KdedForm 0 0 486 351 Enable/Disable Touchpad 0 0 0 0 Configureā€¦ Keyboard shortcuts: configureShortcutsButton Disable touchpad when typing true true QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Timeout: kcfg_KeyboardActivityTimeoutMs If there was no keyboard activity for more than specified number of milliseconds, touchpad will be enabled again 0 99 10 ms Disable click emulation and scrolling. You will be still able to move pointer using touchpad and perform clicks with hardware buttons. Disable taps and scrolling only Disable touchpad when mouse is plugged in true true Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignTop Notifications: configureNotificationsButton Configureā€¦ Ignored devices: kcfg_MouseBlacklist Some devices might be incorrectly treated as a mouse. You can add them to this list so that they will be ignored when they're plugged in. KEditListWidget::Add|KEditListWidget::Remove KEditListWidget QGroupBox
QSpinBox QWidget
configureShortcutsButton kcfg_DisableOnKeyboardActivity kcfg_KeyboardActivityTimeoutMs kcfg_OnlyDisableTapAndScrollOnKeyboardActivity kcfg_DisableWhenMousePluggedIn