QortalOS Brooklyn for Raspberry Pi 4
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1097 lines
44 KiB

group "E_Config" struct {
value "config_version" int: 1000033;
value "config_type" uint: 3;
value "desktop_default_name" string: "%i-%i";
value "desktop_default_window_profile" string: "standard";
value "menus_scroll_speed" double: 1000.0;
value "menus_fast_mouse_move_threshhold" double: 300.0;
value "menus_click_drag_timeout" double: 0.25;
value "border_shade_animate" int: 1;
value "border_shade_transition" int: 3;
value "border_shade_speed" double: 3000.0;
value "priority" int: 3;
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value "border_fix_on_shelf_toggle" int: 0;
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value "kill_if_close_not_possible" int: 1;
value "kill_process" int: 1;
value "kill_timer_wait" double: 10.0;
value "ping_clients" int: 1;
value "transition_desk" string: "vswipe";
value "transition_change" string: "crossfade";
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value "screensaver_suspend_on_ac" uchar: 0;
value "screensaver_suspend_delay" double: 15.0;
value "dpms_enable" int: 1;
value "dpms_standby_enable" int: 1;
value "dpms_suspend_enable" int: 1;
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value "dpms_standby_timeout" int: 300;
value "dpms_suspend_timeout" int: 300;
value "dpms_off_timeout" int: 300;
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value "clientlist_separate_with" int: 0;
value "clientlist_sort_by" int: 0;
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value "clientlist_warp_to_iconified_desktop" int: 0;
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value "clientlist_max_caption_len" int: 2;
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value "desk_flip_animate_time" double: 0.2;
value "wallpaper_import_last_dev" string: "~/";
value "wallpaper_import_last_path" string: "/";
value "theme_default_border_style" string: "default";
value "desk_auto_switch" int: 0;
value "thumb_nice" int: 0;
value "screen_limits" int: 0;
value "menu_favorites_show" int: 1;
value "menu_apps_show" int: 1;
value "ping_clients_interval" int: 128;
value "cache_flush_poll_interval" int: 512;
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value "thumbscroll_momentum_threshhold" double: 100.0;
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value "default_system_menu" string: "";
value "cfgdlg_normal_wins" uchar: 0;
value "syscon.main.icon_size" int: 64;
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value "syscon.extra.icon_size" int: 48;
value "syscon.timeout" double: 5.0;
value "syscon.do_input" uchar: 1;
value "exec.expire_timeout" double: 30.0;
value "exec.show_run_dialog" uchar: 1;
value "exec.show_exit_dialog" uchar: 1;
value "null_container_win" uchar: 0;
value "backlight.normal" double: 1.0;
value "backlight.dim" double: 0.3;
value "backlight.transition" double: 0.5;
value "backlight.timer" double: 30.0;
value "backlight.battery_timer" double: 20.0;
value "backlight.idle_dim" uchar: 1;
value "deskenv.load_xrdb" uchar: 1;
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value "xsettings.xft_antialias" int: 0;
value "xsettings.xft_hinting" int: 0;
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value "update.later" uchar: 0;
value "powersave.none" double: 0.25;
value "powersave.low" double: 5.0;
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value "powersave.high" double: 300.0;
value "powersave.extreme" double: 1200.0;
value "powersave.min" int: 0;
value "powersave.max" int: 5;
value "no_module_delay" int: 1;
group "syscon.actions" list {
group "E_Config_Syscon_Action" struct {
value "action" string: "halt";
value "params" string: "now";
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group "E_Config_Syscon_Action" struct {
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group "E_Config_Syscon_Action" struct {
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group "E_Config_Syscon_Action" struct {
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group "E_Config_Syscon_Action" struct {
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group "E_Config_Syscon_Action" struct {
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group "shelves" list {
group "E_Config_Shelf" struct {
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group "E_Config_Gadcon" struct {
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