefundInput] packages: [PackageObjInput] pickups: [PickupInput] digitalPackages: [DigitalPackageInput] shipments: [ShipmentInput] isDraft: Boolean = false hasDraft: Boolean = false isImport: Boolean = false isHistoricalImport: Boolean = false importDate: DateTime isUnified: Boolean = false externalId: String couponCodes: [String!] invalidCoupons: [InvalidCouponInput] amountAvailableForRefund: Float! amountRemainingForPayment: Float! amountRefunded: Float! readyToCapture: Boolean = false isOptInForSms: Boolean = false userId: String id: String tenantId: Int siteId: Int channelCode: String currencyCode: String visitId: String webSessionId: String customerInteractionType: String fulfillmentInfo: FulfillmentInfoInput orderDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscountInput] suggestedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscountInput] rejectedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscountInput] data: Object taxData: Object subtotal: Float discountedSubtotal: Float discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float shippingTotal: Float shippingSubTotal: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float handlingTaxTotal: Float itemTaxTotal: Float taxTotal: Float feeTotal: Float total: Float lineItemSubtotalWithOrderAdjustments: Float shippingAmountBeforeDiscountsAndAdjustments: Float lastValidationDate: DateTime expirationDate: DateTime changeMessages: [ChangeMessageInput] extendedProperties: [ExtendedPropertyInput] discountThresholdMessages: [ThresholdMessageInput] auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput } type OrderItemCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: OrderItemCollection totalCount: Int! items: [CrOrderItem] } input OrderItemInput { backorderable: Boolean = false customItemData: Object! itemDependency: Int! orderItemID: Int! partNumber: String! quantity: Int! sku: String! upc: String! } type OrderNote { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: OrderNote id: String text: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfo } input OrderNoteInput { id: String text: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput } type OrderReturnableItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: OrderReturnableItem productCode: String productName: String shipmentNumber: Int shipmentItemId: Int quantityOrdered: Int! quantityFulfilled: Int! quantityReturned: Int! quantityReturnable: Int! fulfillmentStatus: String orderItemId: String orderLineId: Int! orderItemOptionAttributeFQN: String unitQuantity: Int! parentProductCode: String parentProductName: String fulfillmentFields: [FulfillmentField] sku: String mfgPartNumber: String } type OrderReturnableItemCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: OrderReturnableItemCollection totalCount: Int! items: [OrderReturnableItem] } enum OrderTypeEnum { DIRECTSHIP TRANSFER } type OrderValidationMessage { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: OrderValidationMessage orderItemId: String messageType: String message: String } input OrderValidationMessageInput { orderItemId: String messageType: String message: String } type OrderValidationResult { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: OrderValidationResult validationId: String validatorName: String validatorType: String status: String createdDate: DateTime messages: [OrderValidationMessage] } input OrderValidationResultInput { validationId: String validatorName: String validatorType: String status: String createdDate: DateTime messages: [OrderValidationMessageInput] } type PackageItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PackageItem productCode: String quantity: Int! fulfillmentItemType: String lineId: Int optionAttributeFQN: String } input PackageItemInput { productCode: String quantity: Int! fulfillmentItemType: String lineId: Int optionAttributeFQN: String } type PackageObj { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PackageObj shippingMethodCode: String shippingMethodName: String shipmentId: String trackingNumber: String trackingNumbers: [String!] packagingType: String hasLabel: Boolean measurements: CrPackageMeasurements carrier: String signatureRequired: Boolean trackings: [Tracking] id: String code: String status: String items: [PackageItem] fulfillmentDate: DateTime fulfillmentLocationCode: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfo availableActions: [String!] changeMessages: [ChangeMessage] } input PackageObjInput { shippingMethodCode: String shippingMethodName: String shipmentId: String trackingNumber: String trackingNumbers: [String!] packagingType: String hasLabel: Boolean = false measurements: CrPackageMeasurementsInput carrier: String signatureRequired: Boolean = false trackings: [TrackingInput] id: String code: String status: String items: [PackageItemInput] fulfillmentDate: DateTime fulfillmentLocationCode: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput availableActions: [String!] changeMessages: [ChangeMessageInput] } type PackageSettings { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PackageSettings unitType: String } input PasswordInfoInput { oldPassword: String newPassword: String externalPassword: String } type Payment { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Payment id: String groupId: PaymentActionTarget paymentServiceTransactionId: String availableActions: [String!] orderId: String paymentType: String paymentWorkflow: String externalTransactionId: String billingInfo: BillingInfo data: Object status: String subPayments: [SubPayment] interactions: [PaymentInteraction] isRecurring: Boolean amountCollected: Float! amountCredited: Float! amountRequested: Float! changeMessages: [ChangeMessage] auditInfo: CrAuditInfo gatewayGiftCard: GatewayGiftCard } input PaymentActionInput { actionName: String currencyCode: String checkNumber: String returnUrl: String cancelUrl: String amount: Float interactionDate: DateTime newBillingInfo: BillingInfoInput referenceSourcePaymentId: String manualGatewayInteraction: PaymentGatewayInteractionInput externalTransactionId: String data: Object } type PaymentActionTarget { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PaymentActionTarget targetType: String targetId: String targetNumber: Int } input PaymentActionTargetInput { targetType: String targetId: String targetNumber: Int } type PaymentCard { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PaymentCard paymentServiceCardId: String isUsedRecurring: Boolean nameOnCard: String isCardInfoSaved: Boolean isTokenized: Boolean paymentOrCardType: String cardNumberPartOrMask: String expireMonth: Int! expireYear: Int! bin: String } input PaymentCardInput { paymentServiceCardId: String isUsedRecurring: Boolean = false nameOnCard: String isCardInfoSaved: Boolean = false isTokenized: Boolean = false paymentOrCardType: String cardNumberPartOrMask: String expireMonth: Int! expireYear: Int! bin: String } type PaymentCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PaymentCollection totalCount: Int! items: [Payment] } input PaymentGatewayInteractionInput { gatewayInteractionId: Int gatewayTransactionId: String gatewayAuthCode: String gatewayAVSCodes: String gatewayCVV2Codes: String gatewayResponseCode: String gatewayResponseText: String } type PaymentGatewayResponseData { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PaymentGatewayResponseData key: String value: String } input PaymentGatewayResponseDataInput { key: String value: String } input PaymentInput { id: String groupId: PaymentActionTargetInput paymentServiceTransactionId: String availableActions: [String!] orderId: String paymentType: String paymentWorkflow: String externalTransactionId: String billingInfo: BillingInfoInput data: Object status: String subPayments: [SubPaymentInput] interactions: [PaymentInteractionInput] isRecurring: Boolean = false amountCollected: Float! amountCredited: Float! amountRequested: Float! changeMessages: [ChangeMessageInput] auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput gatewayGiftCard: GatewayGiftCardInput } type PaymentInteraction { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PaymentInteraction id: String gatewayInteractionId: Int paymentId: String orderId: String target: PaymentActionTarget currencyCode: String interactionType: String checkNumber: String status: String paymentEntryStatus: String isRecurring: Boolean isManual: Boolean gatewayTransactionId: String gatewayAuthCode: String gatewayAVSCodes: String gatewayCVV2Codes: String gatewayResponseCode: String gatewayResponseText: String gatewayResponseData: [PaymentGatewayResponseData] paymentTransactionInteractionIdReference: Int amount: Float note: String interactionDate: DateTime auditInfo: CrAuditInfo returnId: String refundId: String capturableShipmentsSummary: [CapturableShipmentSummary] } input PaymentInteractionInput { id: String gatewayInteractionId: Int paymentId: String orderId: String target: PaymentActionTargetInput currencyCode: String interactionType: String checkNumber: String status: String paymentEntryStatus: String isRecurring: Boolean = false isManual: Boolean = false gatewayTransactionId: String gatewayAuthCode: String gatewayAVSCodes: String gatewayCVV2Codes: String gatewayResponseCode: String gatewayResponseText: String gatewayResponseData: [PaymentGatewayResponseDataInput] paymentTransactionInteractionIdReference: Int amount: Float note: String interactionDate: DateTime auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput returnId: String refundId: String capturableShipmentsSummary: [CapturableShipmentSummaryInput] } type PaymentToken { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PaymentToken paymentServiceTokenId: String type: String } input PaymentTokenInput { paymentServiceTokenId: String type: String } type Pickup { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Pickup id: String code: String status: String items: [PickupItem] fulfillmentDate: DateTime fulfillmentLocationCode: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfo availableActions: [String!] changeMessages: [ChangeMessage] } input PickupInput { id: String code: String status: String items: [PickupItemInput] fulfillmentDate: DateTime fulfillmentLocationCode: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput availableActions: [String!] changeMessages: [ChangeMessageInput] } type PickupItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PickupItem productCode: String quantity: Int! fulfillmentItemType: String lineId: Int optionAttributeFQN: String } input PickupItemInput { productCode: String quantity: Int! fulfillmentItemType: String lineId: Int optionAttributeFQN: String } type PrAppliedDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PrAppliedDiscount couponCode: String discount: PrDiscount discounts: [PrDiscount] impact: Float! } type PrAttributeValidation { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PrAttributeValidation regularExpression: String minStringLength: Int maxStringLength: Int minNumericValue: Float maxNumericValue: Float minDateValue: DateTime maxDateValue: DateTime } type PrBundledProduct { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PrBundledProduct content: ProductContent productCode: String goodsType: String quantity: Int! measurements: PrPackageMeasurements isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean inventoryInfo: ProductInventoryInfo optionAttributeFQN: String optionValue: Object creditValue: Float productType: String } type PrCategory { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PrCategory categoryId: Int! parentCategory: PrCategory content: CategoryContent childrenCategories: [PrCategory] sequence: Int isDisplayed: Boolean categoryCode: String count: Int updateDate: DateTime! shouldSlice: Boolean } type PrDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PrDiscount discountId: Int! expirationDate: DateTime name: String friendlyDescription: String impact: Float! } type PrMeasurement { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PrMeasurement unit: String value: Float } type PrPackageMeasurements { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PrPackageMeasurements packageHeight: PrMeasurement packageWidth: PrMeasurement packageLength: PrMeasurement packageWeight: PrMeasurement } type PriceList { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PriceList priceListCode: String priceListId: Int! enabled: Boolean name: String resolvable: Boolean isIndexed: Boolean filteredInStoreFront: Boolean isSiteDefault: Boolean description: String ancestors: [PriceListNode] descendants: [PriceListNode] validSites: [Int!] } type PriceListNode { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PriceListNode priceListCode: String priceListId: Int! parentPriceListId: Int priceListLevel: Int! } type PricingAppliedDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingAppliedDiscount impact: Float! discount: PricingDiscount couponCode: String couponSetId: Int } type PricingAppliedLineItemProductDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingAppliedLineItemProductDiscount appliesToSalePrice: Boolean quantity: Int! impactPerUnit: Float! isForced: Boolean normalizedImpact: Float! impact: Float! discount: PricingDiscount couponCode: String couponSetId: Int } type PricingAppliedLineItemShippingDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingAppliedLineItemShippingDiscount shippingMethodCode: String quantity: Int! impactPerUnit: Float! isForced: Boolean normalizedImpact: Float! impact: Float! discount: PricingDiscount couponCode: String couponSetId: Int } type PricingAppliedOrderShippingDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingAppliedOrderShippingDiscount shippingMethodCode: String impact: Float! discount: PricingDiscount couponCode: String couponSetId: Int } type PricingDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingDiscount discountId: Int! name: String friendlyDescription: String amount: Float! scope: String maxRedemptions: Int maximumUsesPerUser: Int requiresAuthenticatedUser: Boolean doesNotApplyToProductsWithSalePrice: Boolean maximumRedemptionsPerOrder: Int maximumDiscountValuePerOrder: Float maxDiscountValuePerRedemption: Float doesNotApplyToMultiShipToOrders: Boolean includedPriceLists: [String!] redemptions: Int! type: String amountType: String target: PricingDiscountTarget condition: PricingDiscountCondition expirationDate: DateTime stackingLayer: Int! } type PricingDiscountCondition { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingDiscountCondition requiresCoupon: Boolean couponCode: String minimumQuantityProductsRequiredInCategories: Int includedCategoryIds: [Int!] excludedCategoryIds: [Int!] minimumQuantityRequiredProducts: Int includedProductCodes: [String!] excludedProductCodes: [String!] paymentWorkflows: [String!] customerSegmentIds: [Int!] minimumOrderAmount: Float maximumOrderAmount: Float minimumLifetimeValueAmount: Float startDate: DateTime expirationDate: DateTime minimumCategorySubtotalBeforeDiscounts: Float } type PricingDiscountTarget { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingDiscountTarget type: String includedCategoryIds: [Int!] excludedCategoryIds: [Int!] includedCategoriesOperator: String excludedCategoriesOperator: String includedProductCodes: [String!] excludedProductCodes: [String!] includeAllProducts: Boolean shippingMethods: [String!] shippingZones: [String!] } type PricingProductAttribute { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingProductAttribute inputType: String valueType: String dataType: String name: String description: String } type PricingProductProperty { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingProductProperty attributeFQN: String values: [PricingProductPropertyValue] attributeDetail: PricingProductAttribute isHidden: Boolean isMultiValue: Boolean } type PricingProductPropertyValue { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingProductPropertyValue value: Object stringValue: String } type PricingTaxAttribute { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingTaxAttribute fullyQualifiedName: String attributeDefinitionId: Int values: [Object!] } type PricingTaxContext { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingTaxContext taxContextId: String customerId: String taxExemptId: String originAddress: CrAddress destinationAddress: CrAddress } type PricingTaxableLineItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingTaxableLineItem id: String productCode: String variantProductCode: String productName: String productProperties: [PricingProductProperty] quantity: Int! lineItemPrice: Float! discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float shippingAmount: Float! handlingAmount: Float feeTotal: Float isTaxable: Boolean reason: String data: Object productDiscount: PricingAppliedLineItemProductDiscount shippingDiscount: PricingAppliedLineItemShippingDiscount productDiscounts: [PricingAppliedLineItemProductDiscount] shippingDiscounts: [PricingAppliedLineItemShippingDiscount] originAddress: CrAddress destinationAddress: CrAddress } type PricingTaxableOrder { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PricingTaxableOrder orderDate: DateTime! taxContext: PricingTaxContext lineItems: [PricingTaxableLineItem] shippingAmount: Float! currencyCode: String handlingFee: Float! originalDocumentCode: String orderId: String orderNumber: Int originalOrderDate: DateTime! data: Object attributes: [PricingTaxAttribute] shippingDiscounts: [PricingAppliedOrderShippingDiscount] shippingDiscount: PricingAppliedOrderShippingDiscount orderDiscounts: [PricingAppliedDiscount] orderDiscount: PricingAppliedDiscount handlingDiscounts: [PricingAppliedDiscount] handlingDiscount: PricingAppliedDiscount shippingMethodCode: String shippingMethodName: String taxRequestType: String } type Product { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Product productCode: String purchaseLocation: String productSequence: Int productUsage: String fulfillmentTypesSupported: [String!] goodsType: String bundledProducts: [PrBundledProduct] content: ProductContent purchasableState: ProductPurchasableState isActive: Boolean publishState: String price: ProductPrice priceRange: ProductPriceRange volumePriceBands: [ProductVolumePrice] volumePriceRange: ProductPriceRange availableShippingDiscounts: [PrDiscount] productType: String productTypeId: Int isTaxable: Boolean isRecurring: Boolean pricingBehavior: ProductPricingBehaviorInfo inventoryInfo: ProductInventoryInfo createDate: DateTime! updateDate: DateTime! dateFirstAvailableInCatalog: DateTime catalogStartDate: DateTime catalogEndDate: DateTime daysAvailableInCatalog: Int upc: String upCs: [String!] mfgPartNumber: String mfgPartNumbers: [String!] variationProductCode: String categories: [PrCategory] measurements: PrPackageMeasurements isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean properties( filterAttribute: