// // NOTE - Change isTestMode to false prior to actual release ---- !important - You may also change identifier if you want to not show older cards. const testMode = false; const cardIdentifierPrefix = "Minter-board-card"; let isExistingCard = false; let existingCardData = {}; let existingCardIdentifier = {}; const loadMinterBoardPage = async () => { // Clear existing content on the page const bodyChildren = document.body.children; for (let i = bodyChildren.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const child = bodyChildren[i]; if (!child.classList.contains("menu")) { child.remove(); } } // Add the "Minter Board" content const mainContent = document.createElement("div"); const publishButtonColor = '#527c9d' const minterBoardNameColor = '#527c9d' mainContent.innerHTML = `

Minter Board

Publish a Minter Card with Information, and obtain and view the support of the community. Welcome to the Minter Board!

`; document.body.appendChild(mainContent); document.getElementById("publish-card-button").addEventListener("click", async () => { try { const fetchedCard = await fetchExistingCard(); if (fetchedCard) { // An existing card is found if (testMode) { // In test mode, ask user what to do const updateCard = confirm("A card already exists. Do you want to update it?"); if (updateCard) { isExistingCard = true; await loadCardIntoForm(existingCardData); alert("Edit your existing card and publish."); } else { alert("Test mode: You can now create a new card."); isExistingCard = false; existingCardData = {}; // Reset document.getElementById("publish-card-form").reset(); } } else { // Not in test mode, force editing alert("A card already exists. Publishing of multiple cards is not allowed. Please update your card."); isExistingCard = true; await loadCardIntoForm(existingCardData); } } else { // No existing card found alert("No existing card found. Create a new card."); isExistingCard = false; } // Show the form const publishCardView = document.getElementById("publish-card-view"); publishCardView.style.display = "flex"; document.getElementById("cards-container").style.display = "none"; } catch (error) { console.error("Error checking for existing card:", error); alert("Failed to check for existing card. Please try again."); } }); document.getElementById("refresh-cards-button").addEventListener("click", async () => { const cardsContainer = document.getElementById("cards-container"); cardsContainer.innerHTML = "

Refreshing cards...

"; await loadCards(); }); document.getElementById("cancel-publish-button").addEventListener("click", async () => { const cardsContainer = document.getElementById("cards-container"); cardsContainer.style.display = "flex"; // Restore visibility const publishCardView = document.getElementById("publish-card-view"); publishCardView.style.display = "none"; // Hide the publish form }); document.getElementById("add-link-button").addEventListener("click", async () => { const linksContainer = document.getElementById("links-container"); const newLinkInput = document.createElement("input"); newLinkInput.type = "text"; newLinkInput.className = "card-link"; newLinkInput.placeholder = "Enter QDN link"; linksContainer.appendChild(newLinkInput); }); document.getElementById("publish-card-form").addEventListener("submit", async (event) => { event.preventDefault(); await publishCard(); }); await loadCards(); } //Main function to load the Minter Cards ---------------------------------------- const loadCards = async () => { const cardsContainer = document.getElementById("cards-container"); cardsContainer.innerHTML = "

Loading cards...

"; try { const response = await qortalRequest({ action: "SEARCH_QDN_RESOURCES", service: "BLOG_POST", query: cardIdentifierPrefix, mode: "ALL" }); if (!response || !Array.isArray(response) || response.length === 0) { cardsContainer.innerHTML = "

No cards found.

"; return; } // Validate cards and filter const validatedCards = await Promise.all( response.map(async card => { const isValid = await validateCardStructure(card); return isValid ? card : null; }) ); const validCards = validatedCards.filter(card => card !== null); if (validCards.length === 0) { cardsContainer.innerHTML = "

No valid cards found.

"; return; } // Sort cards by timestamp descending (newest first) validCards.sort((a, b) => { const timestampA = a.updated || a.created || 0; const timestampB = b.updated || b.created || 0; return timestampB - timestampA; }); // Display skeleton cards immediately cardsContainer.innerHTML = ""; validCards.forEach(card => { const skeletonHTML = createSkeletonCardHTML(card.identifier); cardsContainer.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", skeletonHTML); }); // Fetch and update each card validCards.forEach(async card => { try { const cardDataResponse = await qortalRequest({ action: "FETCH_QDN_RESOURCE", name: card.name, service: "BLOG_POST", identifier: card.identifier, }); if (!cardDataResponse) { console.warn(`Skipping invalid card: ${JSON.stringify(card)}`); removeSkeleton(card.identifier); return; } // Skip cards without polls if (!cardDataResponse.poll) { console.warn(`Skipping card with no poll: ${card.identifier}`); removeSkeleton(card.identifier); return; } // Fetch poll results const pollResults = await fetchPollResults(cardDataResponse.poll); const BgColor = generateDarkPastelBackgroundBy(card.name) // Generate final card HTML const commentCount = await countComments(card.identifier) const cardUpdatedTime = card.updated || null const finalCardHTML = await createCardHTML(cardDataResponse, pollResults, card.identifier, commentCount, cardUpdatedTime, BgColor); replaceSkeleton(card.identifier, finalCardHTML); } catch (error) { console.error(`Error processing card ${card.identifier}:`, error); removeSkeleton(card.identifier); // Silently remove skeleton on error } }); } catch (error) { console.error("Error loading cards:", error); cardsContainer.innerHTML = "

Failed to load cards.

