import { useCallback } from 'react' import debounce from 'lodash.debounce' import type { HookFetcher } from '@commerce/utils/types' import { ValidationError } from '@commerce/utils/errors' import useCartUpdateItem, { UpdateItemInput as UseUpdateItemInput, } from '@commerce/cart/use-update-item' import { fetcher as removeFetcher } from './use-remove-item' import useCart from './use-cart' import type { Cart, LineItem, UpdateCartItemBody } from '@commerce/types' import { checkoutToCart } from './utils' import checkoutLineItemUpdateMutation from '@framework/utils/mutations/checkout-line-item-update' import getCheckoutId from '@framework/utils/get-checkout-id' const defaultOpts = { query: checkoutLineItemUpdateMutation, } export type UpdateItemInput = T extends LineItem ? Partial> : UseUpdateItemInput export const fetcher: HookFetcher = async ( options, { item, checkoutId }, fetch ) => { if (Number.isInteger(item.quantity)) { // Also allow the update hook to remove an item if the quantity is lower than 1 if (item.quantity! < 1) { return removeFetcher(null, { itemId:, checkoutId }, fetch) } } else if (item.quantity) { throw new ValidationError({ message: 'The item quantity has to be a valid integer', }) } const data = await fetch({ ...defaultOpts, ...options, variables: { checkoutId, lineItems: [item] }, }) return checkoutToCart(data?.checkoutLineItemsUpdate) } function extendHook(customFetcher: typeof fetcher, cfg?: { wait?: number }) { const useUpdateItem = ( item?: T ) => { const { mutate, data: cart } = useCart() const fn = useCartUpdateItem(defaultOpts, customFetcher) return useCallback( debounce(async (input: UpdateItemInput) => { const itemId = ?? item?.id const variantId = input.productId ?? item?.variantId if (!itemId || !variantId) { throw new ValidationError({ message: 'Invalid input used for this operation', }) } const data = await fn({ item: { id: itemId, variantId, quantity: input.quantity }, checkoutId: getCheckoutId(cart?.id), }) await mutate(data, false) return data }, cfg?.wait ?? 500), [fn, mutate] ) } useUpdateItem.extend = extendHook return useUpdateItem } export default extendHook(fetcher)