String filterOperator: String filterValue: Object ): [ProductProperty] options: [ProductOption] variations: [VariationSummary] validPriceLists: [String!] locationsInStock: [String!] slicingAttributeFQN: String productImageGroups: [ProductImageGroup] sliceValue: String productCollections: [ProductCollectionInfo] productCollectionMembers: [ProductCollectionMember] collectionMembersProductContent: [ProductContent] score: Float! personalizationScore: Float! } type ProductCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductCollection nextCursorMark: String startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [Product] } type ProductCollectionInfo { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductCollectionInfo productCode: String isPrimary: Boolean } type ProductCollectionMember { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductCollectionMember memberKey: ProductCollectionMemberKey } type ProductCollectionMemberKey { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductCollectionMemberKey value: String } type ProductContent { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductContent productName: String productFullDescription: String productShortDescription: String metaTagTitle: String metaTagDescription: String metaTagKeywords: String seoFriendlyUrl: String productImages: [ProductImage] } type ProductCost { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductCost productCode: String cost: Float! } type ProductCostCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductCostCollection totalCount: Int! items: [ProductCost] } input ProductCostQueryInput { productCodes: [String!] } type ProductForIndexing { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductForIndexing slices: [Product] productCode: String purchaseLocation: String productSequence: Int productUsage: String fulfillmentTypesSupported: [String!] goodsType: String bundledProducts: [PrBundledProduct] content: ProductContent purchasableState: ProductPurchasableState isActive: Boolean publishState: String price: ProductPrice priceRange: ProductPriceRange volumePriceBands: [ProductVolumePrice] volumePriceRange: ProductPriceRange availableShippingDiscounts: [PrDiscount] productType: String productTypeId: Int isTaxable: Boolean isRecurring: Boolean pricingBehavior: ProductPricingBehaviorInfo inventoryInfo: ProductInventoryInfo createDate: DateTime! updateDate: DateTime! dateFirstAvailableInCatalog: DateTime catalogStartDate: DateTime catalogEndDate: DateTime daysAvailableInCatalog: Int upc: String upCs: [String!] mfgPartNumber: String mfgPartNumbers: [String!] variationProductCode: String categories: [PrCategory] measurements: PrPackageMeasurements isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean properties: [ProductProperty] options: [ProductOption] variations: [VariationSummary] validPriceLists: [String!] locationsInStock: [String!] slicingAttributeFQN: String productImageGroups: [ProductImageGroup] sliceValue: String productCollections: [ProductCollectionInfo] productCollectionMembers: [ProductCollectionMember] collectionMembersProductContent: [ProductContent] score: Float! personalizationScore: Float! } type ProductImage { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductImage imageLabel: String altText: String imageUrl: String cmsId: String videoUrl: String mediaType: String sequence: Int productImageGroupId: String } type ProductImageGroup { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductImageGroup productImageGroupId: String! productImageGroupTags: [ProductImageGroupTag] } type ProductImageGroupTag { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductImageGroupTag attributeFqn: String value: String } type ProductInventoryInfo { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductInventoryInfo manageStock: Boolean outOfStockBehavior: String onlineStockAvailable: Int onlineSoftStockAvailable: Int onlineLocationCode: String availableDate: DateTime } type ProductOption { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductOption attributeFQN: String isRequired: Boolean isMultiValue: Boolean values: [ProductOptionValue] attributeDetail: AttributeDetail isProductImageGroupSelector: Boolean } input ProductOptionSelectionInput { attributeFQN: String value: Object attributeValueId: Int shopperEnteredValue: Object } input ProductOptionSelectionsInput { variationProductCode: String options: [ProductOptionSelectionInput] } type ProductOptionValue { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductOptionValue value: Object attributeValueId: Int! stringValue: String isEnabled: Boolean isSelected: Boolean isDefault: Boolean deltaWeight: Float deltaPrice: Float shopperEnteredValue: Object bundledProduct: PrBundledProduct displayInfo: AttributeVocabularyValueDisplayInfo } type ProductPrice { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductPrice msrp: Float price: Float priceType: String salePrice: Float salePriceType: String catalogSalePrice: Float catalogListPrice: Float discount: PrAppliedDiscount creditValue: Float effectivePricelistCode: String priceListEntryCode: String priceListEntryMode: String } type ProductPriceRange { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductPriceRange lower: ProductPrice upper: ProductPrice } type ProductPricingBehaviorInfo { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductPricingBehaviorInfo discountsRestricted: Boolean discountsRestrictedStartDate: DateTime discountsRestrictedEndDate: DateTime } type ProductProperty { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductProperty attributeFQN: String isHidden: Boolean isMultiValue: Boolean attributeDetail: AttributeDetail values: [ProductPropertyValue] propertyType: String } type ProductPropertyValue { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductPropertyValue value: Object stringValue: String displayInfo: AttributeVocabularyValueDisplayInfo } type ProductPurchasableState { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductPurchasableState isPurchasable: Boolean messages: [ValidationMessage] } type ProductSearchRandomAccessCursor { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductSearchRandomAccessCursor cursorMarks: [String!] } type ProductSearchResult { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductSearchResult facets: [Facet] solrDebugInfo: SolrDebugInfo searchRedirect: String searchEngine: String nextCursorMark: String startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [Product] } type ProductStock { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductStock manageStock: Boolean isOnBackOrder: Boolean availableDate: DateTime stockAvailable: Int aggregateInventory: Int } input ProductStockInput { manageStock: Boolean = false isOnBackOrder: Boolean = false availableDate: DateTime stockAvailable: Int aggregateInventory: Int } type ProductValidationSummary { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductValidationSummary productCode: String purchaseLocation: String productUsage: String fulfillmentTypesSupported: [String!] goodsType: String bundledProducts: [BundledProductSummary] upc: String mfgPartNumber: String variationProductCode: String purchasableState: ProductPurchasableState price: ProductPrice measurements: PrPackageMeasurements isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean image: ProductImage productShortDescription: String productName: String categories: [PrCategory] properties: [ProductProperty] pricingBehavior: ProductPricingBehaviorInfo inventoryInfo: ProductInventoryInfo isTaxable: Boolean productType: String } type ProductVolumePrice { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ProductVolumePrice isCurrent: Boolean minQty: Int! maxQty: Int priceRange: ProductPriceRange price: ProductPrice } type Property { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Property name: String isRequired: Boolean isMultiValued: Boolean propertyType: PropertyType } input PropertyInput { name: String isRequired: Boolean = false isMultiValued: Boolean = false propertyType: PropertyTypeInput } type PropertyType { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PropertyType name: String namespace: String propertyTypeFQN: String adminName: String installationPackage: String version: String dataType: String isQueryable: Boolean isSortable: Boolean isAggregatable: Boolean } type PropertyTypeCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PropertyTypeCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [PropertyType] } input PropertyTypeInput { name: String namespace: String propertyTypeFQN: String adminName: String installationPackage: String version: String dataType: String isQueryable: Boolean = false isSortable: Boolean = false isAggregatable: Boolean = false } type PurchaseOrderCustomField { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PurchaseOrderCustomField code: String label: String value: String } input PurchaseOrderCustomFieldInput { code: String label: String value: String } type PurchaseOrderPayment { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PurchaseOrderPayment purchaseOrderNumber: String paymentTerm: PurchaseOrderPaymentTerm customFields: [PurchaseOrderCustomField] } input PurchaseOrderPaymentInput { purchaseOrderNumber: String paymentTerm: PurchaseOrderPaymentTermInput customFields: [PurchaseOrderCustomFieldInput] } type PurchaseOrderPaymentTerm { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PurchaseOrderPaymentTerm code: String