QortalOS Brooklyn for Raspberry Pi 4
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/* ST7732 LCD driver chip command byte.
command_name = value read_n_bytes:write_n_bytes: simple description */
enum st7732_cmd {
NOP = 0x00, /* 0:0: No Operatin */
SWRESET = 0x01, /* 0:0: Software reset */
RDDID = 0x04, /* 0:3: Read Display ID */
RDRST = 0x09, /* 0:4: Read Display Status */
RDDPM = 0x0a, /* 0:1: Read Display Power Mode */
RDD_MADCTL = 0x0b, /* 0:1: Read Display MADCTL */
RDD_COLMOD = 0x0c, /* 0:1: Read Display Pixel Format */
RDDIM = 0x0d, /* 0:1: Read Display Image Mode */
RDDSM = 0x0e, /* 0:1: Read Display Signal Mode */
RDDSDR = 0x0f, /* 0:1: Read Display Self-diagnostic result */
SLPIN = 0x10, /* 0:0: Sleep in & booster off */
SLPOUT = 0x11, /* 0:0: Sleep out & booster on */
PTLON = 0x12, /* 0:0: Pertial mode on */
NORON = 0x13, /* 0:0: Normal mode on (Pertial off) */
INVOFF = 0x20, /* 0:0: Display inversion off */
INVON = 0x21, /* 0:0: Display inversion on */
GAMSET = 0x26, /* 1:0: Gamma curve select */
DISPOFF = 0x28, /* 0:0: Display off */
DISPON = 0x29, /* 0:0: Display on */
CASET = 0x2a, /* 4:0: Column address set */
RASET = 0x2b, /* 4:0: Raw address set */
RAMWR = 0x2c, /* 1:0: Memory write */
RAMRD = 0x2e, /* 0:1: Memory read */
PTLAR = 0x30, /* 4:0: Partial start/end address set */
SCRLAR = 0x33, /* 6:0: Scroll area set */
TEOFF = 0x34, /* 0:0: Tearing effect line off */
TEON = 0x35, /* 1:0: Tearing effect mode set & on */
MADCTL = 0x36, /* 1:0: Memory data access control */
VSCSAD = 0x37, /* 2:0: Scroll start address of RAM */
IDMOFF = 0x38, /* 0:0: Idle mode off */
IDMON = 0x39, /* 0:0: Idle mode on */
COLMOD = 0x3a, /* 1:0: Interface pixel format */
RDID1 = 0xda, /* 0:1: Read ID1 */
RDID2 = 0xdb, /* 0:1: Read ID2 */
RDID3 = 0xdc, /* 0:1: Read ID3 */
RGBCTR = 0xb0, /* 1:0: Set RGB signal control */
FRMCTR1 = 0xb1, /* 3:0: In normal mode */
FRMCTR2 = 0xb2, /* 3:0: In Idel mode (8-colors) */
FRMCTR3 = 0xb3, /* 6:0: In partial mode + Full colors */
INVCTR = 0xb4, /* 1:0: Display inversion control */
RGB_BPCTR = 0xb5, /* 4:0: RGB I/F Blanking porch setting */
DISSET5 = 0xb6, /* 2:0: Display function setting */
PWCTR1 = 0xc0, /* 2:0: Power control setting */
PWCTR2 = 0xc1, /* 1:0: Power control setting */
PWCTR3 = 0xc2, /* 2:0: Power control setting (Full colors) */
PWCTR4 = 0xc3, /* 2:0: Power control setting (8-colors) */
PWCTR5 = 0xc4, /* 2:0: Power control setting (In partial mode) */
VMCTR1 = 0xc5, /* 2:0: VCOM control */
VMOFCTR = 0xc6, /* 1:0: VCOM offset control */
WRID2 = 0xd1, /* 1:0: Write ID2 value to NV */
WRID3 = 0xd2, /* 1:0: Write ID3 value to NV */
RDID4 = 0xd3, /* 0:4: IC Vender code */
NVCTR1 = 0xd9, /* 0:1:no-fummy NVM control status */
NVCTR2 = 0xde, /* 3:0: NVM read command (aa, 0f, a5) */
NVCTR3 = 0xdf, /* 3:0: NVM write command (55, f0, 5a) */
GAMCTRP1 = 0xe0, /* 13:0: Set Gamma correction + */
GAMCTRN1 = 0xe1, /* 13:0: Set Gamma correction - */
AUTO_CTRL = 0xf1, /* 1:0: NVM write function ON/OFF */
OSCADJ = 0xf2, /* 1:0: Osillator frequency setting */
DISPCTRL = 0xf5, /* 1:0: Display function control */
DEFADJ = 0xf6, /* 1:0: Default mode setting */
typedef enum st7732_cmd st7732_cmd_t;
extern void lcd_command_no (st7732_cmd_t cmd);
extern void lcd_command_readn (st7732_cmd_t cmd, uint8_t *p, size_t n);
extern void lcd_command_writen (st7732_cmd_t cmd, uint8_t *p, size_t n);
extern void lcd_command_filln (st7732_cmd_t cmd, uint8_t b, size_t n);
extern void lcd_init (void);
extern void lcd_draw_point (int x, int y, int r, int g, int b);
extern void lcd_draw_hexfont5x8 (uint32_t hex, int x, int y, int r, int g,
int b, int bg);
extern void lcd_printhex (uint32_t hex, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b,
int bg);
#define LCD_COLUMN 128
#define LCD_ROW 160