ScrollForm 0 0 610 503 Scrolling QFormLayout::FieldsStayAtSizeHint Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignTop Edge scrolling: kcfg_VertEdgeScroll Enable vertical scrolling when dragging along the right edge Vertical Enable horizontal scrolling when dragging along the bottom edge Horizontal Enable vertical scrolling when dragging with two fingers anywhere on the touchpad Vertical Enable horizontal scrolling when dragging with two fingers anywhere on the touchpad Horizontal Reverse vertical scrolling Vertical Reverse horizontal scrolling Horizontal Two-finger scrolling: kcfg_VertTwoFingerScroll Reverse scrolling: kcfg_InvertVertScroll 300 0 Scrolling Distance true QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Vertical: kcfg_VertScrollDelta Move distance of the finger for a scroll event 1000.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 mm 1 Horizontal: kcfg_HorizScrollDelta Move distance of the finger for a scroll event 1000.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 mm 1 Continue scrolling after the finger is released from the edge of the touchpad Coasting true true QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Minimum speed: kcfg_CoastingSpeed Your finger needs to produce this many scrolls per second in order to start coasting 1.000000000000000 scrolls/sec Deceleration: kcfg_CoastingFriction Number of scrolls/second² to decrease the coasting speed 1.000000000000000 scrolls/sec² Corner coasting: kcfg_CornerCoasting Enable edge scrolling to continue while the finger stays in an edge corner Enable Scrolling is engaged when a drag starts in the given trigger region. Moving your finger in clockwise circles around the center of the touchpad will scroll down and counter clockwise motion will scroll up Circular Scrolling true true QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow Trigger region: kcfg_CircScrollTrigger Trigger region on the touchpad to start circular scrolling Angle: kcfg_CircScrollDelta 0 0 45.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 Move angle (degrees) of finger to generate a scroll event ° When used together with vertical scrolling, hitting the upper or lower right corner will seamlessly switch over from vertical to circular scrolling true KComboBox QComboBox
kcfg_VertEdgeScroll kcfg_HorizEdgeScroll kcfg_VertTwoFingerScroll kcfg_HorizTwoFingerScroll kcfg_InvertVertScroll kcfg_InvertHorizScroll kcfg_VertScrollDelta kcfg_HorizScrollDelta kcfg_Coasting kcfg_CoastingSpeed kcfg_CoastingFriction kcfg_CornerCoasting kcfg_CircularScrolling kcfg_CircScrollTrigger kcfg_CircScrollDelta