description: String } input PurchaseOrderPaymentTermInput { code: String description: String } type PurchaseOrderTransaction { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PurchaseOrderTransaction customerPurchaseOrderAccountId: Int! externalId: String siteId: Int! tenantId: Int! transactionDate: DateTime! orderId: String purchaseOrderNumber: String transactionAmount: Float! creditLimit: Float! additionalTransactionDetail: String availableBalance: Float! transactionTypeId: Int! transactionDescription: String author: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfo } type PurchaseOrderTransactionCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: PurchaseOrderTransactionCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [PurchaseOrderTransaction] } input PurchaseOrderTransactionInput { customerPurchaseOrderAccountId: Int! externalId: String siteId: Int! tenantId: Int! transactionDate: DateTime! orderId: String purchaseOrderNumber: String transactionAmount: Float! creditLimit: Float! additionalTransactionDetail: String availableBalance: Float! transactionTypeId: Int! transactionDescription: String author: String auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput } type Query { customerAccountAttributeDefinitions( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): CuAttributeCollection customerAccountAttributeVocabularyValues( attributeFQN: String! ): [CuAttributeVocabularyValue] customerAccountAttributeDefinition(attributeFQN: String!): CuAttribute b2bAccountAttributes( accountId: Int! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): CustomerAttributeCollection b2bAccountAttributeVocabularyValues( accountId: Int! attributeFQN: String! ): CustomerAttribute b2bAccounts( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String fields: String q: String qLimit: Int ): B2BAccountCollection b2bAccount(accountId: Int!): B2BAccount b2bAccountUsers( accountId: Int! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String q: String qLimit: Int ): B2BUserCollection b2bAccountUserRoles(accountId: Int!, userId: String!): UserRoleCollection customerCreditAuditTrail( code: String! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): CreditAuditEntryCollection customerCredits( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): CreditCollection customerCredit(code: String!): Credit customerCreditTransactions( code: String! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): CreditTransactionCollection customerAccountAttributes( accountId: Int! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String userId: String ): CustomerAttributeCollection customerAccountAttribute( accountId: Int! attributeFQN: String! userId: String ): CustomerAttribute customerAccountCards(accountId: Int!): CardCollection customerAccountCard(accountId: Int!, cardId: String!): Card customerAccountContacts( accountId: Int! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String userId: String ): CustomerContactCollection customerAccountContact( accountId: Int! contactId: Int! userId: String ): CustomerContact customerAccounts( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String fields: String q: String qLimit: Int isAnonymous: Boolean ): CustomerAccountCollection customerAccount(accountId: Int!, userId: String): CustomerAccount getCurrentAccount: CustomerAccount customerAccountTransactions(accountId: Int!): [Transaction] customerAccountNotes( accountId: Int! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): CustomerNoteCollection customerAccountNote(accountId: Int!, noteId: Int!): CustomerNote customerAccountSegments( accountId: Int! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): CustomerSegmentCollection customerAccountAuditLog( accountId: Int! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): CustomerAuditEntryCollection customerPurchaseOrderAccount(accountId: Int!): CustomerPurchaseOrderAccount customerPurchaseOrderAccountTransaction( accountId: Int! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): PurchaseOrderTransactionCollection customerAccountLoginState(accountId: Int!, userId: String): LoginState customerSegments( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): CustomerSegmentCollection customerSegment(id: Int!): CustomerSegment customerSets( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String ): CustomerSetCollection customerSet(code: String!): CustomerSet inStockNotifications( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): InStockNotificationSubscriptionCollection inStockNotification(id: Int!): InStockNotificationSubscription authTicket(accountId: Int): CustomerAuthTicket exchangeRates: [CurrencyExchangeRate] resolvedPriceList(customerAccountId: Int): ResolvedPriceList categoriesTree: CategoryCollection categories( filter: String startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String ): CategoryPagedCollection category(categoryId: Int!, allowInactive: Boolean): PrCategory products( filter: String startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String responseOptions: String cursorMark: String defaultSort: String mid: String includeAllImages: Boolean ): ProductCollection product( productCode: String! variationProductCode: String allowInactive: Boolean skipInventoryCheck: Boolean supressOutOfStock404: Boolean quantity: Int acceptVariantProductCode: Boolean purchaseLocation: String variationProductCodeFilter: String sliceValue: String includeAllImages: Boolean ): Product productVersion( productCode: String! productVersion: Int lastModifiedDate: DateTime ): ProductForIndexing productLocationInventory( productCode: String! locationCodes: String ): LocationInventoryCollection suggestionSearch( query: String groups: String pageSize: Int mid: String filter: String ): SearchSuggestionResult productSearchRandomAccessCursor( query: String filter: String pageSize: Int ): ProductSearchRandomAccessCursor productSearch( query: String filter: String facetTemplate: String facetTemplateSubset: String facet: String facetFieldRangeQuery: String facetHierPrefix: String facetHierValue: String facetHierDepth: String facetStartIndex: String facetPageSize: String facetSettings: String facetValueFilter: String sortBy: String pageSize: Int startIndex: Int searchSettings: String enableSearchTuningRules: Boolean searchTuningRuleContext: String searchTuningRuleCode: String facetTemplateExclude: String facetPrefix: String responseOptions: String cursorMark: String facetValueSort: String defaultSort: String sortDefinitionName: String defaultSortDefinitionName: String shouldSlice: Boolean mid: String omitNamespace: Boolean ): ProductSearchResult priceList(priceListCode: String): PriceList cartsSummary: CartSummary userCartSummary(userId: String!): CartSummary cartSummary(cartId: String!): CartSummary userCart(userId: String!): Cart currentCart: Cart cart(cartId: String!): Cart currentCartExtendedProperties: [ExtendedProperty] currentCartItems: CartItemCollection cartItems(cartId: String!): CartItemCollection currentCartItem(cartItemId: String!): CartItem cartItem(cartId: String!, cartItemId: String!): CartItem currentCartMessages: CartChangeMessageCollection channels( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): ChannelCollection channel(code: String!): Channel channelGroups( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): ChannelGroupCollection channelGroup(code: String!): ChannelGroup checkoutAttributes(checkoutId: String!): [OrderAttribute] checkout(checkoutId: String!): Checkout checkouts( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String q: String qLimit: Int ): CheckoutCollection checkoutShippingMethods(checkoutId: String!): [CheckoutGroupRates] checkoutActions(checkoutId: String!): [String] checkoutDestination(checkoutId: String!, destinationId: String!): Destination checkoutDestinations(checkoutId: String!): [Destination] orderPackageActions(orderId: String!, packageId: String!): [String] orderPaymentActions(orderId: String!, paymentId: String!): [String] orderPayment(orderId: String!, paymentId: String!): Payment orderPayments(orderId: String!): PaymentCollection orderPickup(orderId: String!, pickupId: String!): Pickup orderPickupActions(orderId: String!, pickupId: String!): [String] orderReturnableItems(orderId: String!): OrderReturnableItemCollection orderShipment(orderId: String!, shipmentId: String!): Shipment orderShipmentMethods(orderId: String!, draft: Boolean): [ShippingRate] orderValidationResults(orderId: String!): [OrderValidationResult] orderAttributes(orderId: String!): [OrderAttribute] orderBillingInfo(orderId: String!, draft: Boolean): BillingInfo orderCancelReasons(category: String): CancelReasonCollection orders( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String q: String qLimit: Int includeBin: Boolean mode: String ): OrderCollection order( orderId: String! draft: Boolean includeBin: Boolean mode: String ): Order orderActions(orderId: String!): [String] orderTaxableOrders(orderId: String!): [PricingTaxableOrder] orderDigitalPackage( orderId: String! digitalPackageId: String! ): DigitalPackage orderDigitalPackageActions( orderId: String! digitalPackageId: String! ): [String] orderExtendedProperties(orderId: String!, draft: Boolean): [ExtendedProperty] orderFulfillmentInfo(orderId: String!, draft: Boolean): FulfillmentInfo orderItems(orderId: String!, draft: Boolean): OrderItemCollection orderNotes(orderId: String!): [OrderNote] orderNote(orderId: String!, noteId: String!): OrderNote orderPackage(orderId: String!, packageId: String!): PackageObj orderPackageLabel(orderId: String!, packageId: String!): Boolean quote(quoteId: String!, draft: Boolean): Quote quotes( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String q: String qLimit: Int ): QuoteCollection customerAccountQuote( customerAccountId: Int! quoteName: String! draft: Boolean ): Quote quoteItems( quoteId: String! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): [CrOrderItem] customerAccountQuoteItems( customerAccountId: Int! quoteName: String! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): [CrOrderItem] quoteItem(quoteId: String!, quoteItemId: String!, draft: Boolean): CrOrderItem returns( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String q: String ): ReturnCollection returnReasons: ReasonCollection returnReason(returnId: String!): ReturnObj returnActions(returnId: String!): [String] returnPayments(returnId: String!): PaymentCollection returnPayment(returnId: String!, paymentId: String!): Payment returnPaymentActions(returnId: String!, paymentId: String!): [String] returnShippingLabel(returnId: String!): CarrierServiceGenerateLabelResponse returnItems(returnId: String!): ReturnItemCollection returnItem(returnId: String!, returnItemId: String!): ReturnItem returnNotes(returnId: String!): [OrderNote] returnNote(returnId: String!, noteId: String!): OrderNote returnPackage(returnId: String!, packageId: String!): PackageObj returnPackageLabel( returnId: String! packageId: String! returnAsBase64Png: Boolean ): Boolean returnShipment(returnId: String!, shipmentId: String!): Shipment wishlists( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String q: String qLimit: Int ): WishlistCollection wishlist(wishlistId: String!): Wishlist customerWishlist(customerAccountId: Int!, wishlistName: String!): Wishlist wishlistItems( wishlistId: String! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): WishlistItemCollection customerWishlistItems( customerAccountId: Int! wishlistName: String! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): WishlistItemCollection wishlistItem(wishlistId: String!, wishlistItemId: String!): WishlistItem orderItem( orderId: String lineId: Int orderItemId: String draft: Boolean ): CrOrderItem documentListDocumentContent( documentListName: String! documentId: String! ): Boolean documentListDocumentTransform( documentListName: String! documentId: String! width: Int height: Int max: Int maxWidth: Int maxHeight: Int crop: String quality: Int ): Boolean documentListTreeDocumentContent( documentListName: String! documentName: String! ): Boolean documentListTreeDocumentTransform( documentListName: String! documentName: String! width: Int height: Int max: Int maxWidth: Int maxHeight: Int crop: String quality: Int ): Boolean documentListDocuments( documentListName: String! filter: String sortBy: String pageSize: Int startIndex: Int includeInactive: Boolean path: String includeSubPaths: Boolean queryScope: String ): DocumentCollection documentListDocument( documentListName: String! documentId: String! includeInactive: Boolean ): Document documentListTreeDocument( documentListName: String! documentName: String! includeInactive: Boolean ): Document documentLists(pageSize: Int, startIndex: Int): DocumentListCollection documentList(documentListName: String!): DocumentList documentListViewDocuments( documentListName: String! viewName: String! filter: String sortBy: String pageSize: Int startIndex: Int includeInactive: Boolean ): DocumentCollection documentListTypes(pageSize: Int, startIndex: Int): DocumentListTypeCollection documentListType(documentListTypeFQN: String!): DocumentListType documentDrafts( pageSize: Int startIndex: Int documentLists: String ): DocumentDraftSummaryPagedCollection documentTypes(pageSize: Int, startIndex: Int): DocumentTypeCollection documentType(documentTypeName: String!): DocumentType propertyTypes(pageSize: Int, startIndex: Int): PropertyTypeCollection propertyType(propertyTypeName: String!): PropertyType adminLocations( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): LocationCollection adminLocation(locationCode: String!): Location adminLocationAttributes( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): LoAttributeCollection adminLocationAttributeVocabularyValues( attributeFQN: String! ): [LoAttributeVocabularyValue] adminLocationAttribute(attributeFQN: String!): LoAttribute adminLocationGroups( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): LocationGroupCollection dslLocation(includeAttributeDefinition: Boolean): Location spLocations( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String includeAttributeDefinition: Boolean ): LocationCollection spLocation( locationCode: String! includeAttributeDefinition: Boolean ): Location usageTypeLocations( locationUsageType: String! startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String includeAttributeDefinition: Boolean ): LocationCollection location(locationCode: String!, includeAttributeDefinition: Boolean): Location locationUsages: LocationUsageCollection locationUsage(code: String!): LocationUsage adminLocationTypes: [LocationType] adminLocationType(locationTypeCode: String!): LocationType locationGroupConfig( locationGroupId: Int locationGroupCode: String locationCode: String ): LocationGroupConfiguration locationGroup(groupId: Int, locationGroupCode: String): LocationGroup entityListEntity(entityListFullName: String!, id: String!): Boolean entityListEntities( entityListFullName: String! pageSize: Int startIndex: Int filter: String sortBy: String ): EntityCollection entityListEntityContainer( entityListFullName: String! id: String! ): EntityContainer entityListEntityContainers( entityListFullName: String! pageSize: Int startIndex: Int filter: String sortBy: String ): EntityContainerCollection entityList(entityListFullName: String!): EntityList entityLists( pageSize: Int startIndex: Int filter: String sortBy: String ): EntityListCollection entityListViews(entityListFullName: String!): ListViewCollection entityListView(entityListFullName: String!, viewName: String!): ListView entityListViewEntityContainers( entityListFullName: String! viewName: String! pageSize: Int startIndex: Int filter: String ): EntityContainerCollection entityListViewEntities( entityListFullName: String! viewName: String! pageSize: Int startIndex: Int filter: String ): EntityCollection entityListViewEntityContainer( entityListFullName: String! viewName: String! entityId: String! ): EntityContainer entityListViewEntity( entityListFullName: String! viewName: String! entityId: String! ): Boolean carrierLocaleServiceTypes( carrierId: String! localeCode: String! ): [ServiceType] localeServiceTypes(localeCode: String!): [ServiceType] targetRules( startIndex: Int pageSize: Int sortBy: String filter: String ): TargetRuleCollection targetRule(code: String!): TargetRule orderRoutingRoutingSuggestionLog( externalResponseID: String orderID: Int responseID: Int suggestionID: Int ): [JsonNode] } type Quote { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Quote id: String name: String siteId: Int! tenantId: Int! number: Int submittedDate: DateTime items: [CrOrderItem] auditHistory: [AuditRecord] auditInfo: CrAuditInfo comments: [QuoteComment] expirationDate: DateTime fulfillmentInfo: FulfillmentInfo userId: String customerAccountId: Int email: String customerTaxId: String isTaxExempt: Boolean currencyCode: String priceListCode: String data: Object taxData: Object channelCode: String locationCode: String ipAddress: String sourceDevice: String visitId: String webSessionId: String customerInteractionType: String orderDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscount] subTotal: Float! itemLevelProductDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelProductDiscountTotal: Float! itemTaxTotal: Float! adjustment: Adjustment itemTotal: Float! total: Float! shippingDiscounts: [ShippingDiscount] itemLevelShippingDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelShippingDiscountTotal: Float! shippingAmount: Float! shippingAdjustment: Adjustment shippingSubTotal: Float! shippingTax: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float! shippingTotal: Float! handlingDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscount] itemLevelHandlingDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelHandlingDiscountTotal: Float! handlingAmount: Float handlingAdjustment: Adjustment handlingSubTotal: Float! handlingTax: Float handlingTaxTotal: Float! handlingTotal: Float! dutyAmount: Float dutyTotal: Float! feeTotal: Float! isDraft: Boolean hasDraft: Boolean status: String couponCodes: [String!] invalidCoupons: [InvalidCoupon] } type QuoteCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: QuoteCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [Quote] } type QuoteComment { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: QuoteComment id: String text: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfo } input QuoteCommentInput { id: String text: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput } input QuoteInput { id: String name: String siteId: Int! tenantId: Int! number: Int submittedDate: DateTime items: [CrOrderItemInput] auditHistory: [AuditRecordInput] auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput comments: [QuoteCommentInput] expirationDate: DateTime fulfillmentInfo: FulfillmentInfoInput userId: String customerAccountId: Int email: String customerTaxId: String isTaxExempt: Boolean = false currencyCode: String priceListCode: String data: Object taxData: Object channelCode: String locationCode: String ipAddress: String sourceDevice: String visitId: String webSessionId: String customerInteractionType: String orderDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscountInput] subTotal: Float! itemLevelProductDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelProductDiscountTotal: Float! itemTaxTotal: Float! adjustment: AdjustmentInput itemTotal: Float! total: Float! shippingDiscounts: [ShippingDiscountInput] itemLevelShippingDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelShippingDiscountTotal: Float! shippingAmount: Float! shippingAdjustment: AdjustmentInput shippingSubTotal: Float! shippingTax: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float! shippingTotal: Float! handlingDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscountInput] itemLevelHandlingDiscountTotal: Float! orderLevelHandlingDiscountTotal: Float! handlingAmount: Float handlingAdjustment: AdjustmentInput handlingSubTotal: Float! handlingTax: Float handlingTaxTotal: Float! handlingTotal: Float! dutyAmount: Float dutyTotal: Float! feeTotal: Float! isDraft: Boolean = false hasDraft: Boolean = false status: String couponCodes: [String!] invalidCoupons: [InvalidCouponInput] } type ReasonCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ReasonCollection totalCount: Int! items: [String!] } type Refund { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Refund id: String orderId: String reason: String reasonCode: String payment: Payment amount: Float! refundMethod: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfo } input RefundInput { id: String orderId: String reason: String reasonCode: String payment: PaymentInput amount: Float! refundMethod: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput } type RegularHours { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: RegularHours sunday: Hours monday: Hours tuesday: Hours wednesday: Hours thursday: Hours friday: Hours saturday: Hours timeZone: String } input RegularHoursInput { sunday: HoursInput monday: HoursInput tuesday: HoursInput wednesday: HoursInput thursday: HoursInput friday: HoursInput saturday: HoursInput timeZone: String } input RepriceShipmentObjectInput { originalShipment: ShipmentInput newShipment: ShipmentInput } input ResetPasswordInfoInput { emailAddress: String userName: String customerSetCode: String } type ResolvedPriceList { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ResolvedPriceList priceListCode: String priceListId: Int! name: String description: String } input RestockableReturnItemInput { returnItemId: String quantity: Int! locationCode: String } input ReturnActionInput { actionName: String returnIds: [String!] } type ReturnBundle { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ReturnBundle productCode: String quantity: Int! } input ReturnBundleInput { productCode: String quantity: Int! } type ReturnCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ReturnCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [ReturnObj] } type ReturnItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ReturnItem id: String orderItemId: String orderLineId: Int orderItemOptionAttributeFQN: String product: CrProduct reasons: [ReturnReason] excludeProductExtras: Boolean returnType: String returnNotRequired: Boolean quantityReceived: Int! receiveStatus: String quantityShipped: Int! replaceStatus: String quantityRestockable: Int! quantityRestocked: Int! refundAmount: Float refundStatus: String quantityReplaced: Int notes: [OrderNote] productLossAmount: Float productLossTaxAmount: Float shippingLossAmount: Float shippingLossTaxAmount: Float bundledProducts: [ReturnBundle] totalWithoutWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float totalWithWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float shipmentItemId: Int shipmentNumber: Int } type ReturnItemCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ReturnItemCollection totalCount: Int! items: [ReturnItem] } input ReturnItemInput { id: String orderItemId: String orderLineId: Int orderItemOptionAttributeFQN: String product: CrProductInput reasons: [ReturnReasonInput] excludeProductExtras: Boolean = false returnType: String returnNotRequired: Boolean = false quantityReceived: Int! receiveStatus: String quantityShipped: Int! replaceStatus: String quantityRestockable: Int! quantityRestocked: Int! refundAmount: Float refundStatus: String quantityReplaced: Int notes: [OrderNoteInput] productLossAmount: Float productLossTaxAmount: Float shippingLossAmount: Float shippingLossTaxAmount: Float bundledProducts: [ReturnBundleInput] totalWithoutWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float totalWithWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float shipmentItemId: Int shipmentNumber: Int } input ReturnItemSpecifierInput { returnItemId: String quantity: Int! } type ReturnObj { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ReturnObj id: String customerAccountId: Int visitId: String webSessionId: String customerInteractionType: String availableActions: [String!] returnNumber: Int contact: Contact locationCode: String originalOrderId: String originalOrderNumber: Int returnOrderId: String currencyCode: String status: String receiveStatus: String refundStatus: String replaceStatus: String items: [ReturnItem] notes: [OrderNote] rmaDeadline: DateTime returnType: String refundAmount: Float auditInfo: CrAuditInfo payments: [Payment] packages: [PackageObj] productLossTotal: Float shippingLossTotal: Float lossTotal: Float productLossTaxTotal: Float shippingLossTaxTotal: Float tenantId: Int siteId: Int userId: String channelCode: String changeMessages: [ChangeMessage] actionRequired: Boolean isUnified: Boolean } input ReturnObjInput { id: String customerAccountId: Int visitId: String webSessionId: String customerInteractionType: String availableActions: [String!] returnNumber: Int contact: ContactInput locationCode: String originalOrderId: String originalOrderNumber: Int returnOrderId: String currencyCode: String status: String receiveStatus: String refundStatus: String replaceStatus: String items: [ReturnItemInput] notes: [OrderNoteInput] rmaDeadline: DateTime returnType: String refundAmount: Float auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput payments: [PaymentInput] packages: [PackageObjInput] productLossTotal: Float shippingLossTotal: Float lossTotal: Float productLossTaxTotal: Float shippingLossTaxTotal: Float tenantId: Int siteId: Int userId: String channelCode: String changeMessages: [ChangeMessageInput] actionRequired: Boolean = false isUnified: Boolean = false } type ReturnReason { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ReturnReason reason: String quantity: Int! } input ReturnReasonInput { reason: String quantity: Int! } type SearchSuggestion { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: SearchSuggestion suggestionType: String suggestion: Object } type SearchSuggestionGroup { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: SearchSuggestionGroup name: String suggestions: [SearchSuggestion] } type SearchSuggestionResult { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: SearchSuggestionResult query: String suggestionGroups: [SearchSuggestionGroup] } type ServiceType { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ServiceType code: String deliveryDuration: String content: ServiceTypeLocalizedContent } type ServiceTypeLocalizedContent { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ServiceTypeLocalizedContent localeCode: String name: String } type Shipment { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Shipment id: String externalShipmentId: String number: Int orderId: String orderNumber: Int! email: String currencyCode: String customerAccountId: Int customerTaxId: String shipmentType: String shippingMethodCode: String shippingMethodName: String fulfillmentLocationCode: String origin: Contact destination: Destination shipmentStatus: String shipmentStatusReason: ShipmentStatusReason transferShipmentNumbers: [Int!] isTransfer: Boolean originalShipmentNumber: Int parentShipmentNumber: Int fulfillmentStatus: String workflowProcessId: String workflowProcessContainerId: String workflowState: WorkflowState backorderCreatedDate: Int fulfillmentDate: DateTime orderSubmitDate: DateTime pickStatus: String pickType: String changeMessages: [ChangeMessage] packages: [PackageObj] items: [ShipmentItem] canceledItems: [CanceledItem] data: Object taxData: Object auditInfo: CrAuditInfo shipmentAdjustment: Float! lineItemSubtotal: Float! lineItemTaxAdjustment: Float! lineItemTaxTotal: Float! lineItemTotal: Float! shippingAdjustment: Float! shippingSubtotal: Float! shippingTaxAdjustment: Float! shippingTaxTotal: Float! shippingTotal: Float! handlingAdjustment: Float! handlingSubtotal: Float! handlingTaxAdjustment: Float! handlingTaxTotal: Float! handlingTotal: Float! dutyAdjustment: Float! dutyTotal: Float! total: Float! cost: Float externalOrderId: String isExpress: Boolean readyToCapture: Boolean pickupInfo: Object shopperNotes: FulfillmentShopperNotes customer: Customer } input ShipmentAdjustmentInput { itemAdjustment: Float itemTaxAdjustment: Float shippingAdjustment: Float shippingTaxAdjustment: Float handlingAdjustment: Float handlingTaxAdjustment: Float } input ShipmentInput { id: String