"; } }; const removeSkeleton = (cardIdentifier) => { const skeletonCard = document.getElementById(`skeleton-${cardIdentifier}`); if (skeletonCard) { skeletonCard.remove(); // Remove the skeleton silently } }; const replaceSkeleton = (cardIdentifier, htmlContent) => { const skeletonCard = document.getElementById(`skeleton-${cardIdentifier}`); if (skeletonCard) { skeletonCard.outerHTML = htmlContent; } }; // Function to create a skeleton card const createSkeletonCardHTML = (cardIdentifier) => { return `



While data loads from QDN...

`; }; // Function to check and fech an existing Minter Card if attempting to publish twice ---------------------------------------- const fetchExistingCard = async () => { try { // Step 1: Perform the search const response = await qortalRequest({ action: "SEARCH_QDN_RESOURCES", service: "BLOG_POST", identifier: cardIdentifierPrefix, name: userState.accountName, mode: "ALL", exactMatchNames: true // Search for the exact userName only when finding existing cards }); console.log(`SEARCH_QDN_RESOURCES response: ${JSON.stringify(response, null, 2)}`); // Step 2: Check if the response is an array and not empty if (!response || !Array.isArray(response) || response.length === 0) { console.log("No cards found for the current user."); return null; } // Step 3: Validate cards asynchronously const validatedCards = await Promise.all( response.map(async card => { const isValid = await validateCardStructure(card); return isValid ? card : null; }) ); // Step 4: Filter out invalid cards const validCards = validatedCards.filter(card => card !== null); if (validCards.length > 0) { // Step 5: Sort by most recent timestamp const mostRecentCard = validCards.sort((a, b) => b.created - a.created)[0]; // Step 6: Fetch full card data const cardDataResponse = await qortalRequest({ action: "FETCH_QDN_RESOURCE", name: userState.accountName, // User's account name service: "BLOG_POST", identifier: mostRecentCard.identifier }); existingCardIdentifier = mostRecentCard.identifier; existingCardData = cardDataResponse; console.log("Full card data fetched successfully:", cardDataResponse); return cardDataResponse; } console.log("No valid cards found."); return null; } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching existing card:", error); return null; } }; // Validate that a card is indeed a card and not a comment. ------------------------------------- const validateCardStructure = async (card) => { return ( typeof card === "object" && card.name && card.service === "BLOG_POST" && card.identifier && !card.identifier.includes("comment") && card.created ); } // Load existing card data passed, into the form for editing ------------------------------------- const loadCardIntoForm = async (cardData) => { console.log("Loading existing card data:", cardData); document.getElementById("card-header").value = cardData.header; document.getElementById("card-content").value = cardData.content; const linksContainer = document.getElementById("links-container"); linksContainer.innerHTML = ""; // Clear previous links cardData.links.forEach(link => { const linkInput = document.createElement("input"); linkInput.type = "text"; linkInput.className = "card-link"; linkInput.value = link; linksContainer.appendChild(linkInput); }); } // Main function to publish a new Minter Card ----------------------------------------------- const publishCard = async () => { const header = document.getElementById("card-header").value.trim(); const content = document.getElementById("card-content").value.trim(); const links = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".card-link")) .map(input => input.value.trim()) .filter(link => link.startsWith("qortal://")); if (!header || !content) { alert("Header and content are required!"); return; } const cardIdentifier = isExistingCard ? existingCardIdentifier : `${cardIdentifierPrefix}-${await uid()}`; const pollName = `${cardIdentifier}-poll`; const pollDescription = `Mintership Board Poll for ${userState.accountName}`; const cardData = { header, content, links, creator: userState.accountName, timestamp: Date.now(), poll: pollName, }; try { let base64CardData = await objectToBase64(cardData); if (!base64CardData) { console.log(`initial base64 object creation with objectToBase64 failed, using btoa...`); base64CardData = btoa(JSON.stringify(cardData)); } await qortalRequest({ action: "PUBLISH_QDN_RESOURCE", name: userState.accountName, service: "BLOG_POST", identifier: cardIdentifier, data64: base64CardData, }); if (!isExistingCard){ await qortalRequest({ action: "CREATE_POLL", pollName, pollDescription, pollOptions: ['Yes, No'], pollOwnerAddress: userState.accountAddress, }); alert("Card and poll published successfully!"); } if (isExistingCard){ alert("Card Updated Successfully! (No poll updates are possible at this time...)") } document.getElementById("publish-card-form").reset(); document.getElementById("publish-card-view").