forked from Qortal/Brooklyn
77 lines
2.2 KiB
77 lines
2.2 KiB
// The confidential and proprietary information contained in this file may
// only be used by a person authorised under and to the extent permitted
// by a subsisting licensing agreement from ARM Limited or its affiliates.
// (C) COPYRIGHT 2015-2020 ARM Limited or its affiliates.
// This entire notice must be reproduced on all copies of this file
// and copies of this file may only be made by a person if such person is
// permitted to do so under the terms of a subsisting license agreement
// from ARM Limited or its affiliates.
// Release Information : HERCULESAE-MP106-r0p1-00eac0
// SystemVerilog (IEEE Std 1800-2012)
`include ""
module herculesae_vx_sha256su0
input wire [127:0] qd,
input wire [31:0] qn,
input wire [31:0] sumd,
output wire [31:0] suma,
output wire [31:0] sumb,
output wire [127:0] d
wire d1_cout;
wire d2_cout;
wire d3_cout;
wire [127:0] t;
wire [127:0] t0;
assign t[127:0] = {qn[31:0], qd[127:32]};
assign t0[127:96] = {t[102:96], t[127:103]} ^ {t[113:96], t[127:114]} ^ {3'b000, t[127:99]};
assign t0[95:64] = {t[ 70:64], t[ 95: 71]} ^ {t[ 81:64], t[ 95: 82]} ^ {3'b000, t[ 95:67]};
assign t0[63:32] = {t[ 38:32], t[ 63: 39]} ^ {t[ 49:32], t[ 63: 50]} ^ {3'b000, t[ 63:35]};
assign t0[31:0] = {t[ 6: 0], t[ 31: 7]} ^ {t[ 17: 0], t[ 31: 18]} ^ {3'b000, t[ 31: 3]};
assign {d3_cout, d[127:96]} = t0[127:96] + qd[127:96] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign {d2_cout, d[95:64]} = t0[95:64] + qd[95:64] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign {d1_cout, d[63:32]} = t0[63:32] + qd[63:32] + {{31{1'b0}}, 1'b0};
assign suma[31:0] = t0[31:0];
assign sumb[31:0] = qd[31:0];
assign d[31:0] = sumd[31:0];
`include ""