externalShipmentId: String number: Int orderId: String orderNumber: Int! email: String currencyCode: String customerAccountId: Int customerTaxId: String shipmentType: String shippingMethodCode: String shippingMethodName: String fulfillmentLocationCode: String origin: ContactInput destination: DestinationInput shipmentStatus: String shipmentStatusReason: ShipmentStatusReasonInput transferShipmentNumbers: [Int!] isTransfer: Boolean = false originalShipmentNumber: Int parentShipmentNumber: Int fulfillmentStatus: String workflowProcessId: String workflowProcessContainerId: String workflowState: WorkflowStateInput backorderCreatedDate: Int fulfillmentDate: DateTime orderSubmitDate: DateTime pickStatus: String pickType: String changeMessages: [ChangeMessageInput] packages: [PackageObjInput] items: [ShipmentItemInput] canceledItems: [CanceledItemInput] data: Object taxData: Object auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput shipmentAdjustment: Float! lineItemSubtotal: Float! lineItemTaxAdjustment: Float! lineItemTaxTotal: Float! lineItemTotal: Float! shippingAdjustment: Float! shippingSubtotal: Float! shippingTaxAdjustment: Float! shippingTaxTotal: Float! shippingTotal: Float! handlingAdjustment: Float! handlingSubtotal: Float! handlingTaxAdjustment: Float! handlingTaxTotal: Float! handlingTotal: Float! dutyAdjustment: Float! dutyTotal: Float! total: Float! cost: Float externalOrderId: String isExpress: Boolean = false readyToCapture: Boolean = false pickupInfo: Object shopperNotes: FulfillmentShopperNotesInput customer: CustomerInput } type ShipmentItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ShipmentItem lineId: Int! originalOrderItemId: String parentId: String productCode: String variationProductCode: String optionAttributeFQN: String name: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfo fulfillmentLocationCode: String imageUrl: String isTaxable: Boolean quantity: Int! unitPrice: Float! actualPrice: Float! overridePrice: Float itemDiscount: Float! lineItemCost: Float! itemTax: Float! shipping: Float! shippingDiscount: Float! shippingTax: Float! handling: Float! handlingDiscount: Float! handlingTax: Float! duty: Float! isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean readyForPickupQuantity: Int backorderReleaseDate: DateTime measurements: CrPackageMeasurements options: [CrProductOption] data: Object taxData: Object weightedShipmentAdjustment: Float! weightedLineItemTaxAdjustment: Float! weightedShippingAdjustment: Float! weightedShippingTaxAdjustment: Float! weightedHandlingAdjustment: Float! weightedHandlingTaxAdjustment: Float! weightedDutyAdjustment: Float! taxableShipping: Float! taxableLineItemCost: Float! taxableHandling: Float! fulfillmentFields: [FulfillmentField] isAssemblyRequired: Boolean parentItemId: String childItemIds: [String!] giftCards: [GiftCard] } input ShipmentItemAdjustmentInput { overridePrice: Float } input ShipmentItemInput { lineId: Int! originalOrderItemId: String parentId: String productCode: String variationProductCode: String optionAttributeFQN: String name: String auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput fulfillmentLocationCode: String imageUrl: String isTaxable: Boolean = false quantity: Int! unitPrice: Float! actualPrice: Float! overridePrice: Float itemDiscount: Float! lineItemCost: Float! itemTax: Float! shipping: Float! shippingDiscount: Float! shippingTax: Float! handling: Float! handlingDiscount: Float! handlingTax: Float! duty: Float! isPackagedStandAlone: Boolean = false readyForPickupQuantity: Int backorderReleaseDate: DateTime measurements: CrPackageMeasurementsInput options: [CrProductOptionInput] data: Object taxData: Object weightedShipmentAdjustment: Float! weightedLineItemTaxAdjustment: Float! weightedShippingAdjustment: Float! weightedShippingTaxAdjustment: Float! weightedHandlingAdjustment: Float! weightedHandlingTaxAdjustment: Float! weightedDutyAdjustment: Float! taxableShipping: Float! taxableLineItemCost: Float! taxableHandling: Float! fulfillmentFields: [FulfillmentFieldInput] isAssemblyRequired: Boolean = false parentItemId: String childItemIds: [String!] giftCards: [GiftCardInput] } type ShipmentStatusReason { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ShipmentStatusReason reasonCode: String moreInfo: String } input ShipmentStatusReasonInput { reasonCode: String moreInfo: String } input ShippingAddressInput { addressID: Int! addressLine1: String! city: String! countryCode: String! customerID: Int! latitude: Float! longitude: Float! phone: String! postalCode: String! state: String! } type ShippingDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ShippingDiscount methodCode: String discount: CrAppliedDiscount } input ShippingDiscountInput { methodCode: String discount: CrAppliedDiscountInput } type ShippingMethodMappings { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ShippingMethodMappings shippingMethods: [String!] returnLabelShippingMethod: String standardDefault: String express1DayDefault: String express2DayDefault: String express3DayDefault: String enableSmartPost: Boolean internationalUsReturnLabelShippingMethod: String } type ShippingOriginContact { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ShippingOriginContact firstName: String middleNameOrInitial: String lastNameOrSurname: String companyOrOrganization: String phoneNumber: String email: String } input ShippingOriginContactInput { firstName: String middleNameOrInitial: String lastNameOrSurname: String companyOrOrganization: String phoneNumber: String email: String } type ShippingRate { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ShippingRate shippingMethodCode: String shippingMethodName: String shippingZoneCode: String isValid: Boolean messages: [String!] data: Object currencyCode: String price: Float } input ShippingRateInput { shippingMethodCode: String shippingMethodName: String shippingZoneCode: String isValid: Boolean = false messages: [String!] data: Object currencyCode: String price: Float } type ShopperNotes { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ShopperNotes giftMessage: String comments: String deliveryInstructions: String } input ShopperNotesInput { giftMessage: String comments: String deliveryInstructions: String } type SolrDebugInfo { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: SolrDebugInfo searchTuningRuleCode: String boostedProductCodes: [String!] blockedProductCodes: [String!] boostQueries: [String!] boostFunctions: [String!] } input SplitShipmentsObjectInput { originalShipment: ShipmentInput newShipments: [ShipmentInput] } type SubPayment { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: SubPayment status: String amountCollected: Float! amountCredited: Float! amountRequested: Float! amountRefunded: Float! target: PaymentActionTarget } input SubPaymentInput { status: String amountCollected: Float! amountCredited: Float! amountRequested: Float! amountRefunded: Float! target: PaymentActionTargetInput } type SuggestedDiscount { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: SuggestedDiscount productCode: String autoAdd: Boolean discountId: Int! hasMultipleProducts: Boolean hasOptions: Boolean } input SuggestedDiscountInput { productCode: String autoAdd: Boolean = false discountId: Int! hasMultipleProducts: Boolean = false hasOptions: Boolean = false } type SuggestionEvent { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: SuggestionEvent causeID: Int! errors: [String!]! name: String! type: TypeEnum } type SuggestionLog { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: SuggestionLog created: DateTime! creatorUsername: String! environmentID: Int! events: [SuggestionEvent]! externalResponseID: String! orderID: Int! pathString: String! persisted: Boolean siteID: Int! suggestionID: Int! tenantID: Int! updated: DateTime! updaterUsername: String! } input SuggestionRequestInput { bundlingStrategy: BundlingStrategyEnum customData: Object! environmentID: Int! exclusionListLocationCode: [ExclusionListEntryLocationCodeInput]! externalResponseID: String! fraud: Int! inventoryRequestType: InventoryRequestTypeEnum isExpress: Boolean = false items: [OrderItemInput]! locationCodeWhiteList: [String!]! numShipmentsNotInRequest: Int! orderID: Int! orderType: OrderTypeEnum pickupLocationCode: String! shippingAddress: ShippingAddressInput total: Float! } type SuggestionResponse { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: SuggestionResponse assignmentSuggestions: Object! availableLocations: [Int!]