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("cards-container").style.display = "flex"; await loadCards(); } catch (error) { console.error("Error publishing card or poll:", error); alert("Failed to publish card and poll."); } } //Calculate the poll results passed from other functions with minterGroupMembers and minterAdmins --------------------------- const calculatePollResults = async (pollData, minterGroupMembers, minterAdmins) => { const memberAddresses = minterGroupMembers.map(member => member.member) const minterAdminAddresses = minterAdmins.map(member => member.member) const adminGroupsMembers = await fetchAllAdminGroupsMembers() const groupAdminAddresses = adminGroupsMembers.map(member => member.member) const adminAddresses = []; adminAddresses.push(...minterAdminAddresses,...groupAdminAddresses); let adminYes = 0, adminNo = 0, minterYes = 0, minterNo = 0, yesWeight = 0 , noWeight = 0 pollData.voteWeights.forEach(weightData => { if (weightData.optionName === 'Yes') { yesWeight = weightData.voteWeight } else if (weightData.optionName === 'No') { noWeight = weightData.voteWeight } }) for (const vote of pollData.votes) { const voterAddress = await getAddressFromPublicKey(vote.voterPublicKey) console.log(`voter address: ${voterAddress}`) if (vote.optionIndex === 0) { adminAddresses.includes(voterAddress) ? adminYes++ : memberAddresses.includes(voterAddress) ? minterYes++ : console.log(`voter ${voterAddress} is not a minter nor an admin...Not including results...`) } else if (vote.optionIndex === 1) { adminAddresses.includes(voterAddress) ? adminNo++ : memberAddresses.includes(voterAddress) ? minterNo++ : console.log(`voter ${voterAddress} is not a minter nor an admin...Not including results...`) } } // TODO - create a new function to calculate the weights of each voting MINTER only. // This will give ALL weight whether voter is in minter group or not... // until that is changed on the core we must calculate manually. const totalYesWeight = yesWeight const totalNoWeight = noWeight const totalYes = adminYes + minterYes const totalNo = adminNo + minterNo return { adminYes, adminNo, minterYes, minterNo, totalYes, totalNo, totalYesWeight, totalNoWeight } } // Post a comment on a card. --------------------------------- const postComment = async (cardIdentifier) => { const commentInput = document.getElementById(`new-comment-${cardIdentifier}`); const commentText = commentInput.value.trim(); if (!commentText) { alert('Comment cannot be empty!'); return; } const commentData = { content: commentText, creator: userState.accountName, timestamp: Date.now(), }; const commentIdentifier = `comment-${cardIdentifier}-${await uid()}`; try { const base64CommentData = await objectToBase64(commentData); if (!base64CommentData) { console.log(`initial base64 object creation with objectToBase64 failed, using btoa...`); base64CommentData = btoa(JSON.stringify(commentData)); } await qortalRequest({ action: 'PUBLISH_QDN_RESOURCE', name: userState.accountName, service: 'BLOG_POST', identifier: commentIdentifier, data64: base64CommentData, }); alert('Comment posted successfully!'); commentInput.value = ''; // Clear input // await displayComments(cardIdentifier); // Refresh comments - We don't need to do this as comments will be displayed only after confirmation. } catch (error) { console.error('Error posting comment:', error); alert('Failed to post comment.'); } }; //Fetch the comments for a card with passed card identifier ---------------------------- const fetchCommentsForCard = async (cardIdentifier) => { try { const response = await qortalRequest({ action: 'SEARCH_QDN_RESOURCES', service: 'BLOG_POST', query: `comment-${cardIdentifier}`, mode: "ALL" }); return response; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error fetching comments for ${cardIdentifier}:`, error); return []; } }; // display the comments on the card, with passed cardIdentifier to identify the card -------------- const displayComments = async (cardIdentifier) => { try { const comments = await fetchCommentsForCard(cardIdentifier); const commentsContainer = document.getElementById(`comments-container-${cardIdentifier}`); // Fetch and display each comment for (const comment of comments) { const commentDataResponse = await qortalRequest({ action: "FETCH_QDN_RESOURCE", name: comment.name, service: "BLOG_POST", identifier: comment.identifier, }); const timestamp = await timestampToHumanReadableDate(commentDataResponse.timestamp); //TODO - add fetching of poll results and checking to see if the commenter has voted and display it as 'supports minter' section. const commentHTML = `




`; commentsContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', commentHTML); } } catch (error) { console.error(`Error displaying comments for ${cardIdentifier}:`, error); alert("Failed to load comments. Please try again."); } }; // Toggle comments from being shown or not, with passed cardIdentifier for comments being toggled -------------------- const toggleComments = async (cardIdentifier) => { const commentsSection = document.getElementById(`comments-section-${cardIdentifier}`); if (commentsSection.style.display === 'none' || !commentsSection.style.display) { await displayComments(cardIdentifier); commentsSection.style.display = 'block'; } else { commentsSection.style.display = 'none'; } }; const countComments = async (cardIdentifier) => { try { const response = await qortalRequest({ action: 'SEARCH_QDN_RESOURCES', service: 'BLOG_POST', query: `comment-${cardIdentifier}`, mode: "ALL" }); // Just return the count; no need to decrypt each comment here return Array.isArray(response) ? response.length : 0; } catch (error) { console.error(`Error fetching comment count for ${cardIdentifier}:`, error); return 0; } }; const createModal = async () => { const modalHTML = ` `; document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', modalHTML); } // Function to open the modal const openModal = async (link) => { const processedLink = await processLink(link) // Process the link to replace `qortal://` for rendering in modal const modal = document.getElementById('modal'); const modalContent = document.getElementById('modalContent'); modalContent.src = processedLink; // Set the iframe source to the link modal.style.display = 'block'; // Show the modal } // Function to close the modal const closeModal = async () => { const modal = document.getElementById('modal'); const modalContent = document.getElementById('modalContent'); modal.style.display = 'none'; // Hide the modal modalContent.src = ''; // Clear the iframe source } const processLink = async (link) => { if (link.startsWith('qortal://')) { const match = link.match(/^qortal:\/\/([^/]+)(\/.*)?$/); if (match) { const firstParam = match[1].toUpperCase(); const remainingPath = match[2] || ""; const themeColor = window._qdnTheme || 'default'; // Fallback to 'default' if undefined // Simulating async operation if needed await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10)); // Append theme as a query parameter return `/render/${firstParam}${remainingPath}?theme=${themeColor}`; } } return link; }; // Hash the name and map it to a dark pastel color const generateDarkPastelBackgroundBy = (name) => { // 1) Basic string hashing let hash = 0; for (let i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { hash = (hash << 5) - hash + name.charCodeAt(i); hash |= 0; // Convert to 32-bit integer } const safeHash = Math.abs(hash); // 2) Restrict hue to a 'blue-ish' range (150..270 = 120 degrees total) // We'll define a certain number of hue steps in that range. const hueSteps = 69.69; // e.g., 12 steps const hueIndex = safeHash % hueSteps; // Each step is 120 / (hueSteps - 1) or so: // but a simpler approach is 120 / hueSteps. It's okay if we don't use the extreme ends exactly. const hueRange = 240; const hue = 22.69 + (hueIndex * (hueRange / hueSteps)); // This yields values like 150, 160, 170, ... up to near 270 // 3) Satura­tion: const satSteps = 13.69; const satIndex = safeHash % satSteps; const saturation = 18 + (satIndex * 1.333); // 4) Lightness: const lightSteps = 3.69; const lightIndex = safeHash % lightSteps; const lightness = 7 + lightIndex; // 5) Return the HSL color string return `hsl(${hue}, ${saturation}%, ${lightness}%)`; }; // Create the overall Minter Card HTML ----------------------------------------------- const createCardHTML = async (cardData, pollResults, cardIdentifier, commentCount, cardUpdatedTime, BgColor) => { const { header, content, links, creator, timestamp, poll } = cardData; const formattedDate = cardUpdatedTime ? new Date(cardUpdatedTime).toLocaleString() : new Date(timestamp).toLocaleString() // const avatarUrl = `/arbitrary/THUMBNAIL/${creator}/qortal_avatar`; const avatarHtml = await getMinterAvatar(creator) const linksHTML = links.map((link, index) => ` `).join(""); const minterGroupMembers = await fetchMinterGroupMembers(); const minterAdmins = await fetchMinterGroupAdmins(); const { adminYes = 0, adminNo = 0, minterYes = 0, minterNo = 0, totalYes = 0, totalNo = 0, totalYesWeight = 0, totalNoWeight = 0 } = await calculatePollResults(pollResults, minterGroupMembers, minterAdmins) await createModal() return `



Admin Yes: ${adminYes} Admin No: ${adminNo}
Minter Yes: ${minterYes} Minter No: ${minterNo}
Total Yes: ${totalYes} Weight: ${totalYesWeight} Total No: ${totalNo} Weight: ${totalNoWeight}

(click COMMENTS button to open/close card comments)

By: ${creator} - ${formattedDate}

`; }