forked from Qortal/Brooklyn
139 lines
5.7 KiB
139 lines
5.7 KiB
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Noah Davis <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Templates 2.15 as T
import QtQml 2.15
import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.plasma.components 3.0 as PC3
import org.kde.plasma.private.kicker 0.1 as Kicker
BasePage {
id: root
sideBarComponent: KickoffListView {
id: sideBar
focus: true // needed for Loaders
model: plasmoid.rootItem.rootModel
delegate: KickoffItemDelegate {
width: view.availableWidth
isCategory: model.hasChildren
contentAreaComponent: VerticalStackView {
id: stackView
readonly property string preferredFavoritesViewObjectName: plasmoid.configuration.favoritesDisplay == 0 ? "favoritesGridView" : "favoritesListView"
readonly property Component preferredFavoritesViewComponent: plasmoid.configuration.favoritesDisplay == 0 ? favoritesGridViewComponent : favoritesListViewComponent
readonly property string preferredAppsViewObjectName: plasmoid.configuration.applicationsDisplay == 0 ? "applicationsGridView" : "applicationsListView"
readonly property Component preferredAppsViewComponent: plasmoid.configuration.applicationsDisplay == 0 ? applicationsGridViewComponent : applicationsListViewComponent
// NOTE: The 0 index modelForRow isn't supposed to be used. That's just how it works.
property int appsModelRow: 1
readonly property Kicker.AppsModel appsModel: plasmoid.rootItem.rootModel.modelForRow(appsModelRow)
focus: true
initialItem: preferredFavoritesViewComponent
Component {
id: favoritesListViewComponent
DropAreaListView {
id: favoritesListView
objectName: "favoritesListView"
mainContentView: true
focus: true
model: plasmoid.rootItem.rootModel.favoritesModel
Component {
id: favoritesGridViewComponent
DropAreaGridView {
id: favoritesGridView
objectName: "favoritesGridView"
focus: true
model: plasmoid.rootItem.rootModel.favoritesModel
Component {
id: applicationsListViewComponent
KickoffListView {
id: applicationsListView
objectName: "applicationsListView"
mainContentView: true
model: stackView.appsModel
| model && model.description == "KICKER_ALL_MODEL" ? "display" : ""
section.criteria: ViewSection.FirstCharacter
Component {
id: applicationsGridViewComponent
KickoffGridView {
id: applicationsGridView
objectName: "applicationsGridView"
model: stackView.appsModel
onPreferredFavoritesViewComponentChanged: {
if (root.sideBarItem != null && root.sideBarItem.currentIndex === 0) {
onPreferredAppsViewComponentChanged: {
if (root.sideBarItem != null && root.sideBarItem.currentIndex > 1) {
Connections {
target: root.sideBarItem
function onCurrentIndexChanged() {
// Only update row index if the condition is met.
// The 0 index modelForRow isn't supposed to be used. That's just how it works.
if (root.sideBarItem.currentIndex > 0) {
appsModelRow = root.sideBarItem.currentIndex
if (root.sideBarItem.currentIndex === 0
&& stackView.currentItem.objectName !== stackView.preferredFavoritesViewObjectName) {
} else if (root.sideBarItem.currentIndex === 1
&& stackView.currentItem.objectName !== "applicationsListView") {
// Always use list view for alphabetical apps view since grid view doesn't have sections
// TODO: maybe find a way to have a list view with grids in each section?
} else if (root.sideBarItem.currentIndex > 1
&& stackView.currentItem.objectName !== stackView.preferredAppsViewObjectName) {
Connections {
target: plasmoid
function onExpandedChanged() {
if(!plasmoid.expanded) {
// NormalPage doesn't get destroyed when deactivated, so the binding uses
// StackView.status and visible. This way the bindings are reset when
// NormalPage is Activated again.
Binding {
target: plasmoid.rootItem
property: "sideBar"
value: root.sideBarItem
when: root.T.StackView.status === T.StackView.Active && root.visible
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBinding
Binding {
target: plasmoid.rootItem
property: "contentArea"
value: root.contentAreaItem.currentItem // NOT just root.contentAreaItem
when: root.T.StackView.status === T.StackView.Active && root.visible
restoreMode: Binding.RestoreBinding