! externalResponseID: String! responseID: Int! stateChangeSuggestions: Object! suggestionLog: SuggestionLog } type TargetRule { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: TargetRule code: String description: String domain: String expression: String } type TargetRuleCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: TargetRuleCollection totalCount: Int! items: [TargetRule] } input TargetRuleInput { code: String description: String domain: String expression: String } type TaskInput { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: TaskInput helpMessage: String label: String maxLength: Int maximum: Float! minLength: Int minimum: Float! name: String options: [Object!] pattern: String required: Boolean type: String } input TaskInputInput { helpMessage: String label: String maxLength: Int maximum: Float! minLength: Int minimum: Float! name: String options: [Object!] pattern: String required: Boolean = false type: String } type ThresholdMessage { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ThresholdMessage discountId: Int! message: String thresholdValue: Float! showOnCheckout: Boolean showInCart: Boolean requiresCouponCode: Boolean } input ThresholdMessageInput { discountId: Int! message: String thresholdValue: Float! showOnCheckout: Boolean = false showInCart: Boolean = false requiresCouponCode: Boolean = false } type Tracking { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Tracking attributes: Object number: String url: String } input TrackingInput { attributes: Object number: String url: String } type Transaction { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Transaction transactionId: String visitId: String transactionType: String interactionType: String amount: Float! date: DateTime! currencyCode: String } input TransactionInput { transactionId: String visitId: String transactionType: String interactionType: String amount: Float! date: DateTime! currencyCode: String } enum TypeEnum { NEW_REQUEST ROUTE_SELECTED MAKE_LOCATIONS_AVAILABLE NO_ROUTE_FOUND REMOVED_INACTIVE_LOCATIONS REMOVED_ON_HOLD_LOCATIONS REMOVED_OVERFULFILLED_LOCATIONS GROUP GROUP_FILTER GROUP_SORT FILTER SORT AFTER_ACTION FOUND_FULL_ORDER_LOCATION RESPONSE AFTER_ACTION_SORT DEFAULT_RESPONSE MAX_SPLITS_EXCEEDED AUTO_ASSIGN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED INVENTORY_REQUEST REMOVED_INTERNATIONAL_LOCATIONS } type UserRole { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: UserRole userId: String assignedInScope: UserScope roleId: Int! roleName: String roleTags: [String!] auditInfo: CuAuditInfo } type UserRoleCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: UserRoleCollection totalCount: Int! items: [UserRole] } input UserRoleInput { userId: String assignedInScope: UserScopeInput roleId: Int! roleName: String roleTags: [String!] auditInfo: CuAuditInfoInput } type UserScope { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: UserScope type: String id: Int name: String } input UserScopeInput { type: String id: Int name: String } type ValidationMessage { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ValidationMessage severity: String source: String message: String validationType: String sourceId: String } type VariationOption { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: VariationOption valueSequence: Int! attributeFQN: String value: Object } type VariationSummary { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: VariationSummary productCode: String options: [VariationOption] inventoryInfo: ProductInventoryInfo } type View { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: View name: String usages: [String!] metadata: Object isVisibleInStorefront: Boolean filter: String includeInactiveMode: String isAdminDefault: Boolean fields: [ViewField] } type ViewField { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: ViewField name: String target: String } input ViewFieldInput { name: String target: String } input ViewInput { name: String usages: [String!] metadata: Object isVisibleInStorefront: Boolean = false filter: String includeInactiveMode: String isAdminDefault: Boolean = false fields: [ViewFieldInput] } type Wishlist { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: Wishlist customerAccountId: Int typeTag: String name: String items: [WishlistItem] privacyType: String sortOrder: Int version: String isImport: Boolean importDate: DateTime externalId: String userId: String id: String tenantId: Int siteId: Int channelCode: String currencyCode: String visitId: String webSessionId: String customerInteractionType: String fulfillmentInfo: FulfillmentInfo orderDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscount] suggestedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscount] rejectedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscount] data: Object taxData: Object subtotal: Float discountedSubtotal: Float discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float shippingTotal: Float shippingSubTotal: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float handlingTaxTotal: Float itemTaxTotal: Float taxTotal: Float feeTotal: Float total: Float lineItemSubtotalWithOrderAdjustments: Float shippingAmountBeforeDiscountsAndAdjustments: Float lastValidationDate: DateTime expirationDate: DateTime changeMessages: [ChangeMessage] extendedProperties: [ExtendedProperty] discountThresholdMessages: [ThresholdMessage] auditInfo: CrAuditInfo } type WishlistCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: WishlistCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [Wishlist] } input WishlistInput { customerAccountId: Int typeTag: String name: String items: [WishlistItemInput] privacyType: String sortOrder: Int version: String isImport: Boolean = false importDate: DateTime externalId: String userId: String id: String tenantId: Int siteId: Int channelCode: String currencyCode: String visitId: String webSessionId: String customerInteractionType: String fulfillmentInfo: FulfillmentInfoInput orderDiscounts: [CrAppliedDiscountInput] suggestedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscountInput] rejectedDiscounts: [SuggestedDiscountInput] data: Object taxData: Object subtotal: Float discountedSubtotal: Float discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float shippingTotal: Float shippingSubTotal: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float handlingTaxTotal: Float itemTaxTotal: Float taxTotal: Float feeTotal: Float total: Float lineItemSubtotalWithOrderAdjustments: Float shippingAmountBeforeDiscountsAndAdjustments: Float lastValidationDate: DateTime expirationDate: DateTime changeMessages: [ChangeMessageInput] extendedProperties: [ExtendedPropertyInput] discountThresholdMessages: [ThresholdMessageInput] auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput } type WishlistItem { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: WishlistItem id: String comments: String priorityType: String purchasableStatusType: String localeCode: String purchaseLocation: String lineId: Int product: CrProduct quantity: Int! isRecurring: Boolean isTaxable: Boolean subtotal: Float extendedTotal: Float taxableTotal: Float discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float itemTaxTotal: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float shippingTotal: Float handlingAmount: Float feeTotal: Float total: Float unitPrice: CommerceUnitPrice productDiscount: AppliedLineItemProductDiscount productDiscounts: [AppliedLineItemProductDiscount] shippingDiscounts: [AppliedLineItemShippingDiscount] data: Object taxData: Object auditInfo: CrAuditInfo shippingAmountBeforeDiscountsAndAdjustments: Float weightedOrderAdjustment: Float weightedOrderDiscount: Float adjustedLineItemSubtotal: Float totalWithoutWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float weightedOrderTax: Float weightedOrderShipping: Float weightedOrderShippingDiscount: Float weightedOrderShippingManualAdjustment: Float weightedOrderShippingTax: Float weightedOrderHandlingFee: Float weightedOrderHandlingFeeTax: Float weightedOrderHandlingFeeDiscount: Float weightedOrderDuty: Float totalWithWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float weightedOrderHandlingAdjustment: Float autoAddDiscountId: Int isAssemblyRequired: Boolean childItemIds: [String!] parentItemId: String } type WishlistItemCollection { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: WishlistItemCollection startIndex: Int! pageSize: Int! pageCount: Int! totalCount: Int! items: [WishlistItem] } input WishlistItemInput { id: String comments: String priorityType: String purchasableStatusType: String localeCode: String purchaseLocation: String lineId: Int product: CrProductInput quantity: Int! isRecurring: Boolean = false isTaxable: Boolean = false subtotal: Float extendedTotal: Float taxableTotal: Float discountTotal: Float discountedTotal: Float itemTaxTotal: Float shippingTaxTotal: Float shippingTotal: Float handlingAmount: Float feeTotal: Float total: Float unitPrice: CommerceUnitPriceInput productDiscount: AppliedLineItemProductDiscountInput productDiscounts: [AppliedLineItemProductDiscountInput] shippingDiscounts: [AppliedLineItemShippingDiscountInput] data: Object taxData: Object auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput shippingAmountBeforeDiscountsAndAdjustments: Float weightedOrderAdjustment: Float weightedOrderDiscount: Float adjustedLineItemSubtotal: Float totalWithoutWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float weightedOrderTax: Float weightedOrderShipping: Float weightedOrderShippingDiscount: Float weightedOrderShippingManualAdjustment: Float weightedOrderShippingTax: Float weightedOrderHandlingFee: Float weightedOrderHandlingFeeTax: Float weightedOrderHandlingFeeDiscount: Float weightedOrderDuty: Float totalWithWeightedShippingAndHandling: Float weightedOrderHandlingAdjustment: Float autoAddDiscountId: Int isAssemblyRequired: Boolean = false childItemIds: [String!] parentItemId: String } type WorkflowState { _get( path: String! defaultValue: AnyScalar allowUndefined: Boolean ): AnyScalar _root: WorkflowState attributes: Object auditInfo: CrAuditInfo completedDate: DateTime processInstanceId: String shipmentState: String taskList: [FulfillmentTask] } input WorkflowStateInput { attributes: Object auditInfo: CrAuditInfoInput completedDate: DateTime processInstanceId: String shipmentState: String taskList: [FulfillmentTaskInput] }